
  • 网络modern agriculture
  1. 西方传教士对中国近代农业的贡献

    The Contribution of Western Christian Missionaries to China 's Modern Agriculture

  2. 抗战时期广西农事试验对近代农业的贡献

    The Contribution to Modern Agriculture of Agricultural Experiments in Guangxi during Anti-Japanese War Period

  3. 中日近代农业教育学制的比较

    A Comparison about Agricultural Educational System between China and Japan

  4. 中国近代农业现代化研究

    Study on Modernization Policy of China Agriculture from 1840-1937

  5. 促进或帮助了我国近代农业推广机构的建立等,对我国近代农业推广同样也产生了深远的影响。

    Still , all these have far-reaching influences on agricultural popularization in modern china .

  6. 关于英国近代农业革命研究的几个问题

    Several Questions on Modern Agricultural Revolution in England

  7. 金陵大学农学院对中国近代农业的影响

    The Influences of College of Agronomy in Jingling University on Agriculture in Modern China

  8. 中国近代农业技术创新体系中的技术供给源研究

    Approaches for Innovation of Agricultural Technology Technology suppliers in modern Chinese agricultural innovation system

  9. 西北近代农业科学技术发展研究

    Research on Modern Agro-Sci-Tech Development in Northwest China

  10. 维吾尔族近代农业落后之探究

    A Study of Backwardness of the Uigurs ' Lagging Behind in Agriculture in modern times

  11. 中国近代农业科学技术落后原因的探讨

    On the Causes of Backwardness of China 's Agricultural Science and Technology in Recent Times

  12. 士绅们的农业实践,推动了江苏传统农业向近代农业的转型。

    Their agricultural practices promote the transformation of the traditional agriculture to modern agriculture in Jiangsu .

  13. 论传统农业思想对近代农业现代化的束缚&农垦公司个案研究

    On the Constraint of Traditional Agricultural Thought to Agricultural Modernization & A Case Study Agricultural-Cultivating Company

  14. 中国近代农业雇佣劳动

    Agricultural hired labour in modern China

  15. 略论吴汝纶对西方近代农业科技的态度

    A Brief Discussion about Wu Ru-lun 's Attitude towards Western Science and Technology of Modern Agriculture

  16. 近代农业生产条件的恶化与流民现象&以淮北地区为例

    Deterioration of modern agricultural productive condition and the refugee phenomenon ── demonstrated by northern Huaihe aera

  17. 第六章主要研究留学生与中国近代农业科学的国际学术交流。

    The sixth chapter mainly studies returned students and the international academic exchange of agriculture in recent China .

  18. 农业试验机构的兴办与发展,标志着现代意义上的农业科学试验的发端,揭开了中国近代农业试验与科研史的第一页。

    The initiation and development of agricultural experimental organs marked that the modern agricultural experiment began to originate .

  19. 陕西近代农业科技发展及影响探析

    A study on the action and influence of the development of agricultural science and technology in modern Shaanxi

  20. 关于中国近代农业教育起点问题的探讨&高安蚕桑学堂并末创办起来

    A discussion on the start of modern agricultural education I Gao An silkworm and mulberry school wasn 't established

  21. 近代农业中化肥的施用打破了传统农业生产体系中封闭的物质循环。

    The use of fertilizer in modern agriculture broke the close circle of nutrient in the traditional farmland ecosystem .

  22. 直隶是创办农学堂,发展近代农业教育最早的省份之一。

    Zhi Li Province was one of the earliest provinces of establishing the agricultural schools and developing modern agricultural education .

  23. 并出现了诸多近代农业新因素,农业正朝着积极的方向作渐进性转型和变迁。

    With the emergence of many new factors of modern agriculture , agriculture has been positively making gradual change and transformation .

  24. 科技的发展势必会引发法律的进步。人们对植物新品种的认识和法律保护,正是随着近代农业科技和生物技术的发展而逐步建立起来的。

    With the development of modern agricultural and biological technology , more and more new varieties of plants are cultivated and developed .

  25. 现代化与三元结构的农业技术创新体系&中国近代农业技术创新与需求初探

    Modernization and the Formation of A Tripartite-structure Agricultural Innovation System & A Brief Discussion on Relations Between Agricultural Innovation and the Requirement of Technology in Modern China

  26. 中国近代农业科学留学生是引进西方农业科学知识的主力军,是发展中国近代农业科学高等教育的骨干力量。

    Returned students are the main force for the introduction of western agricultural knowledge and the backbone at the development of higher agricultural education in recent China .

  27. 20世纪30年代农业危机以其形成原因的错综复杂性,表现形态的惨烈典型性,历史教训的全面深刻性在我国近代农业史上留下了沉重的一页。

    The agricultural crisis in the early 1930 's had a dignified page in the modern agricultural history as its intricate cause , integrated formation and deep lesson .

  28. 本文从学制的角度,将日本近代农业教育学制与中国近代农业教育学制进行了比较,试图找出差距的原因。

    In this article , there was a comparison between Chinese agricultural educational system and that of Japanese , tried to find out the cause of the gap .

  29. 第二部分包括第二到四章,具体探讨留学生参与中国近代农业科学体制化各个环节的表现和作用。

    The second part involves the second chapter , the third chapter and the forth chapter . This part discusses the role of the returned students in the institutionalization of agriculture .

  30. 英国近代农业革命是英国由农业社会向工业社会转变的重要内容,英国历史学家非常重视对农业革命的研究。

    Modern agricultural revolution in England is an important part in the transformation from agricultural society to industrial society . British historians have paid much attention to the study on agricultural revolution .