
  • 网络The Batman
  1. 美国丹佛市(denver)警方表示,在该市附近午夜一场新《蝙蝠侠》电影的放映中,一名蒙面枪手向人群开枪,至少打死14人,打伤50人。

    A masked gunman killed at least 14 people and injured 50 more when he opened fire on a midnight screening of the new Batman film near the US city of Denver , local police said .

  2. 最近新的《蝙蝠侠》电影上映了。

    The new Batman movie came out recently .

  3. 但是,现在人们说起蝙蝠侠,却只会想起克里斯蒂安•贝尔,或是新一代的蝙蝠侠本•阿弗莱克。

    But now when we talk about Batman , we all talk about Christian Bale , maybe also Ben Affleck in the future .