
qiān yí
  • migrate;transfer;move;relocation;populate;movement;remove;shift;flit
迁移 [qiān yí]
  • (1) [move]∶离开原来的所在地而另换地点

  • 从乡村迁移到城市

  • (2) [migrate]∶由于自然力的作用从一地移向另一地

  • 沙丘通常向内地迁移

迁移[qiān yí]
  1. 当地政府表示,亚洲野象离开传统栖息地向北迁移这么远很罕见。

    Local authorities said it is rare for the giant animals to move so far northward from their traditional habitat .

  2. 各种组织发现,通过仅实现Web服务而宣称迁移到SOA的方式更为简单。

    Organizations find it easier to claim a move to SOA by only implementing web services .

  3. 她的祖父母是在饥荒时期从爱尔兰迁移过来的。

    Her grandparents came over from Ireland during the famine .

  4. 法国人于15世纪开始迁移到这个岛。

    The French began to populate the island in the 15th century .

  5. 她的童年是在不断迁移中度过的。

    Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place .

  6. 公司准备迁移新址。

    The company is moving to a new location .

  7. 公司也许会被迫从纽约迁移到斯坦福。

    The firm may be forced to relocate from New York to Stanford .

  8. 人们为找工作而迁移到雅加达这类城市里。

    People migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work

  9. 各继任政权吞并了该地区,并将低地的人们迁移到了这里。

    Successive regimes annexed the region and populated it with lowland people .

  10. 鲸会迁移6,000海里左右,到温暖的环礁湖生殖繁衍。

    The whales migrate some 6,000 miles to breed and calve in the warm lagoons .

  11. 随着世界的一些地方变得不适人居,数以百万计的人将会试图迁移到环境更加宜人的地区。

    As parts of the world become uninhabitable , millions of people will try to migrate to more hospitable areas .

  12. 对许多美国人来说,向西部迁移是表现一种个人奋斗的遗风。

    To many Americans the westward March illustrates a legacy of individualism .

  13. 由它的出身和迁移,人们可见欧洲殖民文化的一斑。

    Through this , people can catch a glimpse of European colonial culture .

  14. 结果表明:吸附与生物降解作用是影响硝基苯在含水层中迁移转化的主要因素。

    The experimental result indicated that adsorption and biodegradation actions are the main effecting factors in this study .

  15. 戴维厌烦在伦敦工作,因此他背水一战迁移到苏格兰,在那里买了一家小旅店。

    David got tired of working in London so he burned his boats and moved up to Scotland and bought a small hotel there .

  16. 移民侨居地往往不过是一个个迁移过来的村落,而美国实际上不是被一些种族和民族而是被一些村落拓殖起来的。

    The immigrant colony is frequently nothing more than a transplanted village , for Americas actually has been colonized not by races or by nationalities , but by villages .

  17. 沙漠中的人们必须不断地从一个地方迁移到另一个地方。

    The people of the desert have to keep moving from place to place .

  18. 最后是迁移运用,升华对文本的理解

    Finally migrates the utilization , sublimated to the text the understanding .

  19. 人口迁移的选择性一直以来都是人口学家和经济学家关注的焦点

    Selectivity of human migration long been the focus of demographers and economists .

  20. 燕子在秋季开始向南方迁移。

    Swallows begin their migration south in autumn .

  21. 亚洲象曾经遍布全国多地,对它们而言,迁移是一种正常行为。

    Historically , Asian elephants used to live in many parts of the country .

  22. 鸟类也有天生的时间感应器指导它们秋春迁移

    Birds also have built-in timepieces which send them off on fall and spring migrations .

  23. 象群离家17月,迁移500多公里这14头亚洲象,年龄、体型各异,已经迁移了500多公里。

    The herd of 14 elephants , ranging in age and size , has traveled more than 500 km .

  24. 了解和执行Web服务器迁移。

    Understand and perform Web server migration .

  25. 迁移Rational测试项目不是直接了当的,它需要按部就班的过程。

    Moving Rational Test Projects is not straightforward and requires a step-by-step process .

  26. R~n(n≥3)上群体遗传学中的选择迁移模型

    In R ~ n ( n ≥ 3 ) a Selection-Migration Model in Population Genetics

  27. 提出了一种基于多片DSP的单向迁移分布式并行遗传算法。

    A DSP based single direction migration distributive parallel genetic algorithm is present .

  28. Java线程迁移机制的研究

    Research of migration mechanism for Java thread

  29. 通过对Linux核心的修改,和GlobalOperation模块的增添,为用户提供了一个透明的具有进程迁移功能的分布式操作系统接口。

    Offer the system users a transparent distributed-OS interface by modifying Linux kernel and adding a Global Operation module ;

  30. 这个MigrateProfile按钮是用来执行实际迁移的。

    The Migrate Profile button is used to perform actual migration .