
  • 网络cross-border acquisition
  1. 调研公司dealogic的数据显示,新兴市场企业的跨国收购自2008年末爆发全球金融危机以来已经出现复苏,但仍低于危机前的高峰水平。

    As data from Dealogic , the research company , show , cross-border acquisitions by emerging markets-based companies have recovered since the onset of the global financial crisis in late 2008 but are still well short of the pre-crisis peak .

  2. 然而,对于中国企业来说,跨国收购仍然是一个陌生的领域。

    Cross-border acquisitions , however , are still a new field .

  3. 但是,跨国收购仍主要发生在发达国家之间,而发展中国家在整个FDI中所占比例却只有1/3左右。即对于发展中国家而言,新设企业投资仍是这些国家引进外资的主要来源。

    However , Transnational Merger and Acquisition mainly appears in the developed countries , and only 1 / 3 of it in the developing countries .

  4. 自20世纪90年代以来,全球的外国直接投资(FDI)有1/2以上是以跨国收购的形式进行,跨国收购已成为跨国直接投资的主流方式。

    Since 1990 's , Transnational Merger and Acquisition has become the main way of Transnational Directive Investment , and has been 1 / 2 of Foreign Directive Investment ( FDI ) of the whole word .

  5. 跨国收购上市公司法律问题研究

    Studies on Legal Issues of International Merging of Listed Company

  6. 跨国收购理论对于石油资源海外开发的启示

    The revelation of multinational purchase theory to exploiting petroleum resource over abroad

  7. 企业的跨国收购是一项复杂的、风险极高的投资活动。

    Enterprises'transnational purchase is an investment activity of complexity and of much risk .

  8. 跨国收购的法律对策

    Lawful countermeasures against transnational purchase

  9. 每当联想完成一笔跨国收购之后,公司员工就变得更加多元,企业架构也更为复杂。

    Each time Lenovo buys an overseas company , its staff gets more diverse and its corporate structure more complicated .

  10. 第四章概述了中国IT产业的现状和最近的一些跨国收购。

    Chapter Four gives an overview of the Chinese IT industry , including its current situation and recent cross-border acquisitions .

  11. 第一章为我国房地产跨国收购合同基本问题。

    Chapter one is a brief introduction to the contract of real estate enterprises ' cross-boarder acquisition and includes two parts .

  12. 由于各国在一定意义上承认了相关法律的域外效力,从而引发了跨国收购中的法律冲突和法律适用等问题,导致了跨国公司收购中的法律冲突问题。

    As the legality of the relative foreign laws are recognized to a certain degree in various countries , conflicts of laws are sure to come along in the application in the transnational corporation acquisition .

  13. 在跨国收购已经成为发达国家主要的对外直接投资方式的背景之下,外资收购我国上市公司股权对我国经济的重要性也不容低估。

    Recently the cross-national Merge and Acquisition ( M & A ) becomes to be a key method for Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) in developed countries , and the impact of stock acquisition to China 's economy cannot be underestimated .

  14. 在接受调查的亚洲大公司高管中,有80%以上的人表示,未来12个月内,“抑制外国所有权的国内立法”和亚洲各地各有不同的管理文化,最可能影响跨国收购。

    More than 80 per cent of senior executives of big companies in the region surveyed cited " domestic legislation that stifles foreign ownership " and widely different management cultures across Asia as most likely to derail cross-border acquisitions in the next 12 months .

  15. 随着资本市场的风云变幻和经济的日益一体化,跨国收购的数目也日益增加,企业越来越多的分支机构分布在不同区域,他们正在使用的网络基础设施因各不相同而会造成在连接上不兼容。

    With the changing of capital market and the increasing integration of economies , there are more and more cross border acquisitions . Meanwhile , more and more branches were created in different regions . The network infrastructure they are using are more different and not compatible each other .

  16. 在中国加入WTO之后,国际医药企业巨头凭借雄厚的资金、强大的研究开发实力及纯熟的跨国兼并收购技巧陆续进入中国,国内医药行业面临的国际竞争环境日趋严峻。

    After China join in WTO , the international medical enterprise giants rely on its rich fund , strong research and development strength and skillful transnational M & A skill to enter China successively . International competitive environment that the domestic medical trade faces is becoming more and more severe .

  17. 这家联营饭店集团已被一家大型跨国公司收购。

    The hotel chain has been bought by one of the big multinationals .

  18. 论跨国公司收购中的法律适用

    Application of Law in International Corporation Acquisition

  19. 私人股本公司及国外跨国企业收购及重组国有企业的努力也将受挫。

    Private equity firms ' and foreign multinationals ' efforts to buy and restructure state companies would also suffer a setback .

  20. 外国跨国企业收购或组建的公司往往在就业、薪资、投资以及生产率方面会出现更快增长。

    Companies acquired or established by foreign multinationals subsequently tend to show faster growth in jobs , wages , investment and productivity .

  21. 对于发达国家的领导人而言,其中的经验教训是,要做好准备,抵抗反对新兴市场跨国企业收购本国公司的保护主义呼声。

    For leaders of advanced countries , the lesson is to prepare to resist protectionist calls against acquisitions of their domestic companies by emerging-market multinationals .

  22. 这家公司被一个跨国咨询公司收购。

    The firm was taken over by a multinational consulting firm .

  23. 跨国集团通过收购和兼并而实现在我国的资本扩张以迅速占领我市场。

    Transnational groups through mergers and acquisitions and achievement in our capital expansion to the market rapidly occupation .

  24. 倡导者们指出,将工作场所数字化尤其适用于经常出现文化碰撞的领域:例如跨国团队合作以及收购。

    Advocates say quantifying the workplace is especially useful in areas where there are often culture clashes : such as cross-border teams and acquisitions .

  25. 他认为目前最让人感兴趣的收购机会将出现在中国、日本和澳大利亚,他同时预计,将有越来越多困境之中的跨国地产公司成为收购的对象。

    He believes China , Japan and Australia present the most interesting opportunities for acquisition currently , while he also expects to see an increasing number of distressed global property companies coming on the market .

  26. 跨国直接投资主要有跨国收购与新设企业两种方式。

    Transnational Directive Investment mainly includes Transnational Merger and Acquisition and Newly-operational Corporation .

  27. 世纪之交国际直接投资领域的一个重要现象,是以跨国公司为主体的跨国兼并与收购的空前发展,跨国并购已经成为跨国公司对外直接投资的主要方式。

    The unprecedented development of transnational merging and annexation mainly by transnational corporations has signified that transnational merging and annexation has become major means for international investment .

  28. 跨国直接投资方式主要有两种,一是绿地投资,即新建企业投资;二是跨国并购,即收购东道国的原有企业10%以上的股权。

    There are mainly two ways for FDI , one is Greenfield Investments , that is , investment in new enterprises ; the other is transnational mergers and acquisitions , that is the acquisition of more than 10 percent equity of the original enterprise of the host nation .