
  1. 对股东转让出资作出决议;

    Make resolution on the transfer of shareholder contributed capital ;

  2. 投资者转让出资的条件;

    Conditions for investors transferring their share of investment ;

  3. 对股东向股东以外的人转让出资作出决议

    To decide on transfers of capital contribution by shareholders to a person other than a shareholder

  4. 再次,从世界各国对有限责任公司的股东对外转让出资的立法比较角度出发,认为其规制的基本原则是实现股东出资权与公司人合之间的协调。

    After that we compare the legislation of outside capital transfer in Limited Liability Company in different countries and conclude that the basic principle of legislation is to realize the harmony of credit-combination and capital-combination .

  5. 第九条:转让国家出资勘查所形成的探矿权、采矿权的,必须进行评估。

    Article 9 : An evaluation must be carried out in the transfer of mineral exploration right and mining right formed by state-contributed exploration and survey .

  6. 股东向股东以外的人转让其出资时,必须经全体股东过半数同意

    " Where a shareholder transfers its capital contribution to a person other than a shareholder , the consent of more than half of all shareholders is required . "

  7. 股东优先购买权是指我国的有限责任公司股东经全体股东过半数的同意,向股东以外的人转让其出资时,公司其他股东在同等条件下,对该出资享有优先购买的权利。

    Pre-emptive rights of shareholders of a limited liability company shareholder transfers its capital contribution to the shareholders other than the approval of the majority of all shareholders , other shareholders of the company under the same conditions , the contribution to enjoy the priority to buy the right .

  8. 股东之间可以相互转让其全部出资或者部分出资。

    Shareholders may transfer among themselves all or part of their capital contributions .

  9. 第二,在提出可转让性是股权出资客体的基本条件的基础上,对流通受到限制的股权、存在权利负担的股权出资加以肯定,但是要对这些种类的股权出资加以严格的条件限制。

    Secondly , as transferability is the basic condition of equity contribution object , the liquidity-restricted and power-burdened equity contribution should be confirmed under stern provisions .

  10. 两个以上股东主张行使优先购买权的,协商确定各自的购买比例;协商不成的,按照转让时各自的出资比例行使。

    Two above shareholders advocated that exercises first purchases the power , the consultation determines the respective purchase proportion ; Consults inadequately , according to transfer when the respective investment proportion exercises .

  11. 即使是相同公司法中的制度也与营业转让或现物出资不同,也是与作为代表性公司组织改造手段的合并不同。

    It is distinct from transfer of operating asset or investment of asset , as well as amalgamation that as a ploy of representative of corporation restructuring , even if they are in the same corporation law .

  12. 这种出资瑕疵的行为将会导致大量出资瑕疵股权的产生,因此由出资瑕疵股权转让所引发的出资瑕疵股权转让合同效力问题以及出资瑕疵股权转让后的责任承担问题也相伴而生。

    The behavior of defective capital contribution leads to a large number of defective shares , so the transfer of defective shares will refers to the effect of the contract and the liability of the defective contribution .

  13. 建议作如下修改:其一,建立默认许可制度、完善许可人对专利权无效的瑕疵担保责任以及赋予专利许可实施权可转让、质押、出资的法律地位。

    Therefore , suggestions are proposed : First , establish implied license system , improve the patent invalid flaws in the implementation of the licensors ' security responsibilities and endow the right to enforcement of patent license with legal status of transfer , pledge and investing .

  14. 不同意转让的股东应当购买该转让的出资,如果不购买该转让的出资,视为同意转让。

    A shareholder objecting to such transfer shall purchase the capital contribution to be transferred and such shareholder is deemed to have agreed to the transfer if he does not purchase the capital contribution .

  15. 股权转让是股东对自己的财产行使处分权的行为,同时也体现了有限责任公司的资合性,即股东可以通过股权转让取回出资。

    Transfer of shares is a behavior that shareholders exercise the right of disposition to transfer their property . Meanwhile , it embodies the characteristic of property of limited liability company . Shareholders can take back their investment through the way of transfer of shares .