
  • 网络Connectivity;communicating junction;communication junction
  1. 整流控制系统与DCS的通讯连接

    Connection between rectification control system and DCS

  2. Server结构,通过局域网进行客户端与服务器的互访,实现各部门的通讯连接和各部门数据信息的共享。

    Server structure was adopted by this system . Via the exchanging visits of the client and server through the LAN , communication connection and all data information sharing can be achieved every department .

  3. 本文进行的软件开发主要包含以下部分:1.根据串口通信协议,编写相应的程序,使RFID读写器与应用软件进行通讯连接。

    In this paper , the software development mainly involves : 1 . According to the serial communication protocol , appropriate program is compiled to enable the RFID reader connected and communicated with application software .

  4. 通过让DSP信号处理模块对速度信号进行采集,用串口通讯连接上位机,让上位机来完成对信号的接收、处理及图形绘制等工作,进而最终得到电机的各种运行特性。

    DSP signal processing module is responsible for collecting the speed signal . Serial communications connects PC. PC accomplishes the work of signals receiving , processing and plotting , etc. And then we finally gain the work of various operation characteristics from motor .

  5. 介绍了MCGS组态软件的特点及功能,结合开发实例,给出了利用组态软件实现工业控制网络化的解决方案,并阐述了其通讯连接。

    The characteristic and function of MCGS configuration software are introduced . A solution of building industry controlling network with configuration software is presented by application example , and communication connection is described .

  6. 利用VB的微机串口通信功能,实现计算机和红外测温仪的通讯连接,通过Windows下的数据采集和工业控制应用软件,实现了数据的显示、判断、报警、保存和数据库的自动更新功能。

    The communication connection between the computer and the infrared radiation thermometers is established by VB software and the display , judgment , alarm and save of collected data and automatic update of the database are realized by data collection and industrial control 's software on Windows .

  7. 套接字依赖于系统并利用API进行网络编程实现,采用绑定-监听-连接-接收过程进行通讯连接,采用Winsock控件可以简化编程。

    Sockets depends on system , and it is realized by using network programming of API . The communication connection of Sockets is realized by the swathing-monitor-connection-receiving process , and the programming of Sockets can be simplified by using Winsock control .

  8. 利用现场总线技术保证智能体之间稳定可靠通讯连接。

    The reliable communication among agents is built by fieldbus technique .

  9. 但是还不能建立起通讯连接。

    But I 'm still unable to establish contact .

  10. 通讯连接在多用户文件共享系统中的应用

    Application of communication connection in multi-user file shared system

  11. 分散型控制系统与子系统的通讯连接(Ⅰ)

    The Communication Connection Between DCS and Subsystem (ⅰ)

  12. 也就是说,所有的部分-输入和输出单元、处理器和存储设备-都在不同的地方,是通过通讯连接起来的。

    In other words , all the parts-the input and output units , processors and storage devices-all in different places , through communication link up .

  13. 第四章阐述了上位机软件的实现,详细地说明了上位机监控软件的通讯连接实现、数据管理和画面设计。

    Based on the introduction of WinCC supervisory software , it introduces the design of epistatic supervisory software communication connection , data management and chart design .

  14. 蓝牙技术是一种用于各种固定与移动的数字化硬件设备之间的低成本、近距离的无线通讯连接技术,在家庭场合应用可以取代烦琐的电缆。

    Bluetooth is an inexpensive and short distance wireless communication technology used among every kinds of located and mobile digital equipment and can replace wire of the home appliances .

  15. 随着现场总线技术和计算机与外设接口技术的发展,建立现场总线网络节点和监控计算机之间可靠的通讯连接更加重要。

    With the development of field bus technology and interface technology between computer and peripherals , how to set up reliable connection between monitor computer and net nodes is more important .

  16. 介绍了一种以软件形式设计实现的信息检测和通信系统,它结合了多任务操作系统和TCP/IP技术,多处理器之间具有良好通讯连接机制。

    An information detection and communication system which perfectly united multitask operating system with TCP / IP technology and possessed good communication mechanism between multi-processors was designed and implemented by software .

  17. 因此,若你所安装或开放的功能、路服务与通讯连接埠越少,骇客就越不得其门而入。

    Because of this , the fewer capabilities / network services and communications connection ports that you install or open , the less likely it will be that a hacker will find a backdoor into your system .

  18. 分析了分布式文件共享系统的现状,提出了一种基于对等技术实现的通讯连接方法,并将此方法应用在多用户分布式文件共享系统中。

    On the basis of analysis of present situation for distributed file shared system , a sort of communication connection method based on peer to peer technology has been proposed and applied on the multi-user 's distributed file shared system .

  19. 该软件被设计为既可以通过固化操作协议用I/O端口与已运行板级支持包的目标板建立通讯连接,又可以通过边界扫描测试的方式直接操作目标板上的微控制器。

    The software is designed to be able to establish communication links through operation agreement with I / O ports with target board that has running BSP , but direct control the MCU on the target board through the JTAG as well .

  20. 第二部分通信接口层主要实现体系结构中各系统之间的通讯连接和信息传递,其中包括支付协议消息的传递和非支付协议消息的传递。

    The second is a communication layer . It is responsible for the connection of the communication and the transfer of the information including the messages referring to payment protocol and those referring to no payment protocol between the systems in this structure .

  21. 采用了USS协议,通过485通讯方式连接了所有的变频器。

    All transducers were connected by 485 net way !

  22. 线控转向(Steer-By-Wire,SBW)指通过通讯网络连接各部件的控制系统,它替代了传统的机械或液压连接,可以改善车辆操纵性、主动安全性、被动安全性。

    Steer-By-Wire denotes control systems that depend on a communication network to connect their components , rather than traditional mechanical or hydraulic linkages . It can improve handling , active and passive safety .

  23. 无法启动与桌面计算机的通讯。连接已被终止。

    Cannot start communications with the desktop computer . The connection was terminated .

  24. 分布式实时控制系统需要一个强大的通讯链路连接各个远端的子系统。

    Distributed real-time control systems require a powerful communication link between remote subsystems .

  25. 日益增长的需要把各大陆的通讯系统连接起来。

    There is an ever-increasing need to link communications systems on various continents .

  26. 控制芯片通过串口与通讯电路连接;

    The control chip is connected with the communication circuit through the serial port .

  27. 计算机网络是由通讯设施连接起来的计算机及其相关设备。

    A computer network is a group of computers and associated device connected by communication facilities .

  28. 科学家们正在将各个通讯系统连接起来,从而将收集到的数据资料传输给任何可将其转化为有用知识的使用者。

    They are linking communications systems to shunt these data to whomever can work them into useful knowledge .

  29. 对消费者来说,它是一个庞大的信息、通讯和连接资源–有时让人心烦意乱、垂头丧气,有时又让人感到如虎添翼。

    Sometimes to the consumer , it is a huge information , the communication and the connection resources-lets the human be confused , be dejected , sometimes lets the human feel even more powerful .

  30. 因为所有的IP通讯模块必须连接到火警警报系统的标准电话端口上,如果没有警报系统就不能使用,必须要配置警报系统。

    All IP communicators connect to a fire alarm panel 's standard telephone ports , so no changes to the panel 's configuration are required .