
  • 网络miles;myers;Meyers;Richard Myers
  1. 至于你的问题,迈尔斯,答案仍旧是否定的。

    So as for your question , Miles , the answer still has to be no

  2. 您好,迈尔斯夫人。

    Hello , Mrs Miles .

  3. 迈尔斯是个精力充沛的人。

    Myles is a human dynamo .

  4. 迈尔斯去了牙买加度假。

    Myles vacationed in Jamaica

  5. 他受伤后,迈尔斯夫人照料他恢复了健康。

    After his injury , Mrs Miles nursed him back to health .

  6. 职业教练福特•R•迈尔斯也同意她的观点。

    Career coach Ford R. Myers agrees .

  7. ‘你最好卧倒’,我因为自己紧张而建议她这么做(b约翰M.迈尔斯)

    ' You 'd better lie doggo , ' I advised her out of my own nervousness ( bJohn M. Myers )

  8. 我们年轻但已成年的儿子贾斯汀(Justin)和迈尔斯(Miles)经常借他的衣服穿。

    Our young adult sons , Justin and Miles , often borrow his clothes .

  9. 要做现场表演的时候,德霍曼-克里斯托就会躲在乐器后面,或者是像迈尔斯?戴维斯(MilesDavis)那样转过身去背对观众。

    When they 'd play gigs , de Homem-Christo would hide behind equipment or turn his back , Miles Davis - style , to the audience . '

  10. 公司名字取自放克乐艺人、迈尔斯?戴维斯(MilesDavis)第二任妻子贝蒂?戴维斯(BettyDavis)的同名歌曲。

    when she started Nasty Gal. She named the company after the song by funk musician Betty Davis , the second wife of Miles Davis . '

  11. 例如,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)英国首席经济学家大卫•迈尔斯(DavidMiles)将处于目前震荡中心的复杂金融产品,比作赛马赌注。

    David Miles , chief UK economist of Morgan Stanley , for example , likens the complex financial products that are central to the current malaise to bets on a horse race .

  12. 一位名叫迈尔斯的博主在CrookedTimber网站上评论道:当亲民变成显而易见的欺骗时,为何选民们还想要看到政客们做出亲民举动?

    A blogger named Myles commented on the website , Crooked Timber : Why do voters want to see politicians attempt the common touch when it is such a transparent fraud ?

  13. 迈尔斯-布里格斯测试(Myers-Briggs)不会说谎。

    The Myers-Briggs test doesn 't lie .

  14. CNN天气气象学家迈尔斯乍得预计这场暴风雪从晚上开始,接连持续几天,最终像前一场暴风雪一样向东推进。

    That storm , which is expected to start overnight , should last several days and eventually make its way eastward , like its predecessor , CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said .

  15. 二十多年来,投资非洲的先行者迈尔斯?莫兰(MilesMorland)一直在这片不能直接饮用自来水的地方寻找投资机会。

    Miles Morland , a pioneering Africa investor , has spent more than two decades looking for deals in places where you cannot drink the tap water .

  16. 在ABC新闻节目上,迈尔斯先生接受了采访,在节目上他像世人揭示了1991年6月25号,他去参加一个房地产研讨会,然后消失的原因&我只是想结束这一切他说。

    In an extensive interview with ABC News last week , Myers tried to explain why he left for a real estate seminar in San Diego on June 25 , 1991 , and never came back . I just wanted it all to end .

  17. 该公司董事总经理迈尔斯•莱文(MylesLevin)表示:我们本想设计一款预订鞋子,然后我们发现了这些T恤,他们是成品,但将送到垃圾场。

    Its managing director Myles Levin says : We wanted to develop a bespoke shoe and saw these T-shirts that were a finished product but going to the trash mill .

  18. 迈尔斯.看看那个小妞。

    Miles , Check out that chick . Oh . Yeah .

  19. 对迈尔斯说来,念念货币经可算是一种排遣思想的手段。

    Talking money was a form of mental suspension for miles .

  20. 迈尔斯坐着没有作声,他正在把所听到的一切加以消化。

    Miles sat silent , digesting all that he had heard .

  21. 迈尔斯,就是你跟我提起的人。

    Miles , this is the guy you told me about .

  22. 迈尔斯,形势比你想的要复杂的多。

    Miles , this situation is more complicated than you think .

  23. 这样你好啊我是迈尔斯

    Well , how do you do ? I 'm Miles .

  24. 那迈尔斯怎么有时间帮我呢?

    How come miles can find the time to help me ?

  25. 迈尔斯我知道你在尽力帮忙。

    Miles , I know you 're trying to help .

  26. 迈尔斯先生是。位俄国历史和政府体制的知名学者。

    Dr miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian history and government .

  27. 布比迈尔斯真是不可阻挡!

    You can 't turn it back to boobie miles !

  28. 迈尔斯的乐声总是如此干净纯粹。

    Miles Davis 's sound was always clean and pure .

  29. 迈尔斯拒绝就8名检察官解职一事出庭作证。

    Miers refused to testify about the firing of eight US attorneys .

  30. 为何你和迈尔斯的事情我都豁出去了。

    I stuck my neck out for you with miles .