
ɡuò mǐn xìnɡ fèi yán
  • allergic pneumonia
  1. 结论孢子抗原导致小鼠血清特异性IgG增高,肺组织大量白细胞浸润及纤维化。即毛松茸孢子抗原可在C57BL/6小黑鼠引起典型过敏性肺炎。

    Conclusions The mushroom spore antigen has increased serum differential IgG , many leucocyte infiltration and fibrosis in the lung tissue , so it has caused the pathologic change of allergic pneumonia in the C57BL / _6 mouse .

  2. 过敏性肺炎动物模型制作

    Allergic Pneumonia Animal Model Manufacture

  3. 过敏性肺炎的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis

  4. 结论:过敏性肺炎具有特征性的CT表现,结合病史有助于诊断该病。

    Conclusion : Hypersensitivity pneumonitis has characteristic CT feactures , which with case history can contribute to its diagnosis .

  5. 结果:哮喘患者BALF中嗜酸细胞及淋巴细胞表面HLA-DR明显高于慢支和过敏性肺炎组(P<0.01);

    Results : In asthma , the ratio of eosinophilia and lymphocytes expressing HLA-DR in BALF were significantly higher than those in CB and HP ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  6. 其包括特发性肺间质纤维化(idiopathicpulmonaryfibrosisIPF)、尘肺、过敏性肺炎、结节病、放射和药物引起的肺纤维化以及胶原血管病导致的纤维化等多种类型。

    It has many types including interstitial idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF ), pneumoconiosis , hypersensitivity pneumonitis , sarcoidosis , radiation and drug-induced pulmonary fibrosis and fibrosis caused by collagenvascular disease .

  7. 目的:为了解支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)细胞学在哮喘、慢性支气管炎(慢支)和过敏性肺炎(HP)的特征。

    Objective : To study cytology stud in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid ( BALF ) from patients with asthma , chronic bronchitis ( CB ) and hypersensitivity pneumonitis ( HP ) .

  8. 方法:分别对16例哮喘,15例慢支,16例过敏性肺炎患者的BALF中细胞分类计数、T淋巴细胞亚群及HLA-DR进行了测定。

    Methods : Different cell count , T-cell subpopulation and lymphocytes expressing HLA-DR molecular of the BALF obtained from 16 patients with asthma , 15 patients with CB and 16 patients with HP were determined .

  9. 诊断:过敏性肺炎亚急性期,小叶中心型结节。

    Diagnosis : Hypersensitivity pneumonitis , subacute stage , with centrilobular nodules .

  10. 过敏性肺炎的x线诊断(附10例报告)

    X-ray Diagnosis of Hypersensitivity Pneumonia ( A Report of 10 Cases )

  11. 哮喘和过敏性肺炎患者肺泡巨噬细胞释放白细胞介素-12的差异及意义

    Differentiation of interleukin 12 release from alveolar macrophages between asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis

  12. 过敏性肺炎与吸入抗原物质有关;

    Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is related to inhaled antigens .

  13. 过敏性肺炎的临床及研究进展

    Clinical and research progress of hypersensitivity pneumonitis

  14. 目的探讨毛松茸孢子抗原对小黑鼠是否能引起过敏性肺炎及制作过敏性肺炎动物模型的方法。

    Objective To investigate whether the spores from mushroom antigen can cause the allergic pneumonia and manufacture allergic animal model in the C57BL / _6 mouse .

  15. 过敏性肺炎的一种类型农民肺,由于农民吸入耐热的放线菌,它由发霉的干草中繁殖生长。

    One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer 's lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction .

  16. 儿童过敏性紫癜与肺炎支原体感染的临床观察

    Clinical observation of children with henoch-schoenlein purpura combined with mycoplasma pneumonia

  17. 室内空气存在微生物污染,可引起人体出现眼刺激感、哮喘、过敏性皮炎、过敏性肺炎和传染性疾病,重者甚至因感染而死亡;

    Indoor microbial contaminants may induce the eye stimulation , asthma , allergic dermatitis and pneumonia and infectious diseases as well , even to die due to the serious infection .