
  • 网络SITH;Heath;Sis;xerxes
  1. 伯恩称,卖空者是旨在毁掉其公司的宏大计划一部分他将这个计划的精心策划者称作“西斯大帝”(thesithlord,电影《星球大战》中的邪恶角色)。

    He claimed short-sellers were part of a master plan to destroy his company - a plan orchestrated by someone Mr Byrne called " the Sith Lord " after an evil figure in Star Wars .

  2. 毫无疑问,神秘武士是个西斯人。

    There 's no doubt the mysterious warrior was a sith .

  3. 用他的话来说,新法西斯主义的幽灵正在索非亚和其他大城市中游荡。

    The spectre of neo-fascism , as he put it , was stalking the streets of Sofia and other big cities .

  4. 南密西西比大学的劳伦斯·帕特西斯近来研究了约20位拥有HSAM者,发现他们在幻想倾向和专注力两方面得分特别高。

    Lawrence Patihis at the University of Southern Mississippi recently studied around 20 people with HSAM and found that they scored particularly high on two measures : fantasy proneness and absorption .

  5. ¨也许他们童年时代的某种经历使得他们着迷于日历和发生过的事情,”帕特西斯说。

    " Maybe some experience in their childhood meant that they became obsessed with calendars and what happened to them , " says Patihis .

  6. 但是,不是每一个有幻想倾向的人都能发展出“超级自传体记忆”,所以帕特西斯认为一定存在某些东西触发他们不停回忆过去。

    Not everyone with a tendency to fantasise will develop HSAM , though , so Patihis suggests that something must have caused them to think so much about their past .

  7. 专注力帮助他们筑建起记忆的牢固基础,帕特西斯说,幻想倾向则意味着他们在接下来的几周或几个月反复重现这些记忆。

    The absorption helps them to establish strong foundations for recollection , says Patihis , and the fantasy proneness means that they revisit those memories again and again in the coming weeks and months .

  8. 影片讲述了一对年轻恋人的故事,16岁的亚历克西斯由菲利克斯·勒费弗尔饰演,18岁的大卫由本杰明·沃辛饰演。1985年亚历克西斯乘坐的小船在诺曼底海岸附近翻船时,大卫将险些溺亡的亚历克西斯救起。

    Its young lovers are 16-year-old Alexis ( F é lix Lefebvre ) and a 18-year-old , David ( Benjamin Voisin ) , who saves him from drowning when his boat capsizes off the coast of Normandy in 1985 .

  9. F男爵穿着国王佛兰西斯一世加冕时代的全套衣服。

    Baron F was wearing his whole wardrobe dating from the coronation of the Emperor Francis the First .

  10. 西斯稀里进入NBA选秀,并于2006年首先选择了多伦多猛龙队这个团队。

    Bargnani entered the2006 NBA Draft and was selected first overall by the Toronto Raptors .

  11. 早期反馈还显示,新法西斯主义政党金色黎明党(Goldendawn)获得了大约6%的选票,位居第三。

    Early returns also showed that the neo-fascist Golden Dawn party was in third place with roughly 6 percent of the total vote .

  12. 在他的NBA生涯中,西斯稀里在巴塞罗那尕甲和精英全欧洲联赛中效力于巴塞罗那的特雷维索贝纳通。

    Prior to his NBA career , Bargnani played for Italy 's Benetton Treviso in the Italian Lega A and the elite Europe-wide Euroleague .

  13. 艾丁•森库特,弗利西斯风险投资公司(FelicisVentures)创始人兼总裁

    Aydin senkut , founder and President , Felicis Ventures

  14. 雷西斯苜蓿抗褐斑病和霜霉病;

    The Resis was resistant to brown spot and powdery mildew .

  15. 你见过西斯庭教堂吗,沃森小姐?

    Have you ever seen the Sistine Chapel , Miss Watson ?

  16. 西斯大帝用来震击卢克的闪电又如何呢?

    What about that lightning the Emperor used to zap Luke ?

  17. 好了,聋子西斯,你被处以25盾。

    Well , deaf cis , you 're fined twenty-five guilders .

  18. 他说如果你和西斯再迟到的话。

    He said that if you and Seth are iate again .

  19. 在西斯黑暗大帝的掌握下?

    Was now under the control ofthe Dark Lord ofthe sith ?

  20. 这个人是个祈祷者并负责为阿塔塞克西斯王(波斯国王)运送杯子。

    The man of prayer and Cup bearer to the King Artaxerxes .

  21. 西斯与绝地,大部分是一样的。

    The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way .

  22. 西斯堪的纳维亚语的任一种,尤指挪威语。

    Any of the West Scandinavian languages , especially norwegian .

  23. 达斯普雷诡斯曾是一位西斯的黑暗君主。

    Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the sith .

  24. 这是许多年以来,绝地和西斯的第一次对决。

    For the first time in ages , Jedi and Sith dueled .

  25. 西斯将再一次统治这个星系。

    Once more , the Sith will rule the galaxy .

  26. 西斯,我和你说了多少遍了?

    Heather , how many times must I say it ?

  27. 伊丽莎白:明天我要去佛兰西斯太太那里拿我的。

    Elizabeth : I 'm going to pick mine up tomorrow from Mrs.

  28. 新法西斯主义团体是对欧洲少数民族的日益增长的威胁。

    Neo-fascist groups are an increasing threat to ethnic minorities across europe .

  29. 我想单独跟奥列格,还有阿丽西斯玩会儿。

    I wanna be alone with Oleg ... And Alexis .

  30. 我们必须把他们带到西斯觉察不到的地方去。

    We must take them somewhere the Sith will not sense their presence .