
  • 网络software engineering;software engineering science
  1. 通过MSVisualStudio2008开发工具构建全省机构编制网络化管理平台,开发流程严格遵循软件工程学的相关规范。

    Designing the personnel organization management platform by MS Visual Studio 2008 , the development process meets the requirement of software engineering .

  2. 在此基础上,基于软件工程学理论,提出了基于GIS开发滑坡预测预报系统的总体思路。

    Then , the systemic sketch to develop a new landslide prediction system based on GIS is pointed out based on the theory of Software Engineering .

  3. UML技术作为先进的软件工程学方法,对于电力系统软件开发具有较强的实用价值。

    As an advanced software engineering methodology , UML technology is worthy to be applied in the application software development for power system .

  4. 大多数软件工程学课本都花费篇幅介绍项目计划和估计,包括类似ConstructiveCostModel(COCOMO)5这样的工具。

    Most software engineering texts spend some amount of copy on project planning and estimating , including tools like the Constructive Cost Model ( COCOMO ) .

  5. DavidParnas说,软件工程学实际上就是工程学的一种形式。

    David Parnas has said that software engineering is , in fact , a form of engineering .

  6. 软件工程学课相对于OOAD课程来说作业较少。

    The software engineering class has fewer assignments than the OOAD class .

  7. 在遵循软件工程学思想的基础上,首先进行需求分析,利用UML建模技术抽象出用例,并进一步对系统进行总体设计、架构设计。

    Follow the ideas of software engineering , first of all needs analysis , the use of UML modeling techniques abstract use cases , and further to the overall system design , architecture design .

  8. 在OOAD课程和软件工程学课程的项目中,都涉及到三个客户人物。

    In both the OOAD and software engineering courses there are three customer personae involved in the project .

  9. 我刚刚描述的是我最近在OOAD课上的一个例子,是我的软件工程学系列中的第二部分。

    I 've just described an example from my current OOAD course , which is the second in our software engineering series .

  10. 阐述了运用软件工程学原理开发盒形拉深件CAD系统的整个过程,详细介绍了从盒形件拉深的工序尺寸计算到最终计算结果的输出,给出了具体的验证实例,说明了系统的可行性。

    The whole process of developing CAD of boxlike part drawing has been reviewed which was done by use of the software engineering principle , with details in introduction to the calculation of process to the output of result by a proved example for feasibility of the system .

  11. 对软件工程学方法如SASD有基本的了解;

    Basic understing in software engineering methodology e.g.SASD .

  12. 因此,在软件工程学课程中,学生们还没有学OOAD班上的学生们所知道的大部分设计理念。

    So , in the software engineering course , the students haven 't learned most of the design principles that I expect my OOAD students to know .

  13. 读者眼前所呈现的是一些同工程学相关的内容,然后Kulak试图展示它是如何不适用于软件工程学。

    The reader is presented with something that is related to engineering and then Kulak tries to show how it does not apply for software engineering .

  14. OOP技术是一种新的概念,它是软件工程学中结构化程序设计、模块化、数据抽象、信息掩蔽、知识表示、并行处理等概念的积累和发展。

    Objected oriented programming ( OOP ) is a new concept that stems from the accumulation and development of concepts such as structured programming , module , data processing , information hiding , knowledge representing , and parallel programming .

  15. 我从选修过OOAD的同学所提供的10份执行方案中选择了一份,并且将它用作介绍性软件工程学课程可利用原始代码的基础。

    I selected one implementation from the ten that were produced by the OOAD students and made it available as the initial code base for the introductory software engineering class .

  16. 因为在第一个学期中,我曾经教授过面向对象分析与设计(OOAD)课程,这门课是同学们可以选修的第二门软件工程学的课程。

    In our first term , I had taught our object-oriented analysis and design ( OOAD ) course , which is the second software engineering course that our students can take .

  17. 作为计算机辅助决策技术在农业生产及害虫治理中的应用研究,农业害虫辅助鉴定与防治咨询系统(BugKnown)的开发,是以软件工程学原理、数据库技术以及专家系统理论为依据。

    As an application research of computer-aided decision technology in agricultural production and insect pest management , the Computer-aided Species Identification and Information Service System for Agricultural Pests Management ( simplified to BugKnown ) has been developed , based on the software engineering , database and expert system technology .

  18. 请描述软件工程学同其他工程学科之间的不同。

    Describe the differences between software engineering and other engineering disciplines .

  19. 基于软件工程学的3+1维软件工程法

    3 + 1 Dimension Software Engineering Method Based on Software Engineering

  20. 用软件工程学原理提高多媒体软件开发质量

    Software Engineering Principles Enhances The Quality of Multimedia Software Development

  21. 在我所有的软件工程学课堂上,都有一份神秘的议程。

    I have a hidden agenda in all my software engineering classes .

  22. 依据软件工程学的观点来制定设计开发步骤。

    Decides the development procedure according to the viewpoint of software engineering .

  23. 软件工程学在其他工程中的应用

    Basic research on software engineering apply to other engineering

  24. 系统按照软件工程学的理论来探讨整个过程。

    The system discusses the entire process according to the software engineering methodology .

  25. 应用软件工程学方法开发智能注塑模CAD/CAM系统

    Development of Intelligent Injection Mold CAD / CAM System by Software Engineering Methodologies

  26. 人非圣贤孰能无过;恢复是软件工程学的一部分。

    To err is human ; to recover is part of software engineering .

  27. 浅谈软件工程学在软件类学生毕业设计中的应用

    Talking about Application of Soft Engineering Subject in Graduating Design of Soft Sort Students

  28. 我们始终要坚持软件工程学的原理来处理新需求,将事半功倍。

    We should persist the principle of software engineering to solve the new requirement .

  29. 利用软件工程学原理完成对整个软件系统的分析、设计。

    It analyzes and designs the entire software system by using software engineering principles .

  30. 面向对象的分析和设计方法是当前软件工程学的主流方法。

    The object-oriented analyzing and designing means is the main trend of current software engineering .