
mài jià
  • selling price
卖价 [mài jià]
  • [selling price] 出售价

卖价[mài jià]
  1. 在一览表上列出的商品的卖价。

    The selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list .

  2. 一以贯之,卖价愈低,销量愈高。

    To generalize , the lower the selling price , the more we can sell .

  3. 12月份,我们卖出了23只爱马仕Kelly包,而且卖价均超出了它们的购买价格。

    In December we sold 23 Herm è s Kelly bags that exceeded their purchase prices .

  4. 今天这些画卖价甚高。

    Today these paintings are sold for large sums of money .

  5. 那所房屋卖价很便宜,因为它已经摇摇欲坠。

    The house was cheap because it was falling down .

  6. 卖价跌正二百万,仍无人问津。

    Asking price dropped to $ 2 million , still no bites .

  7. 你要报卖价还是买价?

    Do you want another price or what would you like to do ?

  8. 我使他把卖价降到十英镑。

    I knocked him down to ten pounds .

  9. 棉花期货交易的卖价是很高的。

    Cotton futures are selling at high prices .

  10. 卖价是这个价格,在此价格上您可以买进基准货币时卖掉相反货币。

    Ask price is the price you buy base currency and sell reverse currency .

  11. 资产买进价高于卖价损失的钱款。

    The amount by which the purchase price of an asset exceeds the selling price .

  12. 空间不大、卖价高昂显然没法让它赢得市场。

    Small space and high price haven 't turned out to be a winning combination .

  13. 当前世界茶叶市场有三大特点:产品供过于求、成本上升、卖价下跌。

    The current tea market could be characterized by oversupply , rising cost and falling price .

  14. 从卖价中扣除75便士来支付开支。

    A deduction of seventy-five pence was made from the price realized , to cover expenses .

  15. 更值得注意的是,最近,卖价的涨速已经超过了租金涨速。

    What is also significant about the more recent increase is that prices have outstripped rents .

  16. 今天这些画被赞为杰作,卖价甚高。

    Today these paintings are admired as masterpieces , and are sold for large sums of money .

  17. 上周,公司推出了第一款西装,起卖价为160美元。

    This week , the company unveiled its first line of suits with prices starting at $ 160 .

  18. 多余的东西谈不上便宜;一个人不需要的东西,即使卖价只有一分钱,也是昂贵的。

    Nothing is cheap which is superfluous ; what one does not need is dear at a penny .

  19. 目前,原装适配器差不多卖价90美元,而且只能供其他研究人员使用。

    Right now , prototype adapters cost about $ 90 to make and are available only to other researchers .

  20. 来宝仍获准在普氏交易窗口接受其他公司的买价和卖价。

    Noble will still be allowed to accept other companies ' bids and offers in the Platts trading window .

  21. 银行根据国际外汇市场行情,按照国际惯例报出买价和卖价。

    Bank basis market level of international foreign currency , according to international convention the newspaper gives purchase price and sale price .

  22. 你的房子的卖价将取决于你的抵押贷款和当地住房市场的档次。

    What your house will be worth when you sell depends on the state of your mortgage and the housing market , in particular .

  23. 当你想要买一个二手车时,你都会先到二手车庭院去看看这个车的卖价,以及相关信息。

    When you want to buy a second hand car you go to a second hand car yard and peruse what is on offer .

  24. 不久之前出现所谓的「环保纸钱」,烟较少,但卖价也就更贵。

    For environmental reasons nowadays there is also " money " available that does not smoke that much , but it is somewhat more expensive .

  25. 更重要的却是让生产维持下去,并以只求收回变动成本的卖价将钢铁卖出。

    What is more important is to keep the production ongoing and sell the steel at a price that can at least cover the variable cost component .

  26. 南非鱿鱼在欧洲市场的卖价很高,当地的卖家不希望明年年初的价格就开始下滑。

    Squid from South Africa was sold at high prices on the European market and local sellers do not wish to undercut those prices early next year .

  27. 投资者在作出是否买入或者卖出的决定时,不需要投入全部的注意力去研究像股价的市盈率或者买价与卖价的比率这些基本面的因素。

    Investors don 't pay a whole lot of attention to fundamentals like price-to-earnings or price-to-sales ratios when they make decisions on whether to buy or sell .

  28. 交易成本通常是债券的买价和卖价之间的差距,每家银行不一样。

    The cost of transaction is usually the difference between the purchase price and sale price of the bond , and may vary from bank to bank .

  29. 但到了去年第二季度,该基金开始看跌该股票并开始卖出,初始卖价是30美元出头。

    But by the second quarter of last year , the fund began to sour on the stock and started selling , initially in the low $ 30s .

  30. 部门与其接受每单位20美元的卖价,不如让其闲置生产能力闲置,然后开发更有获利能力的产品。

    Rather than accept a $ 20 price for its goods , Division A may prefer to let its capacity remain idle and search for other , more profitable products .