
  • 网络Star time;SIGSI
  1. 50m射电望远镜计时观测的目的之一就是综合脉冲星时研究。

    One of the purposes of the timing observation using the 50m radio telescope developed in China is to study the ensemble pulsar time .

  2. 尽早适时地建立专门用于测量ms脉冲星时(PTens)的脉冲星钟系统网络是有益的。

    It is beneficial to establish early and timely system network of pulsars clock , which can measure speciality ms pulsars Times ( PTens ) .

  3. 原子时钟稳定性主要受内部噪声的影响,而脉冲星时的最大噪声来源于自转的不稳定性,其稳定度一般使用?z方法估计。

    The stability of atomic clock are affected mainly by its internal noise , while , the biggest noise of pulsar time is the instability of pulsar spin . The stability of pulsar time is charactered by ? z method .

  4. 综合脉冲星时算法的小波分析与维纳滤波方法

    Wavelet Analysis and Wiener Filtration in Ensemble Pulsar Time Algorithm

  5. 脉冲星时稳定度及可能应用

    Frequency Stability of Pulsar Time Scale and Possible Application

  6. 分析比较了原子时与脉冲星时的稳定特性。

    The stability of the atomic time and pulsar time is compared and analyzed .

  7. 对这些频率求和是搜索脉冲星时的常用技巧,能得显著提升搜索的灵敏度。

    Summing these components is a well-known trick in pulsar searches and significantly increases the sensitivity of the search .

  8. 在夜,当天空加点与星时和人里能看到银河跨过从北部到南部。

    At night when the sky is dotted with stars , and people can see the Milky Way spanning from the north to the south .

  9. 霍爷最近对这三子在训练时的表现甚感满意-因此这三子有望在周四对垒布加勒斯特星时上场。

    The boss has been impressed with the trio in training of late-and all three could feature in Thursday 's match against Steaua Bucharest at some stage .

  10. 针对高仰角跟星时野值出现几率极高(有时多达10~20%)的现象,数据预处理方面重点研究了野值剔除技术。

    With regard to the course of data processing beforehand , the thesis focuses on outliers eliminating technology because of outlier increasing acutely of high-elevation tracking ( approaches 10-20 % ) .

  11. 最后对论文所研究的内容进行小结和展望,附录是对调研中子星时计算传播子的总结。

    We will address this problem in follow-up discussions . Finally , the paper gives a summary and outlook , The Appendix is a summary of Propagator calculation when study the cooling of Neutron star .

  12. 遇到危机时,你通常会转向恒星寻求指导,当然,除了你彻底失败未能找出哪一颗星是北极星时,本周也不会例外。

    In times of crisis you 've often looked to the stars for guidance , and this weekend will be no different , aside , of course , from your utter failure to identify which one of us is Polaris .

  13. 研究表明,在较短时间跨度内,原子时稳定度好于脉冲星时,而在长时间尺度(如1年以上)上,脉冲星时间尺度稳定度好于原子时。

    The results of research have shown : the stability of atomic time is better than pulsar time in the short time span , whereas , the stability of pulsar time is better than atomic time in the long time span ( e.g. : 1y ) .

  14. 当伴星物质陷落到中子星上时,它就发射出X射线。

    As matter falls onto the neutron star , it gives off X-rays .

  15. 研究了可见星较少时,采用气压高度表辅助、接收GLONASS(GlobalNavigationSatelliteSystem)信号等实现RAIM的方法,并进行了仿真验证

    The approach using the barometer and receiving GLONASS ( global navigation satellite system ) signal to realize GPS RAIM when lacking satellite number-in-view is studied , and it has been demonstrated by simulation . Assisted examination

  16. 当NPM星过少时,可在局部天区内把PPM星表的自行改正到NPM系统,然后用PPM星补充作为参考星,同样可以得到很好的结果。

    Furthermore , the excellent measurement can also be obtained based on a reference frame supplemented with some PPM stars which proper motions have been trans-formed to NPM system in the local region of sky .

  17. 烟草叶片感染赤星病时的某些生理生化变化

    Physiological-biochemical Changes of tobacco leaves infected with brown spot disease

  18. 我希望一些年轻球员能上场,但机会不一定有像之前对阵星队时那么多。

    I expect some of the youngsters will get a chance but not necessarily as many as used against Steaua .

  19. 当天王星活跃时,你永远不知道会发生什么,但是对立通常指示出一个困难或不和谐事件发生的倾向。

    When Uranus is involved , you never know what to expect , but an opposition usually indicates a propensity for untoward or jarring events .

  20. 线阵CCD器件应用于星载相机时应注意的问题微波强耦合论

    Attention points on linear charge coupled device used in on board camera theory of coupled waveguides

  21. 最终通过计算给出了采用3~6颗脉冲星进行导航时的最优脉冲星组合,为X射线脉冲星导航应用提供了参考依据。

    Finally the best navigation pulsar configurations including three to six pulsars are selected through analysis , which provide a reference for the application of X-ray pulsar navigation . 6 .

  22. 虽然它是温度最冷的地外行星中被天文望远镜直接捕捉到影像的一个(而不是在从其宿星前经过时被检测到一抹暗淡的星光),HD131399Ab星球上的平均温度超过华氏1000度,远超人类耐热标准。

    And while it 's one of the coldest exoplanets ever to be directly imaged by a telescope ( rather than detected as a result of the dimming of starlight as it passes in front of its host star ) , HD 131399Ab is very hot by human standards . The average temperature exceeds 1000 degrees Fahrenheit .

  23. 当一个主要由氢气组成的星气团崩解时,一颗星星就形成了。

    A star is made when a huge cloud of mostly hydrogen gas collapses .

  24. 同时设计机械臂与目标星交会捕获时的控制策略。

    Design robotic arm with the target star intersection control strategy and target acquisition .

  25. 好了我们谈谈人们对你的争议当你报名参加《与星共舞》时

    All right , so this controversy that is going on , when you signed on to do Dancing with the Stars

  26. 当其判断征象星真假错误时,最好的术家亦可能犯错。

    The best artist in the world may chance to err , when he mistakes a true significator for a false one .

  27. 当这两个星成相位时,意味着有些家伙们走上极端去表达他们信念。

    When these two planets are in aspect , there is a tendency for some folks to go to extremes in expressing their beliefs .

  28. 当被问及国航是否与东星停运有关时,国航一位发言人表示:中航集团是个讲诚信,依法合规的集团。

    When asked if Air China was involved in the suspension of East Star , a spokesman for the airline said : Air China is an honest and responsible company .

  29. 当弗耶还在苦苦挣扎而罗伊已经作为联盟中一颗最耀眼的明日之星崭露头角之时,针对弗耶和掌握球队运作的麦克海尔的苛责声不绝于耳。

    As Foye continued to struggle and Roy emerged as one of the brightest young stars in the league out West , criticism of the player and Kevin McHale , the man who engineered the transaction , mounted .

  30. 海羊齿一种海百合类海洋生无脊椎动物,如带柄海百合及毛头星,幼年时漂浮,成年时可自由游动。

    Any of various marine invertebrates of the class Crinoidea , such as the sea lilies and feather stars , that are attached to a surface by a stalk when young but may be free - swimming as adults .