
  • 网络rotational kinetic energy;kinetic energy of rotation
  1. 显然,身体极转变将产生巨大的气候和构造后果发生了巨大变化转动动能。

    Obviously a physical pole shift would have enormous climatic and tectonic consequences with tremendous changes in rotational kinetic energy .

  2. 讨论滑动摩擦力作功,说明了滑动摩擦力可以使刚体的平动动能和转动动能之间相互转换,但总是作负功。

    It is pointed out that translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy mutually transferred by sliding friction force , but it only has positive acting .

  3. 刚体绕定轴转动动能定理的验证

    Test and verification on the kinetic energy theorem of the rotating rigid body round fixed axis

  4. 采用理论力学中的质点系动能和刚体绕回转轴转动动能理论以及刚体平面运动理论,推导出了单自由度平面四连杆机构转化到原动件(曲柄)上的等效转动惯量统一数学表达式。

    A calculation formula of equivalent rotating inertia is derived from particle kinetic energy and rigid shaft rotating kinetic energy theory and rigid plane motion theory .

  5. 主要技术特点:一是把身体抛高,增加重力位能,并远离下摆,增加转动动能;

    The chief technical characteristics are : One is increasing potential energy of gravity by the body swinging with push off and increasing turning kinetic energy by swinging down away the apparatus ;

  6. 研究星星,星星具有转动动能,我们一会儿讲它,今天会讲的,这是我记得的转动惯量。

    I deal with stars , and stars have rotational kinetic energy We 'll get back to that in a minute not in a minute but today and this is the one moment of inertia that I do remember .

  7. 忽略影响较小的转动动能以消去各构件的转动坐标,用模态综合法进一步缩减构件坐标,从而极大地提高了计算效率。

    The negligence of the rotational kinetic energy makes it Possible to eliminate the link rotational coordinates and the method of mode synthesis is used for further reduction of the link coordinates , thus the calculation efficiency is raised extremely .

  8. 本人从教学角度推导了刚体绕定点转动的动能定理。

    In this paper the kinetic energy formula of rigid body in rotation round a fixed point is derived in teaching on physics .

  9. 水压使轮子转动,这种动能被用来发电。

    The pressure of the water turns this wheel , and this is used to make electric power .

  10. 电子天平通过外部变压器供电水压使轮子转动,这种动能被用来发电。

    The balance is powered by an AC adapter . The pressure of the water turns this wheel , and this is used to make electric power .

  11. 绳子把轮子缠住,电动机就不转了。水压使轮子转动,这种动能被用来发电。

    The rope had twisted itself around the wheel , stopping the motor . The pressure of the water turns this wheel , and this is used to make electric power .

  12. 刚体平动时的运动学特征和动力学特征刚体的运动分为平动和转动,那么刚体的动能也就包括平动动能和转动动能。

    The motion of a rigid body can be divided into two types : translation and rotation , so the kinetic energy of rigid body is made up of translational energy and rotational energy .

  13. 若知道转动惯量我就能知道,转动动能是多少。

    If I know the moment of inertia , then I know how much rotational kinetic energy there is .