
  • Infernal Affairs;The Departed
  1. 当我看《无间道》的时候,他一下子吸引住了我。

    When I saw Infernal Affairs is when he caught my eye .

  2. 我最近看了《无间道》,是我迄今为止最喜欢的电影之一。

    I recently watched Infernal Affairs which is my favorite of his movies so far .

  3. 找寻无间道的游戏将会在Survivor历史上最戏剧性的部落会议之一中上开演,留给一个联盟的是惊讶而另外的是喜悦。

    A cat and mouse game plays out at one of the most dramatic Tribal Councils in SURVIVOR history , leaving one alliance shocked and the other gloating .

  4. 我最近刚刚在《无间道》中发现了他的才华。

    I 've only recently discovered his talent in Infernal Affairs .

  5. 问题16.你有没有看过《无间道》这部电影?

    Question 16.Have you seen the movie " The Departed " ?

  6. 他说《无间道风云》改编自中文电影。

    He said the Departed was adapted from a Chinese film .

  7. 我第一次看到他是在《无间道》。该死的,他真是个好演员。

    I saw him in infernal affairs , damn fine actor .

  8. 无间道:往往都是事情改变人,人却改变不了事情。

    Things always change man , but man can not change things .

  9. 不过,我最喜欢的他的表演是在《无间道》里。

    However , my favorite performance from him was in Infernal Affairs .

  10. 我认为他最好的表演是在《无间道》。

    I thought his best performance was in Infernal Affairs , though .

  11. 我觉得《无间道》是他最好的电影。

    I think infernal affairs his best film yet .

  12. 如果你爱益智解题,我打赌你会爱上无间道。

    If you love puzzle-solving , I bet you will love Infernal Affairs .

  13. 我很快就能看到《无间道》了。

    I will see him in Infernal Affairs soon .

  14. 无间道插曲再见警察再见钢琴版。

    Goodbye policeman goodbye in infernal affairs piano .

  15. 我盼望着下个月《无间道》在美国的上映。

    I look forward to the release of Infernal Affairs in the USA next month .

  16. 《无间道》说:“出来喝,总是要还的”。

    " The Departed " said : You shall pay for all what you had done .

  17. 它并没有在不同的人物之间建立起和原版无间道一样复杂的纠葛。

    It did not build up the entangled bounds between different roles as complicatedly as Infernal Affairs .

  18. 我看的第一部他的电影是《花样年华》,然后是《无间道》。

    The first movie I saw was In The Mood For Love , after that Infernal Affairs .

  19. 2002-2003年香港电影《无间道》系列(1、2、3)的出现,带动了香港警匪电影一次新的创作热潮,标志着香港警匪电影、乃至整个香港电影业的一次浴火重生。

    In 2002 and 2003 , the new gangster film ( 1 / 2 / 3 ) appeared and came to the top .

  20. 从《喋血街头》到《无间道》,这个人真的能融入任何一个交到他手上的角色。

    From Bullet in the Head to the Infernal Affairs , the guy can really nail any role that 's handed to him .

  21. 第一次看到他是在《无间道》,接下来发现(在他的好电影中)那不过是冰山的一角,我真是太高兴。

    First film I saw him in was Infernal Affairs , and that was just the tip of the iceberg , and I am so happy .

  22. 金门套用电影《无间道》的桥段,以卧底进入金门的故事介绍金门的安全管理制度。

    Gammon Skanska introduced its safety management system through the medium of a story about an undercover agent with inspirations from the famous local film Infernal Affairs .

  23. 女性,非裔美国人。我想他是目前最好的演员之一!我爱《无间道》里的他,那是我最喜欢的电影之一。

    Female , african-american . I think he is one of the best actors out there ! I loved him in infernal affairs , one of my favorite movies .

  24. 他不安的神色引发了谣传说他与警方发生了某些纠葛。它并没有在不同的人物之间建立起和原版无间道一样复杂的纠葛。

    His upset looking gave rise to rumors that he had got in trouble with police . It did not build up the entangled bounds between different roles as complicatedly as Infernal Affairs .

  25. 这将是斯科塞斯和迪卡普里奥在16年来的第六次合作,此前他们合作过《纽约黑帮》、《飞行家》、《无间道风云》、《禁闭岛》和《华尔街之狼》这些电影。

    This will mark Scorsese and DiCaprio 's sixth collaboration in 16 years following Gangs of New York , The Aviator , The Departed , Shutter Island and The Wolf of Wall Street .

  26. 一些钟爱香港警匪片的粉丝们也许留意过,在电影《无间道》(曾于2006年被好莱坞翻拍为《无间道行者》)经典的电梯一幕中,电梯上没有4层的按钮。

    Fans of the acclaimed Hong Kong police thriller Infernal Affairs ( which was given a Hollywood remake as The Departed ) may have noticed that the classic elevator scene skips the fourth floor .

  27. 2002年香港电影《无间道》堪称是一部扣人心弦的片子,讲述了三合会与警方相互潜伏的故事,还被好莱坞拿去拍了《无间道风云》,翻拍版还赢得了四项奥斯卡奖,包括最佳改编剧本奖。

    The 2002 Hong Kong movie " Infernal Affairs , " a gripping tale about a triad member who infiltrates the police , was remade in Hollywood as " The Departed , " which won four Oscars , including one for best adapted screenplay .

  28. 他是如此出色以至于虽然我看美版《神鬼无间》在先仍然认为《无间道》要精彩得多。

    He was so good that even though I saw The Departed first , I still think Infernal Affairs is the much better movie .