
ruǎn jìn
  • house arrest;house confinement;put sb. under house arrest;detain a person
软禁 [ruǎn jìn]
  • [house arrest] 不在牢房或监狱内监禁,而在家、住所或医院等处正常的生活环境中监视起来,不许自由行动

软禁[ruǎn jìn]
  1. 反对党领袖遭软禁。

    Opposition leaders were put under house arrest .

  2. 她遭到了软禁。

    She was placed under house arrest .

  3. 他两年前被解除软禁。

    He was released from house arrest two years ago .

  4. 主要反对派领导人都已经遭到逮捕或软禁。

    The main opposition leaders had been arrested or placed under house arrest

  5. 虽然两年前就已遭软禁,她在去年的选举中仍然是势力强大的代表人物。

    She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful symbol in last year 's election .

  6. 我还没找到FBI软禁你父亲的地方

    Still don 't. I haven 't been able to locate the safe house where the FBI is keeping your father .

  7. 而哥白尼学说的支持者伽利略(galileo)就没有那么幸运了,由于被怀疑提出异端邪说,他在软禁中终其一生。

    Galileo , a supporter of Copernicanism , was not so fortunate , ending up under house arrest under suspicion of heresy .

  8. 穆巴拉克在搭乘一架空中救护机抵达开罗后,躺在病床上被推到法庭。此前他在红海度假胜地沙姆沙伊赫(SharmEl-Sheikh)的医院里处于软禁状态。

    Mr Mubarak was wheeled into the courtroom in his hospital bed after arriving in Cairo aboard an air ambulance , which brought him from the hospital in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh , where he has been held .

  9. 资深律师AitzazAhsan曾被软禁,并于周日被释放,他说游行已经发展成全国性的运动,力图恢复司法。

    Senior lawyer Aitzaz Ahsan , who was placed under house arrest and then later released on Sunday , said the protests have grown into a nationwide movement to restore the judiciary .

  10. 反对党领导人刚被软禁。

    The opposition leader has lust been put under house arrest .

  11. 不,我要被软禁在家一段时间。

    No , I 'm under house arrest for a while .

  12. 而我基本上被软禁家中了

    And now I 'm the one basically under house arrest .

  13. 她同意重审家中软禁的提议

    she 's agreed to revisit my argument on house arrest .

  14. 我将要被软禁在一个精神病房里,伊芙琳。

    I 'm being confined to a psychiatric ward , evelyn .

  15. 他被软禁在总统卫队总部。

    He is under house arrest at the Presidential Guards Headquarters .

  16. 对一个被软禁的人这么做是正常程序。

    This is standard procedure for someone who 's under house arrest .

  17. 我真不知道他为何会违反家中软禁条例

    I really have no idea why he 'd violate house arrest .

  18. 监控器将告知我们你违反了软禁条例

    it 'll notify us that you violated house arrest .

  19. 军方支持的临时政府下令将他软禁。

    He remains under house arrest ordered by the military-backed interim government .

  20. 我可不想被软禁起来。

    And I 'm not going to be a hostage .

  21. 直到受审之日为止,他一直被软禁着。

    He was under house arrest until the day of his trial .

  22. 国王将她软禁了

    The King has locked her away in her chambers .

  23. 本周,这两人已经被软禁。

    Both men have been held effectively under house arrest this week .

  24. 如果你被软禁在家,为什么你不在家?

    If you 're under house arrest , why aren 't you home ?

  25. 他将被本宅软禁。

    He 's set to be under house arrest .

  26. 自今年2月开始,他一直处于软禁之中。

    He has been under house arrest since February .

  27. 你就没考虑过把她软禁起来得了?

    Have you considered just locking her up somewhere ?

  28. 我提出的建议把他软禁在我们的院子里。

    I offered to have him hung by his toes in our courtyard .

  29. 但你还在软禁中,奥利弗

    But you 're under house arrest , Oliver ,

  30. 1978年,他被软禁,一年之后又被关进监狱。

    He was put under house arrest in 1978 and imprisoned a year later .