
  1. 今年的消费电子产品类获奖产品AfterShokz解决了这个问题。这款运动耳机像其他耳机一样挂在耳朵上,但却是通过佩戴者的颧骨来传递声波。

    This year 's Consumer-Electronics winner , AfterShokz , addresses this problem with sports headphones that loop over the ears like other headphones but send sound waves through the listener 's cheekbones .

  2. 这将防止ipod用户被人抢劫目前劫匪可以根据ipod那足以泄密的运动型白色耳机线盯上受害者。

    These would protect iPod users from the muggers who home in on victims sporting telltale white cables .

  3. 在你运动时,耳机里面就会传来提示音,根据情况告诉你应该减慢速度,或者称赞现在的运动状态非常良好。

    As you exercise you will get tips along the way to slow down or tell you you are doing a good job .