
  • 网络McNeil;McNeill;MacNeil;McNeil Consumer Healthcare
  1. 首先麦克尼尔得让那个脾气暴躁的20岁澳大利亚小伙子冷静下来。

    First McNeil had to cool down the volatile Australian 20-year old .

  2. 在第二局中,麦克尼尔对球的截击更加成功。

    McNeil volleyed more effectively in the second set .

  3. 麦克尼尔表示:因此,我们创办了自己的基金ETFSPhysicalGold。

    So we created our own fund , ETFS Physical Gold , says Mr McNeill .

  4. 从全球视角观察人类历史&威廉·H.麦克尼尔的全球史思想及治史实践

    A Global Perspective on the Human History : William H.McNeill 's Global History Ideas and Approach

  5. 本文从观察人类历史的全球史视角出发,主要论述和评析了威廉·H.麦克尼尔的全球史思想。

    This thesis discusses the global history idea of William H. McNeill from the global perspective on the human history .

  6. 麦克尼尔表示:我们的ETFSGold管理着大约1.3亿美元的资产,而3个实物基金则为70亿美元。

    We have around $ 130m in ETFS Gold , compared with $ 7bn in the three physical funds , says Mr McNeill .

  7. 有人能打败你的话,他就叫做麦克尼尔!

    The name is McNeil when the ass could beat you !

  8. 我认为彼得雷乌斯将军在这个问题上能够助麦克尼尔将军一臂之力。

    And I think General Petraeus can help General McKiernan in doing that .

  9. 麦克尼尔将于下个赛季接任队长职位。

    McNeal will take over the captaincy next season .

  10. 麦克尼尔-麦卡勒姆得出了相同的结论。

    Mr McNeill-McCallum has come to the same conclusion .

  11. 麦克尼尔的世界历史的独特性源于他的科学世界观。

    The uniqueness of his world history construction originates from his scientific world view .

  12. 手势新论&麦克尼尔的手势语言辩证观

    An overview of McNeill 's theory on gestures ── A dialectic of gesture and language

  13. 麦克尼尔。魔法部行刑手。食死徒。

    Macnair , walden : executioner for the Ministry of magic . a former death eater .

  14. 而纯粹的经济学角度的研究路径并不符合伊恩.麦克尼尔教授所创立的关系型合同理论的原意。

    The pure economic research path dose not accord with the relational contract theory . 3 .

  15. 威廉姆。麦克尼尔,伟大的边疆:近代的自由与等级,普林斯顿大学出版社,1983。

    William McNeill , The Great Frontier : Freedom and Hierarchy in Modern Times , Princeton University Press , 1983 .

  16. 麦克尼尔更加直言不讳:“买黄金的人是地球上最多疑的人。”

    Mr McNeill is more blunt : " people who trade gold are the most paranoiac on the planet . "

  17. 麦克尼尔表示:我不知道为什么。有些投资者只是喜欢跟踪指数。

    There are some investors who just like to track an index . I don 't know why , says Mr McNeill .

  18. 他近来编辑了路易斯.麦克尼尔的新版古典阿巴拉契亚诗集《诡异的山丘》(西弗吉尼亚大学出版社,2009)并为之作序。

    He has recently edited and introduced a new edition of Louise McNeill 's classic Appalachian poetry collection Paradox Hill ( West Virginia University Press , 2009 ) .

  19. 刚刚卸任的北约部队驻阿富汗部队前指挥官麦克尼尔将军赞同兰德公司研究报告的看法,他说,这种和平协议只会助长越境袭击,不会起制约作用。

    Echoing the RAND report , General Dan McNeill , who just relinquished his post as NATO commander in Afghanistan , says such deals only feed cross-border attacks , not curtail them .

  20. 强生的麦克尼尔消费者健康中心收到被报道在使用要拼后出现恶心、胃痛、呕吐、腹泻顾客的抱怨,一女发言人在星期一说。

    Johnson & Johnson 's McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit received some complaints from people who reported nausea , stomach pain , vomiting and diarrhea after taking the pills , a spokeswoman said Monday .

  21. 麦克尼尔是美军在阿富汗的最高指挥官,他同时也要听从北约的指挥。在阿富汗,北约各国派遣了数万名官兵同美国和阿富汗部队共同作战。

    General David McKiernan is the top U.S. commander in Kabul , and he also answers to the NATO command , whose countries have thousands of troops working alongside U.S. and Afghan forces .

  22. 它们同时也表明,麦克尼尔越来越倾向于把人类社会与生物世界和物理世界对应起来,用研究自然科学的方法来研究人类社会,可以称之为的科学世界历史观。

    At the same time , they show that McNeill was becoming more and more inclined to parallel human society with the biological and the physical world , subjecting human society to the natural laws .

  23. 奥巴马写给麦克尼尔的情书和库克写的日记描述了一个认真诚挚的年轻人,努力适应自己的种族身份和在现代美国社会中的位置。

    Letters Mr Obama sent to Ms McNear and journal entries by Ms Cook depict a serious and earnest young man struggling to come to terms with his racial identity and place in modern American society .

  24. 第一章是对麦克尼尔学术生平和最主要的三部全球史著作:《西方的兴起》、《瘟疫与人》和《竞逐富强》的简介。

    The chapter I is the academic profile and biography of McNeill and the three most important books of McNeill , The Rise of the West , Plagues and Peoples , and The Pursuit of Power .

  25. 从3月5日至7日,宾夕法尼亚大学的早期美国研究学会将在麦克尼尔中心举办德国尖角字体研讨会,探讨绘图公式、植物主题、以及那些原始拥有者的后代们手中买下这些艺术品的早期收藏家。

    From March 5 to 7 , a fraktur symposium at the McNeil Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania will cover topics including paint formulas , botanical motifs and early collectors who purchased works from descendants of the original patrons .

  26. 麦克尼尔的博客更关心得到Dunkin'Donuts的免费糕点,而非解决全球金融失衡,但她却得出了与沃尔克相同的结论:我们太多人支出太容易,不会考虑我们的金融未来

    McNeal 's blog is more concerned with scoring free pastries at Dunkin ' Donuts than resolving global financial imbalances but she , too , has reached the Volcker conclusion : Too many of us are spending too easily , without any thoughts about our financial future