
  • 网络secondary current;I2e
  1. 二次电流在管子内部会产生磁场。

    The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube

  2. 电流互感器(TA)铁心饱和将引起二次电流发生畸变,对此,该文提出一种新的补偿方法。

    This paper proposes a new method to compensate the distortion in secondary current caused by TA saturation .

  3. 该措施将电流互感器(CT)二次电流的三阶差分作为触发单元,以CT二次感应电压的比值最终判定饱和的发生与结束。

    The third-order difference is used as a trigger . The ratio of CT secondary induced voltage is used to determine the saturation .

  4. 为此利用MATLAB对电流互感器仿真,分析影响其饱和的各种因素,并提出基于差分算法求取激磁电流的二次电流补偿方法。

    Simulated current transformer by MATLAB , analysis of various factors affecting its saturation , and put forward a quadratic current compensation method that based on difference algorithm for excitation current .

  5. 10t电渣炉冶炼工艺与二次电流摆动控制的应用

    Electroslag Remelting Technology of 10 t Ingot and Application of Secondary Current Swing Control

  6. 二次电流为1A和0.5A电流比较仪使用中的问题

    Use of Current Comparator with Secondary Current of 1A and 0.5A

  7. 电流互感器(CT)采用电磁感应的原理得到与一次侧电流成比例的二次电流,当磁通饱和时励磁电流增大,两侧电流的比例关系发生改变。

    Using current transformer ( CT ), people gain secondary side current which is proportional to primary side current . When magnetic flux is saturated , the excitation current is increased and the proportion of the CT is changed .

  8. 给出了TA的主要参数,如一次电流、一次绕组、二次电流、二次负荷、时间常数等的选择和计算方法。

    Giving out the method for calculating and selecting fundamental performance parameters , such as primary current , primary winding , secondary current , secondary load , time constant and so on .

  9. 讲述了电流比较仪的结构和原理,介绍了二次电流为1A和0.5A电流比较仪的使用。

    This paper describes the structure and principle of current comparator , introduces the use of currrent comparator with secondary current of 1A and 0.5A .

  10. 对于星形/三角形(Y/d)连接组的变压器,形成差动量一般采用2种转角方式:Y侧电流移相转角(Yd)和d侧电流移相转角(dY)以实现二次电流的幅值和相位校正。

    For power transformer with Y / d connection , two current compensation methods of Y d and d Y are usually used in differential protection to revise magnitude and phase angle .

  11. 文中以n次曲线模拟TA铁心饱和时的非线性磁化曲线,由此导出TA回路的非线性微分方程,并采用数值方法计算出在典型暂态短路电流作用下的TA二次电流波形。

    Nonlinear differential equations of a current transformer circuit are derived with a nth-curve fitting nonlinear magnetic curve when the current transformer iron core is saturated . Moreover , second-winding current waveform of a current transformer is calculated under the transient current of the typical short-circuit fault by numerical method .

  12. 辐射型配电网重构的二次电流矩法

    The Quadratic Current Moment Method for Radial Distribution Network Reconfiguration

  13. 空调器中的二次电流谐波

    Emission of 2nd Harmonic Current from Air-conditioner

  14. 定理表明:辐射型配电网任何逆流路径的二次电流矩等于该路径的功率损失。

    The theorem indicates that QCM equals network power loss of the upstream path of the node .

  15. 基于小波分析的变压器纵差动保护研究与二次电流补偿

    Research on Transformer Longitudinal Differential Protection Based on Wavelet Analysis Method and Compensation Approach of Secondary Current

  16. 同时利用短路电流检验二次电流相量关系的正确性。

    And at the same time the validity of relations between the secondary current vectors can be verified .

  17. 提高蓄热室内气流均匀度的研究关于二次电流分布公式的理论分析

    Investigation on the Improvement of Air Distribution in Regenerator On Study of the Equations of Secondary Electricity Distribution

  18. 针对某些电炉,提出了适当增大二次电流,降低操作电阻,提高入炉功率的观点,列举了一些生产厂家电炉运行较好的电气参数。

    View points to increase secondary current properly and to reduce operation resistance for increasing furnace input are supposed . Better electric parameters for some operating electric furnaces are enumerated .

  19. 采用载波移相技术能够消除网侧二次电流谐波,降低谐波回馈给电网的危害。

    At the same time , the use of carrier phase shift technology can eliminate the network side of the secondary current harmonics and reduce harm harmonics back to the grid .

  20. 数字变压器差动保护利用平衡系数进行变压器各侧电流平衡及二次电流相位补偿。

    The digital transformer differential protection uses the balance coefficient to balance the current of both ( or three ) sides of the transformer and compensate the phases of the secondary current .

  21. 但当出现反电晕情况下,则需要把二次电流降低到Ⅵ曲线拐点处,并通过进化算法选择合适的充电比,达到节能的效果。

    But when anti-corona circumstances , should be required to reduce the current secondary VI curve inflection point , and through evolutionary algorithms to choose suitable than the charge , reaching energy-saving effect .

  22. 通过比较电流互感器未饱和及深度饱和时二次电流波形特点,分析了通过谐波比确定电流互感器饱和的不足之处,提出一种新的波形鉴别判据,作为谐波制动的辅助判据。

    The secondary current waves of unsaturated and extremely saturated current trans-formers are compared to show the insufficiency of saturation discrimination by harmonic ratio . A waveform discrimination criterion is brought forward to assist harmonic braking .

  23. 模拟量输入采集的信号有升压变压器一次电流、一次电压、二次电流、二次电压等,采用12位逐次比较式A/D转换器MAX187,兼顾采样速率和转换精度;

    The analog input includes primary current , secondary current , primary voltage , secondary voltage , etc. Controller uses MAX 187 as the A / D converter , which ensure the sampling speed and the conversion precision in the same time .

  24. 对二次电流进行低通滤波并在二次感应电压过零点附近屏蔽检测算法,还能有效抑制噪声干扰,使新方法在不利环境下也能正常工作。

    The interference from the noise can be effectively eliminated by applying the low pass filter to secondary current and screening the detecting algorithm at the crossover point of induced secondary voltage , thus the proposed method can also normally work in unfavorable environment .

  25. 当系统采用单极倍频的PWM斩波方式来跟踪一次侧电流来产生二次侧电流时,只要保持给定相同,二次侧各支路的输出完全相同。

    The coil s secondary current is generated by the means of tracking the primary current using the unipolar multi-frequency PWM in the system .

  26. 测试表明,减少计量二次回路电流可使CVT的二次回路压降同样程度的减少。

    From the result of test , when current of measuring secondary loop decreases 30 percent , the secondary loop voltage-drop still decreases 30 percent .

  27. 另外对有载调压变压器变比改变时,TA二次侧电流与抽头位置的关系作出研究,提出自动识别变比的电流校正原理,通过在线调整的方式对TA二次侧电流作自适应校正。

    A kind of TA currents correction method based on the analysis between TA secondary sides current and taps position is introduced , which can adjust TA secondary side currents online automatically .

  28. 此虚拟检测系统具有测量、显示和分析等功能,并以数字和图形方式自动给出测量和分析的结果,适用于二次额定电流为5A及以下各种类型电流互感器的检测。

    It has functions of measuring , display and analyzing . The results can be showed by digital numbers and diagrams . It can be used to measure any kinds of current transformer whose secondary current is below 5 A.

  29. 一种双二次型电流有源滤波电路

    An Active Filter Circuit of Current Type for Biquadratic Function

  30. 激发极化法基础理论研究&确定二次极化电流的新方法

    The study of induced polarization method basis theory a new method of defining secondary polarization current