
  • 网络primary winding
  1. 分析了进口大型整流变压器三次谐波磁场的分布,讨论了绕组导体绝缘损坏的原因,一次绕组存在过热的可能性,提出了可采取的改进措施。

    The distribution of the third harmonic magnetic field in imported large rectifier transformer is analyzed . The reason of conductor damage in winding is discussed . The overheat possibility in primary winding is expounded .

  2. 给出了TA的主要参数,如一次电流、一次绕组、二次电流、二次负荷、时间常数等的选择和计算方法。

    Giving out the method for calculating and selecting fundamental performance parameters , such as primary current , primary winding , secondary current , secondary load , time constant and so on .

  3. U形一次绕组电流互感器的动稳定计算

    Calculation of Dynamic Stability of Current Transformer with U Primary Winding

  4. 该法通过测量PT二次回路励磁电流在分流器上的压降与所施加电压的比,模拟一次绕组内阻抗压降产生的误差。

    A development was made in terms of measuring the voltage drop by ratio error at a shunt in magnetized secondary circuit of a VT.

  5. 介绍了U形一次绕组电流互感器可满足动稳定要求的结构及强度计算方法,并给出了计算实例。

    The strength calculation method and the structure of current transformer with U primary winding to fulfil the dynamic stability requirements are introduced , and some calculating examples are given .

  6. 本系列电流互感器为全封闭环氧树脂浇注结构,其一次绕组的P2端直接作为开关柜中的静触头,并带有触头盒。

    The terminal P2 of the primary winding is used as the static contact in the switch cabinet and it is with contact box .

  7. 重点对TYD110/X/3&0.02H型CVT中间变压器一次绕组限压元件的作用和存在的问题进行了分析并提出反措意见。

    The paper analysis and presents proposals on X / 3-0.02H the function and extent problem of the one side winding limit voltage devices of the TYD110 / CVT middle transformer intensively .

  8. 对于整流电路,由于采用变压器移相多重化整流,在理论上可以实现曲折变压器一次绕组中低于6M±1次谐波电流相互抵消(M为串联单元个数);

    As a result of employing multilevel phase-shifted method with zig zag connection in transformer secondary , in the primary the current harmonics their orders are lower than 6M 1 are eliminated ( M is the number of power cell each phase ) .

  9. 油浸式电流互感器一次绕组故障实例分析

    Analysis of an Oil-Immersed Current Transformer Primary Winding Failure

  10. 一次绕组短路时间常数

    Short circuit time constant of primary windings

  11. 电流互感器二次绕组排列及一次绕组出线方式与继电保护的关系

    Relation between Relay Protection and Distribution of Secondary Winding and Outlet Way of Primary Winding in Current Transformer

  12. 目前,我国的地铁车辆辅助电源主要采用双重逆变器结构形式,具有两台输出变压器,体积庞大。变压器的一次绕组轴向分裂,可实现两台变压器集成;

    Now , the auxiliary power on subway vehicles mostly takes use of bi-inverters , which have two output transformers and a huge bulk .

  13. 互感器一次绕组的重复工频耐压试验应在规定试验电压值的80%下进行。

    The testing voltage of the secondary winding of transformer has to be80 % stipulated testing voltage while repeated power frequency voltage with-stand test needed .

  14. 新型三绕组高效单相感应电动机研究电流互感器二次绕组排列及一次绕组出线方式与继电保护的关系

    Study of Novel High Efficiency Single-phase Induction Motor with Three Series-connected Windings Relation between Relay Protection and Distribution of Secondary Winding and Outlet Way of Primary Winding in Current Transformer

  15. 通过智能控制器控制电力电子功率变换器,改变可变电抗器二次绕组的电流,从而改变可变电抗器的一次绕组的电流,实现阻抗可变。

    Through intelligent control of power electronic power converter controller , transformer reactor can change the secondary winding current , thus changing the reactor can be a transformer winding current to achieve impedance variable .

  16. 本型电流互感器为全封闭结构,一、次绕组及铁芯均浇注在环氧树脂内,耐污染及潮湿。

    The current transformer is fully enclosed . The primary and secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin . It has a good ability of antipollution and moisture proof .

  17. 位于外壳同一侧的一、二次绕组接线端为交流电流同极性端。

    The primary coil terminal and secondary coil terminal are located in the same side of shell belong to the same alternative current ( AC ) polar .