
  • 网络Dialectical contradiction;dialectic contradiction
  1. 最后,透析逻辑矛盾和辩证矛盾。

    Finally , analysis on logical contradiction and dialectical contradiction .

  2. 个人全面发展与人类全面发展及其辩证矛盾性

    Individual and Mankind 's Developments in an All-round Way and Their Dialectical Contradiction

  3. 社区党建和社区文化的辩证矛盾性

    The Dialectical Antinomy of the Community Party Building and the Community Culture

  4. 辩证矛盾与逻辑矛盾论析

    Exposition and Analysis of Dialectical Contradiction and Logical Contradiction

  5. 逻辑矛盾与辩证矛盾

    Logical contradiction and dialectical contradiction

  6. 本文系统地讨论了一般事物系统与辩证矛盾的联系与转化的机制问题。

    The mechanism of the connection and transformation between ordinary thing 's system and dialectical contradiction is discussed systematically .

  7. 和谐社会观的确立,标志着辩证矛盾观尤其是矛盾同一性理论的系统创新。

    The concept of establishing a harmonious society marks a dialectical contradiction to the concept of systems theory Identity particularly innovative .

  8. 依照次协调逻辑真矛盾的观点所构建的次协调逻辑系统,夷非所思地试图要容纳我们所认知的悖论、辩证矛盾、甚至逻辑矛盾。

    According to the view of true contradiction , system of paraconsistent logic tries to portray dialectic , tolerate paradox and even logic contradiction .

  9. 研究表明,准确把握逻辑悖论的实质的前提条件是正确区分逻辑矛盾和辩证矛盾。

    Researches has shown that to distinguish logic contradiction and dialectical contradiction correctly is the foundation and prerequisite for grasping the essence of logical paradox .

  10. 在此基础上,证明了由一般事物系统向辩证矛盾系统转化的软阴阳化定理和硬阴阳化定理。

    On these bases , the soft Yin-Yangalization theorem and the hard Yin-Yangalization theorem that describe the transformation from ordinary thing 's system to dialectical contradiction are proved .

  11. 社区党建和社区文化从哲学视角看,具有辩证矛盾性,呈现为对立统一关系。

    From the philosophy visual angle that the community party building and the community culture have the dialectical antinomy , taking on the relation of the ( opposition ) and unification .

  12. 摘要辩证矛盾观是唯物辩证法的核心内容,而我国社会主义时期对辩证矛盾观的解读和运用则经历了一个曲折的发展过程。

    Dialectical contradictions concept is the core content of dialectical materialism and dialectical contradiction to the concept of china 's socialist period interpretation and application will undergo a tortuous process of development .

  13. 本文进一步指出逻辑矛盾和辩证矛盾的区别,试图引入辩证矛盾来排除逻辑悖论,不仅没有必要,反而不利于问题的严密讨论。

    The paper further distinguishes logic contradiction and dialectic contradiction , and points out that the attempt to remove logic contradiction by means of dialectic contradiction is unnecessary but rather detrimental to argument .

  14. 从本体论看,形式逻辑的客观基础是“对象性状唯一性”,矛盾律回答的是对象性状“有几个”的问题,辩证矛盾回答的是“是什么”的问题。

    The law of contradiction answers the question of " how many " characters the object has , but on the other hand , the dialectical contradiction gives the answer to the question of " what " characters are .

  15. 本文这一部分明确了逻辑矛盾与辩证矛盾的概念,并分别阐述了其发展历史;批判了国内外在矛盾问题上的误视与错解,包括波普尔、邦格和邓晓芒等人的观点。

    In this paper , this part makes the concept of logical contradiction and dialectical contradiction clear , expounds their history . The part also criticizes some misconceptions from domestic and foreign circles , including Popper , Bunge , and Deng Xiao-Mang and others .

  16. 屋顶在建筑的构成元素中,处于最高的位置,是我们视觉停顿的一个焦点,屋顶空间作为建筑最顶端的维护结构,是一个辩证矛盾的统一体。

    The roof , one of the entire constituent elements of the building , in the highest position , is a focus of our visual pause . As the maintenance of the structure of the building , roof space is a dialectical contradictions continuum .

  17. 辩证的矛盾论观点充分体现在并购整合路径的探讨之中。

    The dialectical contradiction perspective is fully reflected in the discussion of M & A integration path .

  18. 构建和谐社会必须全面准确理解唯物辩证法矛盾观

    Must Be Accurately Comprehended for the Construction of a Harmonious Society Contradiction Theory of the Materialistic Dialectic

  19. 它展示了人类历史发展进程的活力、辩证、矛盾与变化,奉献并推进历史向前发展。

    It shows the vitality , dialectic , contradiction , change and dedication of the development process of human history , it promote the development of the history .

  20. 如何正确理解辩证法的矛盾范畴

    How to Comprehend the Contradict Category of the Dialectics

  21. 对辩证法即矛盾学说的研究仍然应该不断开疆拓土。

    The study of dialectics or contradiction theory still should have been expanding its territory .

  22. 唯物辩证法的矛盾学说是构建社会主义和谐社会的哲学基础的核心。

    The contradiction theory of materialist dialectics is the core of philosophical basis of constructing harmonious socialist society .

  23. 生态系统的复杂反馈机制以及协同学所研究的自组织演化过程,都表明了系统辩证法与矛盾辩证法的一致性。

    Firstly , the complicated feedback mechanism of ecosystem and the evolving process of self-organization from synergetics show the consistency of systemic dialectics and contradiction dialectics .

  24. 同时也指出:构建社会主义和谐社会也符合历史唯物主义基本规律和辩证唯物主义矛盾论的基本要求。

    Simultaneously also points out : Building a harmonious society also meets the essential requirements which the historical materialism basic rule and the dialectical materialism contradiction theory .

  25. 它同时指出:加强农村文化工作符合历史唯物主义基本规律和辩证唯物主义矛盾论、认识论的基本原理。

    It also states : strengthening rural cultural work in line with the basic law of historical materialism and dialectical contradictions in the theory of the fundamental principles of epistemology .

  26. 要正确理解辩证法的矛盾范畴,就必须分清语言矛盾与实在矛盾、逻辑矛盾与辩证矛盾、广义矛盾与狭义矛盾的不同意义,并辨明矛盾与对立、否定、辩证法和系统论的关系。

    If want the right comprehension contradiction , we must distinguish the different meanings of the contradiction between language and reality , logic and dialectic , broad sense and narrow sense etc.

  27. 农村城市化与教育可持续发展是一对辩证统一的矛盾,农村城市化能促进教育可持续发展,教育的可持续发展又有助于加速农村城市化的进程,两者相互影响相互促进。

    Rural urbanization and sustainable development of education are contradictions of dialectical unity , for which the former can promote the later while the later will accelerate the process of the former .

  28. 但是怀疑主义的导言,不仅是一种不令人愉快的工作,而且也是一段多余的路程,因为,有如下面即将指陈的,辩证过程或矛盾进展本身就是一个积极的科学的主要环节。

    But a sceptical introduction would be not only an ungrateful but also a useless course ; and that because dialectic , as we shall soon make appear , is itself an essential element of affirmative science .

  29. 因为在当代市场经济的前提下顾客就是上帝。站在辩证法的矛盾学说的角度来看,消费者心理和包装设计其实是一对矛盾。

    Because in the contemporary market economy , under the premise of " customer is God . " Standing theory of dialectical point of view of the conflict , consumer psychology and packaging design is a contradiction .

  30. 和谐社会与一向强调斗争的辩证法有无矛盾?

    Is there conflict between harmonious society and dialectics that emphasizes contradiction ?