
  • 网络alternating host;alternate host
  1. 在荥经调查川黄柏转主寄主的过程中,未发现转主寄主。

    In the investigation , alternate host was not discovered .

  2. 马尾松疱锈病病原及转主寄主的研究

    A study on pathogen and the alternate host of blister rust of massoniana pine

  3. 粗枝云杉叶锈病病原转主寄主为山光杜鹃RhododendronoreodoxaFranch,青海云杉叶锈病病原转主寄主为青海杜鹃Rh。

    The experiment proves that Rhododendron oreodoxa Franch is the alternative host of the leaf rust pathogen of Picea asperata Mast , and R.

  4. 例如,许多锈菌在转主寄主上越冬。

    For example , many rusts overwinter on alternate hosts .

  5. 粗枝云杉、青海云杉叶锈病病原及转主寄主研究

    Studies of the Pathogen and Alternative Host of Picea asperata Mast and Picea crassifolia Kom

  6. 主要矛盾与非主要矛盾转主寄主:非主要寄主的任何一个寄主。

    Principal and non - principal contradictions Alternate host Any host other than the main ( most common ) one .

  7. 研究中未发现病菌的转主寄主,且冬孢子作用不明;

    The alternate host of the disease has not been found , and the role of telia in disease cycle was dubious .

  8. 我国舞毒蛾天敌昆虫已有较系统的报道,但对其天敌昆虫的转主寄主研究和报道较少。

    There are many systematic reports on natural enemy of Gypsy moth ( Lymantria dispar ), but studies on its alternate hosts of natural enemy insects are rare .

  9. 通过林间调查和室内人工接种试验结果,引起该病害的病原菌为松芍柱锈菌,其转主寄主也只有芍药一种。

    It is found through the investigation in the forest and through the inoculation test in the laboratory that the morbifical agent of this disease is Cronartium flaccidum ( A.lb . et Schw ) and Chinese herbaceous peony ( Paeonia lactiflora pall ) is the only alternate host of it .