
  • 网络sell order
  1. 金融量化研究支持系统是一个自动撮合买进、卖出委托的电子化交易系统。

    Financial quantization study supporting system is a automatically electronic transaction system of whether ones buy or sell .

  2. 这个软件实现了月坛视界网站电子交易的核心功能&买入委托、卖出委托之间的实时撮合、交易功能,也实现了交易所开盘、收盘的数据库相关表处理功能。

    This procedure not only has realized the key function of the electronic trade of website of " Yue Tan Shi Jie " but also has realized that the database relevant tables operate during opening and closing trade .

  3. 行纪人高于委托人指定的价格卖出或者低于委托人指定的价格买入的,可以按照约定增加报酬。

    Where the trustee-trader sold the trust item above , or purchased the trust item below , the price designated by the trustor , the remuneration may be increased in accordance with the contract .