
  1. 爱上一个人的感觉真的很美好,我沉迷这种感觉,很显然我不会再有Someonelikeyou那种感觉,因为我已经结婚了。

    That feeling when you first fall for someone is the best feeling on Earth , and I am addicted to that feeling . Obviously , I can 't go through with those feelings because I 'm married now .

  2. 一个人的感觉还正常点。

    Being alone now kind of feels like being back to normal .

  3. 譬如旧梦,譬如岁月,譬如对一个人的感觉。

    Like old dream , like years , like feel a person .

  4. 不可挽回的东西很多,譬如对一个人的感觉。

    Irreparable lot of things , such as a person 's feelings .

  5. 喜欢一个人的感觉真美。

    Like feeling of a person true United States .

  6. 爱上一个人的感觉如何?

    How does it feel to fall in love ?

  7. 我想,这大概就是想念一个人的感觉吧。

    I think , I feel lonely just because I 'm missing you .

  8. 但是我这一生只爱一个人的感觉,而不一定非要拥有她。

    But owed one a life time feeling Love a personal uncertain have to own .

  9. 这就是当特殊事情发生或一切进行得很顺利时一个人的感觉。

    It is what one feels when special things are happening or everything is going great .

  10. 有时候,你越隐藏你对一个人的感觉,让你陷得越深。

    Sometimes , the more you hide your feelings for someone , the more you fall for them .

  11. 一个人的感觉,态度和对生活的看法影响他应对压力的能力。

    A person 's feelings , attitudes , and outlook on life affect his or her ability to deal with stress .

  12. 想想随便朝一个人开枪的感觉?

    Think anybody can shoot a person ?

  13. 美国人对一个人死亡的感觉是极坏的,此时你千万不要说没考虑到亡者是他所爱之人和朋友。

    It 's in extremely bad taste for an American to die , not to mention inconsiderate to loved ones and friends .

  14. 这是为了在室内条件下近似如何对一个人的皮肤感觉,但它并没有达到预期的准确。

    It was meant to approximate how the indoor conditions feel on a person 's skin but it wasn 't as accurate as hoped .

  15. 一个人流泪的感觉是无助,无奈的,但是哭是有限度的,哭到精疲力尽的时候,就会收敛。

    A person 's feeling is that tears of helplessness , frustration , but it is limited to cry , and cry to exhaustion , when it will converge .

  16. 而且一个人出来住的感觉很好

    And it feels really good to be out on my own .

  17. 一个人待着的感觉真好,不必面露微笑让自己看起来很愉快;

    It was nice to be alone , not to have to smile and look pleased ;

  18. 月亮代表了我们的感官和情绪,感受力,想象力和一个人的基本的感觉调调。

    The Moon represents our feelings and emotions , the receptivity , imagination and basic feeling tone of a person .

  19. 我以前从未对一个人有过这样的感觉。

    I 've never felt the way about a person before .

  20. 当你一个人的时候,你感觉如何?

    How do you feel when you are alone ?

  21. 我知道有一个人这么在乎你的感觉很好。

    I know how good it feels to have somebody care about you like that .

  22. 当你提起另一个人的名字,我感觉我身体的器官都变得沉重。

    Sometimes I get a sinking feeling in my stomach when you mentioned another person .

  23. 这是我们今天的象征,每一个人都是这样的感觉。”

    This is the symbol of what we have today , of what every person feels like . "

  24. 在你拜访一个人之后注意你的感觉,如果你感到高兴,能力满满的话,那就是说你有一些好同伴。

    Note how you feel after visiting with a certain person ; if you feel energized and happy , then you 're in good company .

  25. 它代表了上帝与他的灵魂之间原始的沟通形式,包括与造物主之间的一种极其个人的亲密感觉,人类设法在性关系中去寻找。

    It represents the original form of communication between God and His Souls , involving an extremely personal sense of closeness to Creation , which man tries to find in physical relationships .

  26. 虽然一个人独占聚光灯的感觉或许很好,但让团队中每个人都参与进来,往往能够成倍放大推销效果,这样做还可以给你留出足够多的时间,让你从事真正重要的工作。

    While it may feel good to take a solo in the spotlight , letting everyone on your team chip in can multiply the effect while still leaving plenty of time for you to do the work that really matters .

  27. 占有行为可能是人类物种最难以跨越的一个思想形态,因为经常的,一个人的感觉良好或安全实际上是位于占有物之中。

    The act of possessing is perhaps the single most difficult thought-form for the human species to traverse , for often one 's sense of well being or safety is indeed wrapped up within one 's possessions .