
  • 网络Y connection;star connection;Y-connection
  1. 电流互感器二相星形接法的几种错接线分析

    Analysis on Several Wrong Coupling Line of Current Transformers Two Phase Star Coupling Method

  2. 这种电路将升压电感放在整流器的交流侧,和三个星形接法的双向功率开关一起构成交流升压电路。

    This topology consists of the three boost inductor placed in the AC side of the rectifier and three wye connected bi-directional switches .

  3. 对Y(星形)接法三绕组单相电容异步电动机故障运行的瞬态过程进行仿真分析。分马力三绕组单相电容异步电动机的设计

    This paper deals with the transient analysis of tri-winding single-phase capacitance motors with wye-connected during fault operation . Design of Fraction Horsepower Three-winding Single Phase Capacity Induction Motor