
  • 网络saladin;Salah al-Din;Salah-al-Din
  1. 第一部分介绍了萨拉丁成长的背景。

    The first part introduces the background of Saladin ′ s growth .

  2. 我们不可与萨拉丁开战!

    We must not go to war with saladin !

  3. 以此为转折点,萨拉丁的注意力朝向了叙利亚。

    From this point forward his attention would be focused on Syria .

  4. 这是解救萨拉丁事件中最为关键的情报。

    This information was crucial to freeing Saradin with the Bell of Light .

  5. 六年来,王上与萨拉丁订有和约。

    The king has made a peace with Saladin these past six years .

  6. 升为维齐尔显然是萨拉丁一生中的关键时刻。

    The ascension to the vizierate was clearly a defining moment in his life .

  7. 谢尔库赫被任命为新的维齐尔,他也给予萨拉丁一个高级行政职务。

    Shirkuh was appointed the new vizier and gave Saladin a high administrative position .

  8. 1187年,萨拉丁赢得哈丁战役,这是反十字军斗争的第一次重大胜利。

    In 1187 , Saladin won Hattin campaign , the first major victory of anti-Crusades .

  9. 他自命为尼布甲尼撒二世和萨拉丁之后的又一位天骄,他还曾发动了另外两场战争。

    The megalomaniac who styled himself after Nebuchadnezzar and Saladin also launched two wars of aggression .

  10. 《雅法条约》表明,萨拉丁业已承认法兰克人势力在圣地的合法地位。

    The Treaty of Jaffa suggested that Saladin had recognized the Frankish presence in the Holy Land .

  11. 萨拉丁发现了这起密谋,在出城视察财产时处死了这名宦官。

    Saladin uncovered this plot and had the eunuch executed while outside of the city inspecting his properties .

  12. 埃及的法蒂玛王朝在萨拉丁到来前濒于完全崩溃。

    The Fatimid State in Egypt was on the verge of total disintegration in the period before Saladin 's arrival .

  13. 萨拉丁-福斯特是镇上最大一家商店的会计,在湖滨镇上干这一行的人里面,他拿的薪水最高。

    Saladin Foster was book-keeper in the principal store , and the only high-salaried man of his profession in Lakeside .

  14. 萨拉丁在一系列军事斗争取得重大胜利,使十字军运动由盛转衰,为反十字军战争作出了重大贡献。

    Saladin achieved successes in a series of battles , which became the turn-point of Crusade movement from prosperity to decline .

  15. 萨拉丁和谢尔库赫向亚历山大进发,并在那里受到欢迎,得到了钱财、武器和根据地。

    Saladin and Shirkuh moved towards Alexandria where they were welcomed , given money , arms , and provided a base .

  16. 然而,根据这种说法,萨拉丁在经过一些交易后终被大多数埃米尔所认可。

    However , according to this version , after some bargaining , he was eventually accepted by the majority of emirs .

  17. 萨拉丁继续刻意避免与努尔丁的私人会面,因为努尔丁显然会剥夺他的权力。

    Saladin continued to actively avoid any personal meeting with Nur al-Din , who may very well have removed him from power .

  18. 随着哈里发王权的瓦解,萨拉丁就自封为埃及的统治者,但仍附属于关系疏远的努尔丁。

    With the Caliphate gone Saladin now found himself the ruler of Egypt , though still a subordinate of the distant Nur al-Din .

  19. 他和部队大部撤离了亚历山大,而萨拉丁肩负着守卫城市的任务留了下来。

    He and the bulk of his force withdrew from Alexandria , while Saladin was left with the task of guarding the city .

  20. 在确认埃及形势安全后,萨拉丁于1170年着手进攻耶路撒冷王国,成功夺取了战略重镇艾拉。

    Clearly feeling secure in Egypt Saladin undertook attacks against the Kingdom of Jerusalem in1170 and succeeded in taking the strategic town of Ayla .

  21. 这些变动使努尔丁在1173年向埃及派遣了一名审查员,用以确定被挪用的进贡数值&这清楚地表明了努尔丁对萨拉丁的不信任。

    These maneuvers led Nur al-Din to send an auditor to Egypt to establish the appropriate amount of payments in1173 , a clear sign of distrust .

  22. 因为不愿主力部队被困亚历山大,谢尔库赫离开了该城,只留下萨拉丁和小股部队守卫城市。

    Not willing to be trapped with his main army in Alexandria , Shirkuh left the city , leaving Saladin and a small force to defend it .

  23. 现居大马士革的萨拉丁据传对该城情有独钟,但他的幼年信息极少。

    Saladin , who now lived in Damascus , was reported to have a particular fondness of the city , but information on his early childhood is scarce .

  24. 他私下向革命军告知了关于巴尔卡斯的萨拉丁石雕像不过都是仿制品的消息,真正的萨拉丁石像位于巴尔摩亚。

    Informed the Zenobian Revolution that Balkas'statues were replicas of Saradin , who was turned into stone , meaning one of the statues at Balmoria was the real Saradin .

  25. 萨拉丁继承的法蒂玛王朝仍如当年沙瓦尔统治时般一点都不稳定,而他还面临身为外国占领者这一额外挑战。

    The Fatimid State he inherited was every bit as unstable as the one Shawar had seized , but Saladin faced the additional challenge of being of foreign occupier .

  26. 虽然萨拉丁最著名的事迹是他与十字军国家的战争,但他的军旅生涯始于埃及,那时他依附于叔叔,努尔丁的部下谢尔库赫。

    While Saladin is most famous for his wars with the Crusader States the beginning of his military career was under his uncle Shirkuh on behalf of Nur al-Din in Egypt .

  27. 萨拉丁身肩重任,指挥赞吉军队的右翼,一支库尔德人部队指挥左翼,谢尔库赫坐镇中央。

    Saladin played a major role , commanding the right wing of the Zengid army , while a force of Kurds commanded the left , and Shirkuh stationed in the center .

  28. 埃拉特不对穆斯林海军的通行构成威胁,但十字军会不断骚扰小规模的穆斯林船队,于是萨拉丁决心清除它。

    It did not pose a threat to the passage of the Muslim navy , but could harass smaller parties of Muslim ships and Saladin decided to clear it from his path .

  29. 年初,在他的野心勃勃的兄弟出征也门时,萨拉丁发现了一个企图使法蒂玛王室复辟的重大密谋,就迅速而残酷地粉碎了它。

    Early in the year , when his ambitious brother departed for Yemen , Saladin discovered a major plot to return the Fatimids to power and dealt with the conspirators swiftly and brutally .

  30. 同年,不知详细时间,萨拉丁袭击并夺取了十字军堡垒埃拉特,它建在亚喀巴湾湾岬外的一座岛上。

    It is unclear exactly when , but during that same year , he attacked and captured the Crusader castle of Eilat , built on an island off the head of the Gulf of Aqaba .