
  • 网络Trat;TDX;Dalet
  1. 该委员会主席是宏利金融首席执行官、出生于意大利的多米尼克•达勒桑德鲁(DominicD'Alessandro)。

    Triec 's chairman is Dominic D'Alessandro , Manulife 's Italian-born chief executive .

  2. 在达勒斯/沃斯堡机场进行的ATIDS操作和频谱试验

    Operational and Spectrum Tests for ATIDS at Dallas / Fort Worth Airport ; Project rept

  3. 他说,达勒是一名独断专行的法国人,从不说英语,而且“即便是在最昂贵的餐厅,也会问那里的比目鱼是否新鲜”。

    Mr dalle , he says , was an autocratic Frenchman who never spoke English and " would ask at the most expensive restaurant if the sole was fresh " .