
  • 【交】transport coefficient
  1. 非平衡等离子体运输系数的数值计算

    Numerical calculation of the transport properties for no-equilibrium plasma

  2. 模糊多元回归模型在运输弹性系数预测中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Multiple Regression Model to Transportation Elasticity Coefficient Forecast

  3. 蜂窝纸箱运输包装系数设计探讨

    Design Exploration in Transport Packaging System for Honeycomb Paperboard Boxes

  4. 运输弹性系数的确定方法及其应用

    Method and Application of Determining Elasticity Factor of Transportation

  5. 采用运输弹性系数分析铁路运输和国民经济的关系,并进一步分析对区域经济的影响,最后借助于多元回归分析对铁路运输产业的资源配置进行效用评价。

    By using transport elasticity coefficient , the essay analyzes the relationship between railway transportation and national economy and then the influence of railway transport upon regional economy . Finally , the resource allocation of railway transport industry is evaluated through multi-regression analysis .

  6. 利用GIS技术手段,运用分形分维、灰色关联度、运输经济弹性系数和数据包络分析等方法定量研究环长株潭城市群内部公路交通网络与区域宏观经济发展的关系。

    This dissertation applies the GIS Technology , Fractal Dimension , Grey Correlation Analysis , Transportation Economics Elasticity , and Data Development Analysis to do a research on the relationship between highway traffic network and the macroeconomic development in the Ring of Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration .

  7. 农用运输车同步附着系数确定的探讨

    Theoretic Research on Fixing the Synchronous Adhesion Coefficient of Farm Transport Vehicle

  8. 基于运输与经济动态性分析的公路运输弹性系数计算方法改进研究

    Research on Improved Calculation Method of Elasticity Factor of Highway Transportation Based on Dynamic Analysis of Transportation and Economy

  9. 再加上陆路运输方面以具有专业绑扎技术的仓库和车队做后盾,极大的增加了货物运输的安全系数。

    Plus land transport by professional technical team of warehouse and binding backing , greatly increases the cargo transportation safety coefficient .