
  1. 我把泳衣和T恤衫塞进包里,乘卧铺前往贝济耶。

    I crammed my bag full of swimsuits and T-shirts and caught the sleeper down to Beziers

  2. 在好几个世纪里,乘敞篷车的旅行者穿过了撒哈拉沙漠。

    For centuries caravaneers have traveled through the Sahara desert .

  3. 我经常给她读日记里我们乘旅行拖车外出度假的时光,也会给她看那些老照片,她非常喜欢。

    I often take the diaries of our time caravanning and show her the pictures , she enjoys that .

  4. 我带着麦里克乘一列窗户不透光的火车来到乡下,没有人看见我们。

    I took Merrick to the country in a train with dark windows , so nobody could see him .

  5. 我最近在这台相当有美感的未来座驾里试乘了20分钟,感觉就像坐上了只有一个车厢的列车的头等舱。

    I recently had a somewhat bumpy 20-minute ride in the almost-sensuous vehicle-robot . The experience was like being in a first-class single-cabin rail car on virtual tracks .

  6. 我没有呆在酒店里,而是乘电梯来到了屋顶的餐厅ZlataPraha。

    I wasn 't staying at the hotel , so I took the elevator to the rooftop restaurant , Zlata Praha .

  7. 大百货商店里许多人乘电梯上下楼。

    Many people go up and down by the lift in the big department store .

  8. 在过去的24小时里,常乘飞机旅行的国际土豪们在网上论坛里吐槽自己旅行中最荒唐的错误。

    The internet 's international jetsetters have spent the past 24 hours revealing their silliest travelling clangers on an online forum .

  9. 很明显,市长的宣传使得很多人把私家车停发在家里,改乘公交车上班。

    Obviously , the mayor 's publicity campaign has convinced many people to leave their cars at home and ride the bus to work .

  10. 而且,我实话告诉你吧,我们的指挥员对于保卢斯是还在斯大林格勒口袋里还是已经乘飞机逃跑了也弄不清楚。

    Moreover , I shall tell you frankly , our command did not know , whether Paulus was still in the Stalingrad pocket or he was already flown out .

  11. 我不知道在这个城市里有多少人乘公交车上下班。

    I wonder how many people commute to work in this big city .

  12. 我们将所有的装备都装入了几个铁皮箱子里,然后就乘火车向加尔各答出发了。

    We packed all our equipment into a couple of tin trunks and started out for Calcutta by train .

  13. 我在上床之前,先在女儿们的房间里停一会儿,乘她们睡着的时候亲亲她们的脸蛋,默祝她们晚安。

    Before I join her , I stop in the girls ' room to kiss them goodnight in their sleep .

  14. 在1426天里,他靠乘公交、搭出租、坐火车和徒步的方式旅行了16万英里,并且在每周仅有100美元的情况下。

    Hughes used buses , taxis , trains and his own two feet to travel 160,000 miles in exactly 1,426 days - all on a shoestring of just $ 100 a week .