• pot;kettle;bottle;flask
  • 陶瓷或金属制成的一种有把有嘴的器具,通常用来盛茶、酒等液体:茶~。酒~。喷~。油~。

  • 像壶的形状或出水状态的东西:~铃(举重辅助器械之一,形状像水壶)。

  • 姓。


(盛液体的容器) kettle; pot:

  • 茶壶


  • 水壶


  • 油壶

    oil can


(瓶) bottle; flask:

  • 暖壶

    thermos bottle [flask];

  • 行军壶

    water bottle; canteen


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 壶遂

    Hu Sui

  1. 我要烧壶水沏茶。

    I 'll put the kettle on and make some tea .

  2. 电视播放广告时,我起身去烧了壶水。

    When the adverts came on I got up to put the kettle on .

  3. 这些壶底部粗,顶部细。

    The pots are wide at the base and tapered at the top .

  4. 这个电壶需要一根新电热丝。

    The kettle needs a new element .

  5. 我来重新沏壶茶。

    I 'll make a fresh brew .

  6. 他们喝了一壶咖啡。

    They drank a pot of coffee .

  7. 壶里的水开了,冒着蒸汽。

    Steam rose from the boiling kettle .

  8. 壶开了。

    The kettle 's boiling .

  9. 要我按铃叫一壶新沏的茶水吗?

    Shall I ring for a fresh pot of tea ?

  10. 我去烧壶水给大家沏茶。

    I 'll put the kettle on and make us some tea .

  11. 给我来一壶茶,我快要渴死了。

    Order me a pot of tea , I 'm dying of thirst .

  12. 她正在鼓捣咖啡壶,那壶又坏了。

    She was messing with the coffee pot , which was acting up again .

  13. 下意识地,她习惯性地把咖啡壶的插头插上了。

    Unconsciously , by force of habit , she plugged the coffee pot in .

  14. 我要烧壶水沏茶,或者煮些咖啡。

    I 'll put on the kettle for tea . Or boil up some coffee .

  15. 壶里有茶。

    There 's tea in the pot .

  16. 他冲了一壶咖啡。

    He brewed a pot of coffee .

  17. 你能不能把那壶茶泡好?瞧你坐立不安的样子,真要把我惹急了。

    And can you make that tea before your fidgeting drives me completely round the bend .

  18. 壶里的水开了吗?

    Is the kettle boiling ?

  19. 她拿起咖啡壶,又轻手放下去了客厅。

    She picked up the coffee pot , then plopped it down and went into the living room .

  20. 倒掉沉渣,把壶涮干净。

    Pour the dregs away and rinse the pot .

  21. 别把壶里的茶滗干了。

    Don 't drain the teapot dry .

  22. 哎哟,壶漏啦!

    Hey , the kettle leaks !

  23. 壶要烧干了,赶快续水。

    The kettle ( on the fire ) is nearly dry . Put some more water in it , quick .

  24. 锅、盘、壶及拖把是厨房用具。

    Pots , pans , kettles and mops are kitchen utensils .

  25. 壶里的水全部烧干,壶也烧坏了。

    All the water boiled away and the kettle was ruined .

  26. 壶底有道漏缝。

    There is a crack in the bottom of the kettle .

  27. 壶里开始冒热气了。

    The kettle 's just on the boil .

  28. 这个壶的特殊形状使人们可以确定它的年代大约为公元600年。

    The unusual shape of the pot dates it in the order of a.d.600 .

  29. 壶里是开水。

    There 's boiled water in the pot .

  30. 我去提壶水来。

    I will fetch a kettle of water .