
  • 网络periampullary carcinoma;Periampullary cancer;periampullary adenocarcinoma
  1. 方法对18例胰头癌、壶腹周围癌和其他壶腹周围非肿瘤性疾病实施胰十二指肠切除术或胆肠短路术,术中胆肠吻合采用了ILS吻合器,并进行围手术期评估和随访。

    Methods Eighteen patients with cancer of pancreatic head , periampullary adenocarcinoma and other non neoplastic diseases were subjected to pancreaticoduodenectomy or biliary-enteric bypass in which choledochojejunostomy was done with stapler .

  2. 目的:壶腹周围癌包括壶腹癌,胆总管下端癌和十二指肠癌,各种壶腹周围癌之间生物学特性不同,具有不同的预后。

    Objective : Periampullary carcinoma includes ampullary cancer , the terminal bile duct carcinoma and the duodenum cancer .

  3. 壶腹周围癌的CT和MRI征象分析

    Analysis of CT and MRI Features of Cancers arousal Ampulla

  4. 多层螺旋CT增强扫描对壶腹周围癌诊断价值探讨

    Enhanced multi-slice CT in diagnosis of periampullary carcinomas

  5. 螺旋CT诊断壶腹周围癌

    Diagnosis on Peri-ampullary Carcinoma with Spiral CT

  6. 十二指肠降部螺旋CT表现在壶腹周围癌诊断中的价值

    Spiral CT imaging of descending part of duodenum : role in diagnosis of peri-ampullaris carcinoma

  7. 结论螺旋CT薄层增强扫描对壶腹部癌的诊断具有较高的定位解剖学诊断价值,能为早期壶腹周围癌的影像诊断和临床治疗提供参考。

    Conclusion The thin scan of CT on peri-ampullary carcinoma might improve diagnosis on anatomy so that to supply the image and clinical references .

  8. 目的探讨ERCP对壶腹周围癌的早期诊断价值和合理应用。

    Objective To explore the value and rational application of ERCP in primary diagnosis of periampullar carcinomas .

  9. 目的探讨胰腺、Vater壶腹周围癌术中确诊方法。

    Objective To investigate the intraoperative confirmed diagnosis methods of pancreatic and peri-ampullar carcinoma .

  10. 目的探讨壶腹周围癌区域性胰腺切除(regionalpancreatectomy,RP)术后胃瘫(postopertivegastroparesissyndrome,PGS)的病因、发生机制及治疗方法。

    Objective To explore the etiology , mechanism and treatment of postoperative gastroparesis syndrome after regional pancreatectomy for periampullary carcinoma .

  11. 目的:探讨E-钙粘素(E-Cd)及p53在壶腹周围癌中的表达,及与壶腹周围癌的分化、浸润及转移的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between expressions of E-cadherin ( E-Cd ) and p53 and differentiation , infiltration and metastasis of peri-ampullar carcinoma .

  12. 方法对224例胰腺、Vater壶腹周围癌术中确诊方法进行回顾性分析。

    Methods Retrospective study of intraoperative confirmed diagnosis methods in 224 cases of pancreatic and peri-ampullar carcinoma was made .

  13. 对十二指肠癌及壶腹周围癌通常采用Whipple手术治疗。

    Whipple 's procedure was generally used for the treatment of carcinoma of the duodenum and the ampulla of Vater .

  14. 38.6%(17/44)壶腹周围癌p53阳性表达。

    That of tumors which had a metastasis was 81.25 % ( 13 / 16 ) . ( 2 ) The positive rate of p53 expression in 44 cases of peri-ampullar carcinoma was 38.6 % ( 17 / 44 ) .

  15. 结果EUS对胰腺癌及壶腹周围癌的诊断具有较高的准确性,胰腺癌的诊断准确率为95.2%,壶腹周围癌的诊断准确率为83.3%。

    [ Results ] EUS had higher diagnostic accuracy in diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma and ampullary carcinoma , and the diagnostic accuracy were 95.2 % and 83.3 % , respectively .

  16. 结论对于小于2cm的壶腹周围癌,尤其是高龄或有并发症的患者,该术式是一种安全、有效的治疗方法。

    Conclusion To those peri ampullar carcinoma which is no more than 2 cm in diameter , particularly those elder or with complications , local resection is a safe and effective curative method .

  17. 结论穿剌细胞学、组织学活检是胰腺、Vater壶腹周围癌术中确诊首选方法,根据肿瘤部位、生长方式等采取相应方法可达确诊目的。

    Conclusion Aspiration cytology and needle biopsy were the first choice of the intraoperative confirmed diagnosis methods in pancreatic and peri-ampullar carcinoma . Appropriate diagnosis method should be taken according to the tumor site and growth patterns .

  18. 因此,我们对直径<2cm的2例壶腹周围癌和1例十二指肠癌采用局部切除治疗,并取得了满意的近期效果。

    Therefore , local resection for tumours smaller than 2 cm in diameter was done in 2 cases of carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater and 1 case of carcinoma of the duodenum , and a satisfactory result was obtained .

  19. 外科手术治疗的33例ERCP诊断与术后诊断比较,ERCP对胆总管结石的诊断符合率为100%。对肿瘤诊断符合率77.8%,主要是胰腺癌、胆管癌、胆囊癌及壶腹周围癌等。

    Among 33 cases with surgery the comparison of postoperative and ERCP diagnosis results showed that the diagnostic coincidence rate of ERCP in choledocholithiasis was 100 % while in cancer diagnosis was 77 8 % , mainly pancreatic cancer , biliary duct cancer , gallbladder carcinoma and peri ampullar carcinoma .

  20. 影像学检查对壶腹周围癌诊断价值的临床研究

    Evaluation of imaging examinations in the diagnosis of periampullary carcinoma

  21. 壶腹周围癌区域性胰腺切除术后近期并发症及处理

    Early complications and treatment after regional pancreatectomy for periampullary carcinoma

  22. 诊断早期壶腹周围癌6/9。

    Classic cases were 6 cases of early peri-ampullar carcinoma .

  23. 壶腹周围癌影像学诊断及选择

    Imaging Examination and Choice of Cancer Around the Ampulla

  24. 合理全肠外营养对壶腹周围癌术后作用的研究

    The study on periampullary carcinoma patients for TPN therapy

  25. 胰腺和壶腹周围癌的外科治疗&118例胰十二指肠切除术的经验

    Pancreatoduodenectomy of 118 cases of pancreatic and periampullary cancer

  26. 胰腺外的壶腹周围癌的外科治疗胰管结石合并胰腺癌的诊治

    SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF PERIAMPULLARY CARCINOMAS Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatolithiasis complicated with pancreatic cancer

  27. 完全性胸腹腔内脏反位合并十二指肠壶腹周围癌一例报告与文献复习

    Periampullary carcinoma with situs inversus totalis : case report and review of the literature

  28. 彩色多普勒血流显像在胰头和壶腹周围癌可切除性评估中的应用价值

    Assessment of resectability of pancreatic head and periampullary tumors by color Doppler flow imaging

  29. 早期十二指肠癌及壶腹周围癌的局部切除治疗

    Local resection for the treatment of early carcinoma of the duodenum and ampulla of Vater

  30. 壶腹周围癌168例临床分析

    Periampullary cancer : analysis of 168 cases