
kuà yuè shì fā zhǎn
  • leapfrog development;great-leap forward development
  1. 社会主义现代化强国离不开西部民族地区农村、农业现代化,民族地区现代化建设必须走跨越式发展的道路。

    Building a socialist modern and strong country depends on modernization of agriculture and rural country in the western ethnic areas that must take a road to great-leap forward development .

  2. 伴随着高速网络及3G时代的到来,影视作为更为形象、生动、实效的信息传达方式,将会在未来几年实现跨越式发展。

    With the coming of high-speed network and3G era , film and television which is more visual , vivid and effective to convey information , will make a leapfrog development in the future .

  3. ERP是企业跨越式发展的桥梁

    ERP : A Bridge for Enterprises ' Leap-and-bound Development

  4. 中石化N公司加油站非油品业务面临着重大发展机遇,已经到了进一步提升、跨越式发展的新阶段。

    N company of Sinopec gas station non-oil businesses face important opportunities for development , there have been further enhanced , leap-forward development of the new phase .

  5. 把XT公司做大作强,实现快速跨越式发展,已经成为全体员工一致的共识和强烈的愿望。

    To make XT stronger and rapidly develop XT becomes a common agreeable strong mission for all employees .

  6. 结合中国即将加入WTO的新经济环境,提出了全面实现湖北从农业大省向强省跨越式发展必须实行六大转变、走六条强农之路的战略对策。

    Considering the new environment of China 's joining WTO , the strategies were put forward that Hubei must make six changes and take six steps to strengthen its agriculture in order to realize a development leap from a big agricultural province to a powerful agricultural province .

  7. 加快信息化建设实现跨越式发展

    Speeding up the Information Construction , Realizing the Leap Type Development

  8. 制定发展规划推进实验室工作跨越式发展式发展

    Establishing Development Plan to Promote the Development of Laboratory Construction Rapidly

  9. 学科融合:大学跨越式发展的重要途径

    The Merge of Disciplines : An Important Approach to Rapid Development

  10. 生产力跨越式发展理论综述

    A Summary of Research on the Leap-frog Development of Productive Force

  11. 建筑节能技术的跨越式发展

    Leaping over style development of energy saving technology in building construction

  12. 从信息化角度看我国生产力的跨越式发展

    About Leaping Development of China 's Productivity from the Angle of Informationalization

  13. 最后分析了信息化跨越式发展的必要性和可行性。

    Analyzed the necessity and feasibility of the information-based great-leap-forward development finally .

  14. 企业跨越式发展系统演化机理分析

    Researches on the Evolution Mechanism for Enterprise Stride Development System

  15. 对我国民营企业实现跨越式发展的理性思考

    Reasonable Thoughts about Leaping over Development of Our Private-owned Enterprises

  16. 实现经济跨越式发展需要构筑的资金平台

    Capital Terrace Needed to Form in Realizing a Great-leaped Development of Economy

  17. 推动城市公共交通跨越式发展

    Promoting Developments in Urban Public Transportation by Leaps and Bounds

  18. 试论国防经济建设的跨越式发展道路

    On the way of spanning development of national defense construction

  19. 社会生产力跨越式发展可以称之为第二种跨越。

    The development of social productivity is the second jump .

  20. 企业如何实施跨越式发展战略

    Issues on the Stride - over Mode Development of Enterprises

  21. 树立科学发展观实现医学院跨越式发展

    Establishing Scientific Development Philosophy , Realizing Fantastic Development of the Medical School

  22. 以有力举措推进跨校区本科实验教学工作跨越式发展

    Boost the leaping development of trans-campus undergraduate experimental teaching with powerful action

  23. 高等学校实验室工作实现跨越式发展的几点思考

    Some Thoughts about the Big Leap Development of Universities ' Laboratory Construction

  24. 依托技术支持实现矿区跨越式发展

    Realization of the Salient Development of Huaibei Mining Area by Technical Support

  25. 加强技术创新管理实现跨越式发展

    Strengthening management of technical innovation and bringing about the spanning , development

  26. 不同的时代有不同的跨越式发展的途径与特征。

    There are different ways and characteristics of leap-step development in different times .

  27. 跨越式发展是地方性升级院校的一个总体趋向与特征。

    Leaping development is the overall trend and characteristic in local upgraded colleges .

  28. 论重庆经济跨越式发展的路径选择

    The Path Selection of Economic Spanning Development in Chongqing

  29. 中国海军导弹艇战力的跨越式发展

    The PLA Navy 's Missile Boat Makes Great Strides

  30. 试论跨越式发展的理论和实践依据

    Dissertation on Theoretical and Practical Bases of Striding Development