
  1. 他过了坑塌下的地方。

    He 's passing the site of the first pit collapse .

  2. 克斯伯里认为,小行星撞击福波斯地表后,产生的巨大岩石滚过陨石坑,就形成了这些凹痕。

    Duxbury thinks these grooves were created when an asteroid impact threw up large boulders that rolled from the crater .

  3. 从同一地点数次拍摄的照片向调查员显示出在过去的7年中似乎有液态水流过火星陨石坑的山谷。

    Images taken of the same areas over time showed investigators that liquid water likely flowed through gullies in Martian craters during the past seven years .

  4. 大卡车从他们身旁轰隆隆开过,把路上坑凹里的脏水溅到了他们身上。

    Lorries rumbled past them , splashing them with filthy water from the potholes in the road

  5. 我不是警告过你小心那个坑了吗!

    Didn 't I warn you about the pit !