
  • 网络Miami County
  1. 菲尼克斯(Phoenix)、拉斯维加斯(LasVegas)和迈阿密戴德县(MiamiDadeCounty)等地的房价每月同比涨幅超过20%,但把这些花哨的数字抛在脑后吧。

    Forget the gaudy year-over-year monthly price jumps of over 20 % reported by the likes of Phoenix , Las Vegas , and Miami Dade County .

  2. 抗飓风门的所有部件都能满足迈阿密戴德县和佛罗里达州抗飓风的要求。

    All systems meet Miami-Dade County and State of Florida impact and pressure requirements .

  3. 在一些县,包括迈阿密戴德县,选民排队投票直到午夜才结束。

    In some counties , including Miami-Dade , voters waited in lines past midnight to cast ballots .

  4. 迈阿密戴德县县长丹妮拉·莱文·卡瓦表示,爆破拆除将为救援队开辟新的搜索区域。

    Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava says the demolition will open up new areas for rescue teams to explore .

  5. 在南佛罗里达州,因为猪流感的担忧已经关闭了至少五所学校,最新的焦点地区是迈阿密戴德县和坦帕湾地区的希尔博斯县。

    In South Florida , swine flu concerns have closed at least five more schools , the latest focus , Miami-Dade County and Hillsborough County in the Tampa area .