
zhuàn yǐ
  • swivel chair;revolving chair;turntable chair
转椅 [zhuàn yǐ]
  • (1) [swivel chair]∶能在底座上旋转的椅子

  • (2) [turntable chair]∶转盘上设有若干坐椅、可坐着随转盘旋转的一种儿童游戏设施

转椅[zhuàn yǐ]
  1. 他仰靠在转椅上,十指交叉枕在脑后。

    He leaned back in the swivel chair and locked his fingers behind his head

  2. 应用PLC构成转椅试验机的电&气控制系统

    The Pneumatic-electrical Control System of the Swivel Chair Test Machines Formed by PLC

  3. 本厂是一家大型金属家具制造企业,专业生产金属办公椅、多功能办公转椅、ABS进口塑胶酒吧椅、五金吧椅、休闲椅。

    My factory is a large furniture manufacturer , which specializes in office chair , multi-fuction office chair , ABS import plastic bar chair , hardware bar chair , leisure chair .

  4. 弗洛拉把那只笨重的转椅扶起来。

    Flora restored the heavy swivel chair to its upright position .

  5. 气压升降式转椅产品质量安全风险分析

    Analysis of Quality Safe and Risk in Atmospheric Perssure Swivel Chair

  6. 沙发转椅,坐起来令人倍感舒适。

    The swivel armchair is doubly comfortable to sit in .

  7. 可调速转椅,反射测试用

    Chair , adjustable speed , revolving , for reflex testing

  8. 她回到桌子后面的转椅上。

    She returned to the swivel chair behind her desk .

  9. 还有这张转椅哪来的?

    And where did that swivel chair come from ?

  10. 转椅又一个新潮发明

    A swivel chair . Another modern brainwave ?

  11. 范.哈尔惊慌地坐在他的转椅里,脸色发白,直打哆嗦。

    Vann Harl was in his swivel chair , looking alarmed , pale and shaken .

  12. 他躺回到转椅上,夕阳荡漾在他的脸上。

    He lounged back in his swivel chair and the setting sun played on his face .

  13. 文章介绍了用于航天员前庭功能测试的多功能转椅和四柱电动秋千。

    Multifunctional Rotary Chair and Electromotive Four-pole Swing applied to vestibular functional test of astronauts are introduced .

  14. 介绍了可编程控制器在转椅力学性能试验机的气-电控制系统中的应用。

    This paper described the PLC application in the pneumatic-electrical control of the test of swivel chair mechanical property .

  15. 他坐在一张填满泡沫的转椅上,那种办公室常用的蓝色人造皮革椅子,眼前是一台计算机终端。

    He was sitting in a blue leatherette foam filled swivel-seated office chair in front of a computer terminal .

  16. 从我的角度来看,乔的那张办公椅&那张带有软垫的转椅,很可怕。

    As far as I am concerned , Joe 's desk chair is a horror-a swivel affair with soft cushions .

  17. 泰纳恩仰靠着转椅背,双臂交叉在宽阔的胸前,眼睛盯着天花板。

    Tynan lay back in his swivel chair , arms crossed on his barrel chest , eyes set on the ceiling .

  18. 佩妮之前一直在转椅上荡来荡去,这时走过来,一脸不高兴的样子。

    Just then Petunia , who had been swinging herself back and forth on the roundabout , came up to them scowling .

  19. 一把转椅和一张桌子,这种典型的办公用品元素,被用来当作人类存在过的标志,就像人类学的手工艺品。

    Typical office furniture elements-a swivel chair and a desk , are displayed as traces of human presence , like anthropological artefacts .

  20. 基于组织生态理论的产业集群演进研究&以浙江安吉转椅产业集群为例

    Based on the Theory of Organizational Ecology Studies the Evolution of Industrial Clusters & Zhejiang Anji Chair Industry Clusters as an Example

  21. 乔治前香乘坐转椅,毕竟并不惬意,可偏偏人越是上了年纪,想试一试的劲头就越大。

    After all , George didn 't have a very merry ride the last time-but the older they get , the harder they try .

  22. 根据人体工程学设计的转椅有效承托背部曲线,应为首选。

    The revolving chair that designs according to human body engineering is effective bear hold back curve in the palm , should be first selection .

  23. 他把黑色皮转椅拖到自己的书桌前,随后登录到医院的网站,急切地看起了他的治疗师对那次会谈的记录。

    Pulling his black leather swivel chair to his desk , he logged onto a hospital website and eagerly perused his therapist 's session notes .

  24. 产品涵括办公桌、会议桌、文件柜、沙发、转椅、办公椅、屏风、办公屏风系列产品。

    Product includes desks , conference tables , filing cabinets , sofas and swivel chairs , office chairs , screens , office screens series of products .

  25. 我们于05年在广州白云区太和设立大型的生产基地,专业制造各类板式家具、金属家具、转椅、软体家具及目前应用广泛的高间隔屏风系统。

    Fookway set up a huge manufacturing base for producing kinds of furniture professionally , such as panel furniture , metal furniture and widely-adopted huge screen sets .

  26. 她决意继续朝他走去,留下佩妮坐在转椅上瞪着他们。她似乎觉得跟着莉莉过来已经很过分了。

    Then she marched determinedly towards him , leaving Petunia , who seemed to think she had done more than enough by coming , sitting on the roundabout , scowling at them .

  27. 本公司出品的“平安路”办公转椅凭着质量保证、款式新颖以及先进的生产水平,在国内已逐步成为名牌中的名牌。

    The swivel chair of " Ping An Lu " brand has gradually become the most famous brand in China by right of the quality guarantee , new style , and the advanced producing power .

  28. 我回答说:“不,先生,一杯汽水就可以了。”于是,我们走进街道拐角处的一家酒吧,坐在一双转椅上,喝着饮料。

    I told him , " No , sir , but a soda would be great . " We walked to a corner malt shop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks .

  29. 找到自己的办公桌坐定后,坐在转椅中的一位新同事转过身来,指着我的背包(已搁放到地上)说,这玩意儿里面放了迪斯尼人物图片吗?

    As I found my desk and sat down , a new colleague spun around in his swivel chair , pointed at my bag ( now dumped on the floor ) and said , Does that thing have Disney characters on the inside ?

  30. 找到自己的办公桌坐定后,坐在转椅中的一位新同事转过身来,指着我的背包(已搁放到地上)说,“这玩意儿里面放了迪斯尼人物图片吗?”

    As I found my desk and sat down , a new colleague spun around in his swivel chair , pointed at my bag ( now dumped on the floor ) and said , " Does that thing have Disney characters on the inside ? "