
  • 网络rios;Brandon Rios;Marcelo Rios;Ríos
  1. 里奥斯工作非常努力。

    Rios is no stranger to hard work .

  2. 高盛得主里奥斯说,他的计划是一次解决农民急需解决的问题就是其中之一。

    Goldman laureate Rios says his plan was to address these urgent problems one farmer at a time .

  3. 成立NationWasteInc.公司的时候,她并没有感到害怕。22岁的时候,里奥斯刚刚从休斯敦大学(theUniversityofHouston)毕业几个月就贷款购买了两辆卡车,毅然投身由男性主导的垃圾处理行业。

    She was not intimidated when she started Nation Waste Inc. At just 22 , months after graduating from the University of Houston , she took out loans and purchased two trucks , jumping into the male-dominated waste-removal industry .

  4. 里奥斯在塞沃两名全职员工操作和维修设施。

    At Tres Rios two full-time employees operate and maintain the facility .

  5. 里奥斯的方法似乎有点反常,却是很精明的商业手段。

    If Rios'methods seem a little unconventional , it may be smart business .

  6. 里奥斯的创意也已在墨西哥的根在那里,他是在类似的农民从事主导的生物多样性项目。

    Rios'ideas have also taken root in Mexico where he is engaged in similar farmer-led biodiversity projects .

  7. 而基本上,阿加西、里奥斯,及其他球员能有这样的生活都归功于网球带给他们的。

    And basically everything what Agassi and Rios , and some other guys , what they have in life is thanks to the tennis .

  8. 牙买加主要游轮景点奥乔里奥斯湾有丰富多彩的工艺品店、小食店和廉价酒店。

    Ocho Rios , the country 's prime cruise ship destination , is a gauntlet of colorful craft shops , food stands , and juke joints .

  9. 专攻企业法的法官里奥斯崔因曾谴责机构投资者把钱从一个公司移到另一个公司的行为类似于沙鼠。

    Leo Strine , a judge with expertise in corporate law , accuses institutional investors of " gerbil-like " activity as they move money from one company to another .

  10. 里奥斯说:回头看看过去的经历,总是让我感到吃惊。我很小的时候就跟着父母来到美国,现在我正在实现我的美国梦。

    It is pretty amazing when I look back and see , I started as a little girl entering the United States with my parents and now I am truly living the American dream , says Rios .