
zhuǎn huàn yǔ fǎ
  • Transformation Syntax;generative transformational grammar
  1. 转换语法&理解动词分词表层结构的捷径

    Transformational Grammar-the Best Way to Understand the Deep Structures of the Participles

  2. 那时候我在拼命学习生成转换语法。

    I was swotting up on my transformational grammar .

  3. 从认知观看转换语法理论生成语法中的标记理论

    Markedness Theory in Transformational Generative Grammar

  4. 在转换语法的框架下,本文用修订的并列成分限制条件去预测平行并列结构的语法性。平行并列结构都是由句子并列转换而来。

    We propose the Revised Coordinate Constituent Constraint to predict the grammaticality of parallel coordinate structures in the framework of transformational grammar .

  5. 转换语法指出转换就是将句子的深层结构转换成符合句子语法的表层结构。

    The transformational grammar shows that the deep structure of a sentence can be transformed into its surface structure suitable to the grammar .

  6. 然而,比较鲜为人知的是他对心理语言学的贡献。他的转换语法理论塑造了实验心理语言学头十年的研究;

    What is less well known , however , is his contribution to psycholinguistics : His transformational generative grammar theory shaped studies in experimental psycholinguistics of the first ten years ;

  7. 研究证明,俄语是一种哲学语言,其本质是一种转换语法,体现于两体合一,即阴阳的统一。

    Research shows that Russian is a philosophical language whose essence is a type of transformational grammar , embodying the integrity of the two elements , i.e. the unity of " Yin " and " Yang " .

  8. 语法分析是自然语言处理中的关键环节,本文就自然语言处理中应用到的上下文无关语法、转换语法、剖析、转换网络和扩充转换网络等语法分析方法进行了论述。

    Syntactic analysis is an important part in natural language processing ( NLP ) . This paper mainly discusses the syntactic analysis methods used in NLP , such as context-free grammars , transformational grammar , parsing , transition network , augmented transition network etc.

  9. 转换生成语法局限性更大。

    Transformational grammars are more restrictive .

  10. 转换生成语法框架下应用于VP省略现象的一种句法&语义分析方法浅谈转换生成语法理论在维吾尔语句法歧义中的运用

    A Syntactic-semantic Perspective to VP-ellipsis in the Transformational-Generative Framework ; Analyzing Ambiguity Sentences with Transformative-Generative Grammar in the Uygur Language

  11. 空语类是转换生成语法研究的一个重要课题,PRO和pro在空语类中占有重要位置,也是空语类中最具有争议性的话题之一。

    Empty Category is one of the important topics in transformational grammar , while both PRO and pro occupies the key position in Empty Category , which is one of the most controversial topics .

  12. 然后就能够操作表达式并使用datum->syntax-object将它转换回语法对象,使用with-syntax可将这个对象分配给模板变量。

    You could then manipulate the expression and use datum - > syntax-object to get it back into a syntax object which can be assigned to a template variable using with-syntax .

  13. 从句子层次研究回指时,本文运用转换生成语法中的c-command理论对句子内部使用的回指作了更进一步的说明,此外通过运用举例说明的方法研究回指在句子中的实现。

    In research of anaphora at sentence level , c-command theory from Transformational Grammar is applied to give deeper analysis . Plenty of typical examples are used to research the realization of anaphora .

  14. 转换生成语法对语言特点的描写

    TG Grammar 's Description of Some of the Features of Language

  15. 乔姆斯基转换生成语法在韩国40年回顾

    Forty Years ' Development of Chomsky 's T-G Grammar in Korea

  16. 特殊疑问句一直是转换生成语法所研究的主要对象。

    Wh-question has been the main subject of the transformational generative grammar .

  17. 它的语言学理论基础是乔姆斯基的转换生成语法规则。

    Its linguistics theoretical basis is Chomsky 's transformational & generative grammar .

  18. 转换生成语法是重要的语言学流派。

    The Transformational-Generative Grammar is an important school of linguistics .

  19. 深层结构与表层结构:转换生成语法片论

    Deep Structure and Surface Structure : A Review of Trans formational-Generative Grammar

  20. 浅谈转换生成语法理论在维吾尔语句法歧义中的运用

    Analyzing Ambiguity Sentences with Transformative-Generative Grammar in the Uygur Language

  21. 结构主义与转换生成语法的对比研究

    A Comparative Study on American Structuralism to TG Grammar

  22. 转换生成语法把语言定义为一种能力。

    According to the TG grammar , language is defined as a capacity .

  23. 转换生成语法对名词化做了较为明确的分类,但关于名词化的解释却软弱无力。

    Transformational grammar makes clear classification of nominalization but fails to explain it .

  24. 句法分析:从美国结构主义学派到转换生成语法学派

    On the School of Thought . Approaches to syntax from structuralists to generativists

  25. 简论结构主义语法与转换生成语法的差异

    The Differences between Structural Grammar and TG Grammar

  26. 转换生成语法与系统功能语法之比较分析(英文)

    The Comparison between Transformational-generative Grammar ( TG ) and Systemic-functional Grammar ( FG );

  27. 歧义在转换生成语法中的研究

    Researches on Ambiguity Within TG Grammar Framework

  28. 今年是转换生成语法诞生50周年。

    This year is the50th anniversary of the birth of the Transformational and Generative Grammar .

  29. 汉英语码转换的语法考察

    The Grammar Inspection of Chinese-English Code-Switching

  30. 目前关于英朝特殊疑问句的研究大多是运用转换生成语法中的一些理论去描述特殊疑问句。

    Most of the research on Wh-question is applied the theories from the transformational generative grammar .