- completely;Nothing is left

[completely] 没有剩下的
The natural pessimism of the bean-counter was reflected in the finding that 45 per cent said their chief executive was more optimistic than they were .
It was proved by comparison that flame-retardant PN-1 and PN-2 could improve flame retardant effect of fabrics .
Her voice was clear , but her face too legible .
The pleasure of the evening quite extinguished my fear of the last night .
We have latent talents and dormant faculties , which are brought to light by exercise .
The methods can meet the requirements of the fast maneuver and without residual vibration after maneuvering .
The faith of the enemy air crews in their new device was thus shattered at the outset .
Objective To obtain the expiratory resistance in pressure oxygen mask under no overpressure condition with numerical simulation method .
A single life doth well with church men : for charity will hardly water the ground ; swheresit must first fill a pool .
Cylinders with no residual pressure should be put aside for additional measures to make sure they are not contaminated with water or other contaminants .
Although I am good at it also , but I rarely win when in game with him , His controlling power and toughness got a good exposure during the game .
Result The movement of valve plate could be simulated with the method proposed , and the course of the " dithering " was found out . Numerical simulation of expiratory resistance of pressure oxygen mask under no overpressure condition
The improved design of process tooling structure realized continuous extrusion in common oil press machine .
Redundant flight control software for UAV is the core of redundant flight control system , and its performance , efficiency and code quality play a decisive role in the UAV flight performance and security .
In 5 patients who underwent combined anterior and posterior approaches , 1 case was unchanged , 4 cases were with neural improvement rate of 83.9 % .
The dimensionless average temperature and dimensionless temperature difference of rotor surface decrease with both of the dimensionless mass flow rate and rotational Reynolds number are increased .
Results 33 cases were followed up . Most of them were improved above Frankel grade one except for 2 cases of thoracic spinal injury ( T 6 , T 10 ) with complete paraplegia , and 2 cases of transverse injury of spinal cord .
As to the intestinal propulsion , the 5 % volatilization oil group and decoction groups had no effects , others could accelerate .