
  • 网络the secondary winding
  1. 使用时二次绕组不能短路及超负荷运行。

    In using , the secondary winding can not be short-circuited or operating over-load .

  2. 二次绕组中还带有110220V输出电压端子供操作机构作电源。

    The secondary winding offering the110,220V voltage is used for power supply to operation machine .

  3. 电流互感器U形一次导体中的电流在二次绕组环形铁心中产生的磁场计算

    Calculation of Magnetic Field Generated in Ring Core of Secondary Winding by Current in U-Primary Conductor of Current Transformer

  4. 文章分析了二次绕组带有抽头的套管电流互感器(CT),其二次端子接线错误对CT变比的影响。

    The paper analyses the current transformer ( CT ) that secondary winding possesses casing tap , and its secondary connector wiring fault 's influence on the CT changing rate .

  5. 结合实验提出一种改善电压分布的措施,对大功率PT二次绕组的绝缘设计有一定的参考意义。

    A method is validated through experiments that can decrease the maximum interturn voltage which may be very helpful to insulation design of PT 's secondary winding .

  6. 从理论及试验波形的角度论述了CT二次绕组开路对电力系统运行造成的危害,分析了造成开路的原因,论证了装设CT开路保护装置的必要性;

    The danger to power system brought by CT second-coil disconnexion is discussed . From the view of theory and test wave , the reason of CT disconnexion is analyzed and the investigation data make it known that it is inevitable and essential to install the protection .

  7. 介绍了电流互感器U形一次导体中的电流在二次绕组环形铁心中产生的磁场的计算方法,并推导出了计算公式,给出了改善铁心磁场的方法。

    This paper introduces the calculation method of the magnetic field which is generated in ring core of secondary winding by the current which flows in U-primary conductor of current transformer . The calculation formulas are derived . The method of improving magnetic field of core is given .

  8. 电流互感器二次绕组多个抽头技术性能分析

    The Analysis of Technical Properties for Many Tapping Secondary Windings of Current Transformer

  9. 电流互感器二次绕组匝间短路对测量值的影响

    Infection to Measuring Value when Short Circuit between Circles of CT Secondary Winding has happened

  10. 输出变压器汇总这些生地阶段产生的电流输出波形中的二次绕组。

    The output transformer sums these oppositely-phased currents to produce the output waveform in the secondary winding .

  11. 电流互感器二次绕组出线端子顺序与设计不符所引起问题的探讨

    Discussion on Problems Caused by Secondary Winding Lead Terminal Sequence Which is Different from Design in Current Transformer

  12. 电流互感器二次绕组排列及一次绕组出线方式与继电保护的关系

    Relation between Relay Protection and Distribution of Secondary Winding and Outlet Way of Primary Winding in Current Transformer

  13. 从实测数据出发,建立了电流互感器二次绕组的励磁特性的数学模型。

    In this method , the current transformer excitation characteristic modeling is set up according to measurement data .

  14. 他担负着超负荷的责任。使用时二次绕组不能短路及超负荷运行。

    He is weighed with responsibilities beyond his capacity . In using , the secondary winding can not be short-circuited or operating over-load .

  15. 电压互感器二次绕组不得短路,否则互感器将被烧毁。

    There should be no short circuit at the secondary winding for a voltage transformer , or the voltage transformer would be damaged .

  16. 所研制的电流互感器采用基于印刷电路板的空心线圈的结构,线圈二次绕组无需手工绕制和电阻调整;

    Without hand-making and resistance adjustment , a new structure of air-core coil , based on printed circuit boards , is adopted by the transformer .

  17. 漏电保护电路,对所述零序电流互感器的二次绕组输出的漏电信号进行处理;

    The earth leakage protection current is composed of a voltage multiplying rectifier , voltage detector , triggering lead and an adjusting current and so on .

  18. 位于外壳同一侧的一、二次绕组接线端为交流电流同极性端。

    The primary coil terminal and secondary coil terminal are located in the same side of shell belong to the same alternative current ( AC ) polar .

  19. 电流互感器二次绕组的励磁特性是决定互感器性能的重要因素,二次绕组品质的好坏直接关系到成品的质量。

    The excitation characteristic of secondary winding of current transformer is the key factor to transformer performance and the quality of secondary winding directly influences that of the quality .

  20. 新型三绕组高效单相感应电动机研究电流互感器二次绕组排列及一次绕组出线方式与继电保护的关系

    Study of Novel High Efficiency Single-phase Induction Motor with Three Series-connected Windings Relation between Relay Protection and Distribution of Secondary Winding and Outlet Way of Primary Winding in Current Transformer

  21. 本型零序电流互感器为全封闭式。二次绕组及铁芯均浇注在聚脂树脂内。中间窗孔供三相电缆穿过。

    The zero sequence current transformer is full enclosed type . The secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin . The middle hole is used for cable going through .

  22. 本型电流互感器的铁心为圆环形,二次绕组匀绕制在铁心圆周上,用环氧树脂混合料浇注成形。

    The series of current transformers are resin insulated , fully enclosed and busbar type . The iron core is circular and the secondary winding goes around the core before casting by epoxy .

  23. 通过智能控制器控制电力电子功率变换器,改变可变电抗器二次绕组的电流,从而改变可变电抗器的一次绕组的电流,实现阻抗可变。

    Through intelligent control of power electronic power converter controller , transformer reactor can change the secondary winding current , thus changing the reactor can be a transformer winding current to achieve impedance variable .

  24. 分析了放电线圈开口三角二次绕组的末端与连线的接触电阻严重不平衡的形成,得出了接触电阻严重不平衡是导致零序电压保护动作的原因。

    The formation of the severe imbalance of contact resistance between the end of unclose delta on secondary discharge winding and connecting wire is analysed . Consequently the paper draws a conclusion that the severe imbalance of contact imbalance caused the maloperation of zero-sequence voltage protection .

  25. 在用有限元法求解磁场并计算电感矩阵的基础上,采用场&路结合的方法,针对二次绕组几种不同情形进行了环流计算。

    In this paper , based on the inductance matrix obtained from the result of the field calculated by finite element method ( FEM ), the circulating current for several different configurations of the secondary windings is calculated using the analysis method of combining field and circuit .

  26. 或者。由在一次和二次侧绕组交叉处采用的小型盘形线圈组合而成。

    Or the windings may consist of a number of thin pancake coils assembled in a stack with primary and secondary coils interleaved .

  27. 通过消弧线圈二次辅助绕组接入阻尼电阻的方法解决了阻尼电阻易损坏的问题。

    With the way of connecting damp resistor to the secondary assistant winding of arc-suppression , the question of easily destroyed damp resistor is solved .

  28. 使二次侧绕组提取到不含基波无功的谐波电能,并经过变频装置变为可直接利用基频电能。

    Therefore , the secondary winding of transformer extracts harmonic energy without fundamental reactive power , which becomes applicable fundamental frequency power via frequency converter .

  29. 采用变压器二次侧多绕组的拓扑结构与载波移相SPWM的电流控制方法,能够用较低开关频率较高压的大电流功率器件来实现高压大容量电抗器。

    To obtain a large capacity , a transformer with multiple secondary windings is used . Because the current control method is combined with the technique of phase-shifted SPWM , the power semiconductor device with lower switching frequency and larger capacity can be applied .

  30. 二次多负载绕组电压互感器实际负载下的误差测试与计算

    Measurement and calculation of actual burden error of potential transformer with multiple secondary load windings