
diē dǎ sǔn shāng
  • traumatic injury;injuries from falls, fractures, contusions and strains;injuries from falls,fractures,contusions and strains
跌打损伤 [diē dǎ sǔn shāng]
  • [injuries from falls,fractures,contusions and strains] 泛指人因跌、打、磕、碰等原因而受的伤

跌打损伤[diē dǎ sǔn shāng]
  1. 瑞香科植物的树皮在民间主要用于治疗跌打损伤。

    Its stem bark is used for the treatment of injuries from falls and bruises in folk medicine .

  2. 该科多种植物在我国广西、云南、贵州等南方省区民间广泛用于治疗跌打损伤、咳喘及各种疮疡肿毒等症,功效显著。

    Plants of this group are widely used for the treatment of traumatic injury , coughs and swelling sores in Southern China .

  3. 常用跌打损伤中药中消肿类药的Na元素均值最高,为9.44mg/g,与理气类、活血类中药中Na元素含量呈现显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Common traumatic injury in traditional Chinese medicine detumescence drugs Na elements average highest content , 9.44mg / g , and Qi , Chinese traditional drugs in the Na element content showed a significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 运用Excel工作表和方差分析法分析84味常用跌打损伤中草药中钙元素含量与不同自然属性、功能主治、归经和性味之间的关系。

    Analyzes in 84 taste commonly used injury from fractures Chinese medicine using the Excel work sheet and the variance analytic method the calcium element content and the different natural quality , the effect , the nature and turns over to after between relations . Results : 1 .

  5. 12.竹圈盐灸治疗跌打损伤112例疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on 112 Cases of Contusion Treated by Salt-partition Moxibustion

  6. 跌打损伤涂膜剂的优选工艺及质量控制

    Optimization Craft and Quality Control of Traumatic Injury Coating Agent

  7. 用于治疗跌打损伤、淤血肿痛,以及各种皮肤感染疾病。

    For bruises , bruising , swelling and pain and various skin diseases .

  8. 用于防治流感、痢疾、风湿疼痛、跌打损伤。

    It is used for flu prevention , dysentery , rheumatism , pain , bruises .

  9. 主治:跌打损伤,感冒鼻塞,小儿疳积,百日咳;

    Indications : bruises , cold stuffy nose , plot rickets in children , whooping cough ;

  10. 用于各种骨折、脱臼及肌肉、筋骨跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛。

    Is used in various fractures , dislocaitons and muscles , bones injuries and hemostasis swelling pain .

  11. 医生建议颠簸,跌打损伤,擦伤和昆虫叮咬,以防止和减少肿胀。

    Doctors recommended for bumps , bruises , scrapes and insect bites to prevent and reduce swelling .

  12. 对于肌肉痛,关节痛,腰背疼痛,跌打损伤,肿胀和疼痛。

    For muscle pain , joint pain , low back pain , bruises and swelling and pain .

  13. 结论:复方藏红花油是一种治疗跌打损伤(急性软组织损伤)安全、有效的药物。

    Conclusion : Compound Zang Safflower is an effective and safe Chinese traditional medicine in the trerapy of Traumatic injury .

  14. 云南金叶子在民间主要用来治疗风寒、胃痛、风湿麻木和跌打损伤等症。

    In folk medicine , the leaves of C. yunnanense were used to treat wind-cold , gastralgia , rheumatic , traumatic injury and so on .

  15. 主治肺热咳嗽,头目眩晕,耳鸣,耳聋,目赤羞明,肝炎,风湿痹痛,跌打损伤,蛇头疔,无名肿毒。

    It is used to cure hyperactivity cough , vertigo , tinnitus , deafness , hepatitis , rheumatism , bruises , boils , swollen unknown poison .

  16. 是湖北土家族常用的植物药,主要用于治疗风湿疼痛、跌打损伤,还用于治疗骨髓炎、月经不调、腰痛、蛇咬伤等。

    It has been used as traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of pain in rheumatoid arthritis , traumatic injury , osteomyelitis , irregular menstruation and so on .

  17. 绣线菊作为一种药用植物,具有治疗跌打损伤、关节疼痛,治疗胃肠疾病,抗氧化,降血脂等作用。

    As a medical plant , it can be used to treat bruises , joint pain , and gastrointestinal disease and has the function of antioxidant and hypolipidemic .

  18. 蓝桉果实(俗称一口钟)在民间具有广泛的应用,主要用于治疗感冒、炎症、跌打损伤以及癌症等疾患。

    The fruit of Eucalyptus globules Labill . ( Yi kou zhong ) has long been used as traditional Chinese folk medicine to treat cold , inflammations , contusions and wounds .

  19. 例如,在美国,老年人跌倒后受轻伤或重伤者比例达20–30%,跌伤多为跌打损伤、髋部骨折、头部外伤等。

    For example , in the United States of America , 20 – 30 % of older people who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries such as bruises , hip fractures , or head traumas .

  20. 外因包括外感六淫之邪、跌打损伤等,因严重损伤腰腿部正常经络气血的走形而发病,外因发病较突然,常可导致较剧烈的疼痛感,严重影响人的正常生活。

    External causes include the six of the exogenous evils , injuries , etc. Serious damage of waist and leg ministry normal meridian qi contorts and pathogenesis . External causes will affect channels and can lead to more severe pain .

  21. 木姜子属植物的根、叶、果均可入药,具有疏风散寒、温中理气、活络祛淤和镇痛之功效,用于治疗肠胃炎、胃寒腹痛、水肿、风湿关节痛及跌打损伤等疾病。

    Its roots , leaves , fruits can be medicine , with a wind-dispersing cold , warm the qi , activate the effects of stasis and analgesic for the treatment of gastroenteritis , stomach cold abdominal pain , edema , rheumatism and joint pain bruises , and other diseases .