
mài chàng
  • Singing;sing for a living
卖唱 [mài chàng]
  • [sing for a living] 旧指在街头等处表演歌唱来挣钱

卖唱[mài chàng]
  1. 又,别人都以为我是搅局之王。其实,我只不过系个卖唱既遮。

    I 'm just a freak but you are a marvel .

  2. 那位瞎眼年轻人通过卖唱来谋生。

    The blind young man makes a living by singing .

  3. 街头艺人也到这儿来卖唱。杂技演员、音乐家以及其他街头艺人。

    Ballad-singers come and chant here . acrobats , musicians , and other street performers .

  4. 在地铁里卖唱。

    Sing on the subway for quarters .

  5. 街头艺人也到这儿来卖唱。

    Ballad-singers come and chant here .

  6. 他们以捡垃圾、偷东西、要饭、卖唱为生。

    They make living by collecting garbage , stealing , begging , and singing in the street .

  7. 尽管他早已成家,并在三年前就当了爸爸,但他仍要靠街头卖唱来赚钱。

    Busking was his main income , even after he married and become a father three years ago .

  8. 几天以后,一个走街窜巷卖唱的人在王宫的窗下唱起歌来,想讨一点儿施舍。

    A few days later a minstrel came and sang beneath the window , trying to earn a small handout .

  9. 瞎子阿炳一直靠在街上卖唱生活,他同黑暗、贫穷斗争了几十年。

    Blind Ah Bing earned his living by playing music in the streets and struggled with the dark and poor life for several decades .

  10. 当我在海珠广场欣赏这个歌手唱歌的时候,突然发现一个可爱的小孩也拽着妈妈的手停下来听歌。在广州,很多这种拿着乐器在街头卖唱的歌手。

    I enjoy hearing some songs from this singer near Haizhu square , suddenly I saw this cute child also asking his mother stop for while to listen to music .

  11. 公交车在途中固定停靠;在以前我们乘坐的其它公交车上,则因为我是盲人而认为我上车是为了卖唱和乞讨。

    The bus makes fixed stops as part of an itinerary ; the other buses would see I was blind and assume I was going to get in to sign or beg .

  12. 假如吉姆看我一眼不把我宰掉的话,她自言自语,他定会说我像个科尼岛上合唱队的卖唱姑娘。

    If Jim doesn 't kill me , she said to herself , before he takes a second look at me , he 'll say I look like a Coney Island chorus girl .

  13. 简而言之,那只不过是在将来变成歌谣,由老奶奶唱给静心聆听的孩子,或由卖唱的在街角唱出,以吸引大批的听众,使扒手和穷人多了一个谋生机会而已。

    That is , in short , no more than to be hereafter turned into ballad and song and be sung by old women to quiet children , or at the corner of the street to gather crowds in aid of the pickpocket and the poor .