
  • 网络copper tube;copper pipe;brass
  1. 他再次举起指挥棒,让铜管乐部加入进来。

    He once again raised his baton and brought in the brass .

  2. 由学校铜管乐队助兴。

    School brass band will provide music for entertainment .

  3. 铜管有几处受到了腐蚀。

    The copper pipework has corroded in places .

  4. 铜管按长度出售。

    Copper pipe is sold in lengths .

  5. 作为该国最著名的古典小号演奏家,莫里斯·墨菲曾师从黑堤磨坊铜管乐团。

    Maurice Murphy , one of the country 's leading classical trumpeters , learnt his craft with the Black Dyke Mills band .

  6. 乐队中有人能兼奏铜管乐器吗?

    Can any of the players double in brass ?

  7. 铜管乐器的声音太吵了。

    The brass is 〔 are 〕 too loud .

  8. 不锈钢管比铜管不易纠结,但不经酸性处理焊接较困难。

    The stainless tubing is less likely to kink than copper , but it is harder to solder without an acid treatment .

  9. 有西洋管弦乐队常见的弦乐器,木管和铜管乐器,还有打击乐器

    There are the usual strings , woodwinds , brasses and percussions of western orchestra .

  10. 基于WEB的铜管加工过程质量信息管理系统

    Quality management system based on WEB for production of copper tubes

  11. 基于PLC的铜管退火炉PID温度控制系统

    PID Temperature-Controlled System in Brass Pipe Annealing Stove Based on PLC

  12. YL10-4型铜管/棒液压拉伸机系统PLC控制设计

    Design of PLC for YL 10-4 copper tube / rod hydraulic drawing mill

  13. 新型高效U形铜管换热器的研制与应用

    The Development and Application of New Type High Efficiency Copper U tube Heat Exchanger

  14. 浅谈水平连铸TP2紫铜管坯的工艺制度

    Discussion of Process for TP_2 Copper Tubular Billet in Horizontal Continuous Casting

  15. 稀土元素对TP2铜管性能的影响

    Influence of lanthanide on properties of tp_2 copper tubes

  16. 软水中EPS对铜管/磷酸盐体系溶解性铜释放的影响

    Influence of EPS on orthophosphate corrosion inhibition for copper pipe in soft water

  17. 城市里闪烁着童话般的灯光;商店出售着专供节日用的发酵鱼(FermentedFish);一支铜管乐队在满是积雪的路面上吹奏着圣诞颂歌。

    The city shimmers with fairy lights ; shops sell festive fermented fish ; a brass band toots out carols from the snow-piled pavement .

  18. 三辊行星轧制过程中ACR紫铜管的组织和性能演变

    Microstructure and properties of ACR copper tube during three-roll planetary milling process

  19. 小批量铜管Fe2SO4一次成膜技术研究

    Research on Fe_2SO_4 Once Filming technology for Copper tubes of Small Batch

  20. MBT膜处理铜管的电化学研究

    Electro-Chemical Study on MBT Treatment of Copper Tube

  21. 国产引进型300MW火电机组凝汽器铜管一次性镀膜技术的应用

    One-shot Film Galvanization Technique Applied to Cu-Alloy Condenser Tubes of licensed Type 300 MW Generating Sets

  22. RichardWatkins--爱乐乐团前首席号角手--时任皇家音乐学院教授,在他的激发下,英国乐手独霸乐团的铜管乐部。

    Britain dominates the orchestra 's brass section , inspired by Richard Watkins , the Philharmonia 's former principal hornplayer , who is now a professor at the Royal Academy of Music .

  23. 提出环氧玻璃丝和细铜管两种封装方法,并讨论将两种封装的FBG分别植入排间绝缘内和实心铜线上的方案。

    Two packaging to FBG were proposed using epoxy glass and small copper tube . Two types of FBG embedded in row insulation placed or on the copper wire were discussed .

  24. 在铜管加工过程中,需要通过多次拉伸工序,获得壁厚为1~2mm的薄壁铜管。

    In the course of copper tube formation , thin copper tube of 1 ~ 2mm thickness can be obtained by multi-drawing .

  25. 电站高压加热器中的铜管由于给水pH值的提高,容易造成腐蚀而使其寿命缩短。

    The copper tube in the high pressure heater of power plants can be corroded easily by the boiler feed water with high pH values , which will bring on shortening of its service life . They always connected water with their attitude .

  26. 通过静态模拟试验研究了在软水体系中富里酸对铜管/磷酸盐缓蚀行为的影响,结果表明,富里酸含量、软水pH值、停留时间影响磷酸盐对铜管的缓蚀作用;

    The effects of fulvic acid on copper / orthophosphate corrosion inhibition behavior in soft water system were studied . The doses of fulvic acid , pH values of soft water and stagnation times affected the function of phosphate corrosion inhibition for copper pipe .

  27. 借助大型非线性有限元软件Marc,应用二维轴对称弹塑性有限元法模拟了B10白铜管的拉拔过程,对比分析了优化模具后铜管拉拔和实际生产中的铜管拉拔对模具以及铜管质量的影响。

    Applying 2D axisymmetric elastic-plastic FEM , the simulations of drawing of B10 copper tubes were carried out with the aid of nonlinear FEM software Marc .

  28. 大型火电厂中,作为循环冷却水补充水的石灰软化水出水pH值范围较宽,一些机组凝汽器铜管因此产生腐蚀、结垢问题。

    The copper tubes in the condensers of some generating sets in large thermal power plants have the problems of corrosion and scaling because of the wide ranges of pH values of the lime-softened outlet water , which is the makeup water of circulating cooling water .

  29. 在铜片-铜管太阳能集热板超声波焊接试验基础上研究了其焊接机理,通过分析焊接接头的SEM图及从能量角度估算焊接过程的摩擦做功,研究了铜片-铜管超声波焊接的形成机理。

    In this paper , the mechanism of ultrasonic welding is studied based on the copper fin to copper tube experiment . By analyzing the heat produced during the weld process and the SEM metallograph , the mechanism of ultrasonic welding is studied .

  30. HDC-7000铜管高速拉拔专用外模油研究

    Study on HDC-7000 Outside-die Type Oil for Copper Tubes High-speed Cold Drawing Process