
  • 网络Miami Vice;miami-vice-unrate
  1. 竟然没提到《迈阿密风云》,所以我给了他差评

    I graded him down ' cause he didn 't mention " Miami Vice "

  2. 螺旋副的效率问题;迈阿密风云掀起新风暴

    Efficiency of screw ; MIAMI VICE

  3. 《迈阿密风云》三区宽屏版执行力决定成败

    Executive Force MIAMI VICE

  4. 还记得我们坐在窗边看邻居电视里的《迈阿密风云》重播吗?

    Remember sitting by the window , watching reruns of " Miami Vice " on the neighbor 's TV ,

  5. 故事情节被严格保密,王力宏说,自己试镜时,用的还是《迈阿密风云》的剧本。

    The story was so closely guarded that when Mr. Wang auditioned , he used a Miami Vice script , he said .

  6. 柯林?法瑞尔和杰米?福克斯联合主演的影片《迈阿密风云》尽管得到的评价并不高,但它在大西洋两岸均取得了票房冠军的好成绩。

    The latter two actors were paired together in the recent Miami Vice movie , which topped the box office on both sides of the Atlantic despite lukewarm reviews .