
  • 网络software project management;SPM;UML;NPD-Software Project Management
  1. 基于CMM和工作流的软件项目管理系统的研究

    Research of Software Project Management System Based on CMM and Workflow

  2. 克服在软件项目管理中使用RUP的挑战

    Overcome the challenges of using RUP in software project management

  3. 基于关系的MIS软件项目管理的组织模式及应用

    Relation Based Organizing Model in Project Management for MIS and Application

  4. Apache项目Maven是一种软件项目管理工具。

    Maven , an Apache project , is a software project-management and comprehension tool .

  5. 基于CVS的软件项目管理的研究

    Research of software project management based on CVS

  6. 网络管理,网络协议,信号处理,Unix的视窗系统,多媒体系统,软件项目管理。

    Network Management , Network Protocols , Signal Processing , Unix Window Systems , Multimedia Systems , Software Project Management .

  7. 首先,通过对实习公司成型的ERP产品架构进行系统分析,文章论述了经研究确定的软件项目管理系统的架构方案。

    Firstly , the author analyzes the framework of the company 's shaped ERP product , and confirms the construct scheme of software project management system .

  8. 这个时候,我们将使用RUP作为基础来构建软件项目管理过程。

    In this case , we will use RUP as a base in order to build a software project management process .

  9. 首先,需要ApacheMaven&一个自动化项目的构建、报告及文档建立的软件项目管理工具。

    First , you need Apache Maven & a software project-management tool that automates the building , reporting , and documentation of the project .

  10. 如果在你的软件项目管理过程中存在RUP工作产品中没有副本,你是否应该增加这个工作产品?

    If there is a RUP work product but no counterpart in your software project management process , should you add this work product ?

  11. Maven的最佳描述是一个擅长依赖项管理的Java构建工具;或者,按照Maven网站的定义:“一个软件项目管理和理解工具。”

    Maven can best be described as a Java build tool that specializes in dependency management , or , as the Maven website defines it ," a software project management and comprehension tool . "

  12. 采用AHP方法与模糊逻辑法相结合的方法进行风险评估,并根据软件项目管理的实际情况对AHP方法与模糊逻辑法进行了改造。

    The method , which combines AHP method and fuzzy logical method , is applied to the risk assessment . AHP method and Fuzzy logical method are altered according to the actual condition of the management of software project .

  13. 本文在分析软件项目管理和软件开发流程的基础上,运用经典的PMBOK,通过建立软件外包企业的项目成本管理体系,解决上述问题。

    This thesis solves these problems , based on the analysis of software project management and software development process , using the classic PMBOK , and establishing the project cost management system .

  14. 通过对软件项目管理人员以调查问卷的形式收集数据资料,利用因子分析验证了软件项目管理三层次模型的正确性和可行性,以期通过软件项目管理提高我国软件企业CMM等级。

    Through collecting data by questionnaires on software project manager , it analyzes and validates the correctness and feasibility of the 3-hiberarchy Model on Software Project Management with the purpose of improving the CMM level of enterprises dealing with software through software project management .

  15. 其次,本文针对软件项目管理中的成本估算,研究了成本估算的过程、策略和估算方法,并在COCOMO模型基础上,考虑代码重用和软件再工程等因素,提出了改进的COCOM0模型算法;

    Next , the process , strategy and methods of cost estimation are studied and based on COCOMO model a better COCOMO model has been presented considering code reuse . Moreover the function of software cost estimation module has been implemented ;

  16. 1226工程的软件项目管理研究

    Research of the Software Project Management in the 1226 Project

  17. 软件项目管理在通信企业的实施研究

    The Research of the Application of Software Project Management in Communication Enterprise

  18. 本文首先介绍什么是项目管理及软件项目管理的内容,接着分析了可靠性在软件项目管理中的作用。

    The content of software project management is mentioned in this paper .

  19. 一个B/S结构的软件项目管理平台的分析和设计

    Analysis and Design of B / S Structure Software Project Management Platform

  20. 一个改进的软件项目管理过程模型及其应用研究

    Study on an Improved Software Project Management Process Model and Its Application

  21. 一个企业级软件项目管理模型的研究

    Study on a Management Model for Enterprise Level Software Project

  22. 基于模型驱动的软件项目管理模式研究

    Research on software project management pattern what based on model-driven

  23. 软件项目管理与快速软件开发实践

    Software Project Management and Implementation of Rapid Software Development

  24. 基于工作流的中小型软件项目管理策略研究与系统实现

    Workflow-Based Management Strategy Research and System Realization for Medium or Small Software Project

  25. 计算机软件项目管理中的需求分析

    Discussing the Requirement Analysis of Computer Software Project Management

  26. 遗传算法在软件项目管理中的应用及研究

    Genetic algorithms and its applications in software project management

  27. 软件项目管理体系及其建立

    Software project Management system and it 's build

  28. 如何实行有效的软件项目管理

    The Ways to Implement Effective Software Project Management

  29. 一致、稳定并且可重复的度量结果,一直是度量领域追求的目标,它对于软件项目管理具有重要意义。

    Consistency and stable and repeatable measurement result is significant for Software Project Management .

  30. 石油物探软件项目管理应用信息平台的开发

    The development of the information platform for the geophysical software project management and Application