
  • 网络The Defenders;advocate;Barrister;pleader;defense attorney;defence
  1. 一个相当不错的蛋糕(哈特菲尔德MA谷辩护律师)

    A middling nice cake ( Hatfield MA Valley Advocate )

  2. 我是被恳请作为总辩护律师来为本案辩护的,由于我不想这麽做,我已被指控犯了擅离职守罪。

    I was solicited to argue this cause as Advocate General ; and because I would not , I have been charged with desertion from my office .

  3. 谢丽∙布思作为被告的辩护律师出庭。

    Cherie Booth is the lawyer appearing for the defendant .

  4. 辩护律师可在法律许可的范围内利用任何手段为当事人作无罪辩护。

    Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off .

  5. 辩护律师声称囚犯遭到了残暴和侮辱性的对待。

    The defence lawyers claimed that the prisoners had been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment .

  6. 为了减轻罪行,辩护律师说他的当事人在袭击人的时候精神极度压抑。

    In mitigation , the defence lawyer said his client was seriously depressed at the time of the assault .

  7. 辩护律师希望区法官不受理那个案子。

    The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case .

  8. 被告辩护律师强烈建议法官应该休庭。

    The defence counsel warned that the judge should stop the trial .

  9. 很久以前你就一直想成为一名辩护律师了。

    You 've wanted to be a barrister since the year dot .

  10. 辩护律师申辩称被告精神错乱,但最后被告还是被认定有罪并判刑。

    The defence pleaded insanity , but the defendant was found guilty and sentenced .

  11. 要是我们让他出庭,我能够想象出辩护律师把他驳斥得体无完肤的情形。

    I can imagine a defence lawyer making mincemeat of him if we ever put him up in court .

  12. 辩护律师仍然没有认可受害者家属补偿金支付的相关条款。

    Defence lawyers have still not agreed to terms for payment of blood money to the victims ' families .

  13. 法官要求被告的辩护律师作出解释。

    The judge asked counsel for the defence to explain .

  14. 此案谁做辩护律师?

    Who is defending in this case ?

  15. 最后,辩护律师作了辩论总结。

    The defense attorney phrased his summation at last .

  16. 辩护律师提出他的论点。

    Defense counsel put his case .

  17. 法官通常会在贫穷被告人第一次出庭时,为其指派一名辩护律师。

    A judge normally appoints the attorney for an indigent defendant at the defendant 's first court appearence .

  18. 辩护律师们已经促使尼丰了结此案,据称DNA鉴定未能将经过鉴定的46名球员中的任何一员与所谓的被害者联系起来。

    Defense attorneys have urged Nifong to drop the case , saying DNA tests failed to connect any of the46 team members tested to the alleged victim .

  19. 然而,从事公共服务工作的律师们,比如公设辩护律师或法律援助(LegalAid)律师,虽然赚钱最少,在调查中却更倾向于报告自己生活得挺开心。

    However , lawyers in public-service jobs who made the least money , like public defenders or Legal Aid attorneys , were most likely to report being happy .

  20. Bout的辩护律师代替了原本法庭指派的律师。

    The defense lawyers representing Bout recently replaced the original court-appointed attorneys .

  21. 乔治·齐默尔曼谋杀案的辩护律师想要引用崔温·马丁的短信息和所发的一条Facebook。马丁可能在其中描述了他与朋友发生的一起冲突。

    Defense attorneys in the George Zimmerman murder trial want to introduce text messages and a Facebook posting by Trayvon Martin about a fight he supposedly had with a friend .

  22. 辩护律师AlbertDayan最近被任命为Bout做辩护,他说,他对于法官的决议很满意。

    Defense Attorney Albert Dayan , who recently was appointed to represent Bout , said he was satisfied with the judge 's order .

  23. 辩诉交易(PleaBargaining)是指检察官和辩护律师在正式审判开始前对被告人的定罪量刑问题所进行的协商和交易。

    Plea Bargaining is the negotiation and trade about the conviction and determination of punishment of the defendant between the procurator and the defense counsel before the formal trial .

  24. 成为摄影师之前,萨拉·贝内特(SaraBennett)曾是一名公设辩护律师,因此她觉得自己对于监狱里的生活多少有些了解。

    Before she became a photographer , Sara Bennett was a public defender , so she thought she knew something about life in prison .

  25. 但是据NPR新闻的马丁·凯斯克报道,尼达尔·哈桑少校的备用辩护律师表示,如果不是这样他现在就会想出去。

    But as NPR 's Martin Kaste explains , Major Nidal Hasan 's standby defense counsel says otherwise he now wants out .

  26. 香港的辩护律师费非常高,所以我自己担当了辩护律师的角色,因为我熟悉我的企业而且我以前看过法律方面的电影,比如“Philadelphia”。

    The attorney fee in Hong Kong is very high , and thus , I myself undertook the role of defense lawyer as I was familiar with my enterprise and had watched legal movies such as " Philadelphia " .

  27. 辩护律师称,腾讯拥有5多亿的用户,每天都有海量的信息传播,QQ是一个私人通讯工具,腾迅无法对所有信息都进行监管。

    Their lawyers said the company had more than 500 million users who send an immense amount of online information every day . Moreover , QQ is an individual communication tool , which is almost impossible to monitor or supervise .

  28. 这些医务工作者的辩护律师OthmanBizanti说,将在法定的60天上诉期内向利比亚最高法院递交一份上诉状。

    Othman Bizanti , the health workers'defence lawyer , said that an appeal would be filed before Libya 's supreme court within the legal time limit of60 days .

  29. 辩护律师团成员Yehyaal-Eitabi说:“判决过重,出乎我们的意料。”由约二十人组成的辩护律师团参加了本周四的听证会,并表示他们将上诉。

    " The sentence was unexpectedly harsh ," said Yehya al-Eitabi , one of some two dozen defense lawyers who attended Thursday 's hearing and said they would appeal the verdict .

  30. 他做我的辩护律师,对指控我盗窃进行辩驳。

    He defended me against the accusation of being a thief .