
  • 网络inter process communication;inter-process communication;IPC;intertask communication
  1. 消息队列是由SYSTEMV引入的进程间通讯(IPC)的一种机制,在1993年由IEEE在标准IEEEstd1003.1中进行了标准化而成为POSIX标准的一部分。

    Message queue is mechanisms of inter process communication led by System V , which is standardized in the standard IEEE Std 1003.1 by IEEE in 1993 and becomes a part of POSIX standard whose message queue has become a common communication standard in the stand-alone area .

  2. WIN32系统下进程间通讯

    Inter Process Communication on Win32

  3. Chill中进程间通讯和同步的实现方法

    The implementation of inter-process communication and synchronization in chill

  4. 系统内部的IPC进程间通讯:IPC是UNIX系统V提供的一套新的进程间通讯机制,它大大增强了进程间的通讯功能。IPC机制包括三种形式即消息队列、信号量和共享内存。

    IPC Interprocess Communication of the system : IPC is a new Interprocess communication mechanism that provided by the UNIX system V , it strengthens the communication function between the Interprocess consumedly .

  5. 在绑定模式中,JMS应用程序必须在与队列管理器相同的主机上运行,它们将使用进程间通讯(IPC)协议进行通信。

    In bindings mode , a JMS application must run on the same host machine as the queue manager , and they will communicate using Inter-Process Communication ( IPC ) protocols .

  6. 分析Windows操作系统中屏幕取词技术的原理和实现方法,并对其中涉及到的钩子函数的使用,API拦截以及进程间通讯等关键技术和步骤进行了深入研究。

    Analyzed the principle and the technique about pick words from screen in the Windows operating system , and the key technologies and steps such as use HOOK function , Intercept Windows API and communication between different process were discussed .

  7. 文章阐述了在UNIX系统进行程序设计时利用共享内存进行进程间通讯的方法并给出了相关函数的调用,该方法可以提高应用程序的开发速度和运行效率。

    The article illustrates the method of using the shared memory at Interprocess Communication that designed in UNIX system , and lists the main function-call . The method can be used to enhance the developing speed and processing efficiency of some application program .

  8. 该网采用应答式以太网(AcknowledgingEthernet)原理,向用户提供面向低级进程间通讯机制的服务原语,由这些原语,用户可以编制更高层次的通讯协议及高层应用软件。

    It adopts the principle of acknowledging Ethernet and provides users with the service primitives which orient to the communication mechanisms among the low level processes . Using these primitives , users can encode high level communication protocals and high application software .

  9. 为实现不同开发环境下的进程间通讯,使用了管道函数、进程函数等Win32API函数。

    Win32 API functions , such as pipe functions and process functions , are used for complementing communication of different processes .

  10. 大部分进程间通讯的建立的基石是信号灯和互斥。

    The most common building blocks of intertask communication are semaphores and mutexes .

  11. 群机间进程间通讯

    Interprocess communication in a computer cluster

  12. 进程间通讯通过消息总线和共享内存机制,在进程间高效的传递数据,保证可靠性。

    Inter-process communication send data via the message bus and the memory database system , the efficiency and stability of the transfer is quite reliable .

  13. 第二、三章简介嵌入式系统的基本原理并分析μC/OS-Ⅱ的系统内核,具体说明其时间管理,任务管理,进程间通讯,内存管理等基本功能如何实现;

    In the second and third chapter , the author will analyses the kernel of μ C / OS-II and illustrates concretely how μ C / OS-II perform it 's basic function such as the management of time , task , memory and interprocess communication ;

  14. 本文的软件开发环境采用在WINDOWSnt中嵌入实时RTX子系统,采用VC面向对象编程,通过创建共享内存来实现进程间的通讯,利用多线程来实现多任务的执行。

    In this paper , software is programmed with VC in Windows NT embedded RTX , shared memory is created for communication between two process , multithread is created for multitask .

  15. 针对数控系统多任务控制这一特点,对Windows平台下的多线程技术、任务调度策略以及进程间的通讯进行了深入的分析。

    The certain openness of system was enabled . 4.In view of the characteristics of multi-task control of numerical control system , under the windows platform , the multi-threading , task scheduling strategy and the inter-process communication were deeply analyzed .

  16. 过程控制级计算机系统中进程间的通讯与数据共享

    Communication and data share between processes in computer system of process control level

  17. 从前,并行处理要采用昂贵的专用计算机,随着个人计算机及网络成本下降,现已广泛用分布式网络计算机系统进行并行处理。在分布网络计算机系统中,采用消息传递方法实现进程间的通讯。

    In the past , the parallel processing can only run on the expensive and special computers . Along with the cost of PCs and network descending , the distributed parallel computing system is used on the parallel computing widely .

  18. 首先是进程间通信模块,它是整个系统中复用性最高的功能模块,介绍几种进程间通讯技术,设计一套完整的通讯机制,保证通信的可靠行和稳定性。

    First , inter-process communication ( IPC ) module , using TCP , UDP technology , because the module reusability strong design a communication mechanism to ensure reliable communication lines and stability .

  19. 介绍了如何利用DLL和钩子函数取得系统其他进程密码框内的密码,同时在程序中使用了很多其他Windows编程技术,如进程间通讯(IPC)等。

    How to use DLL and hook function to get password of other processes was described . Some other Windows programming techniques , including Inter-process-communication ( IPC ), were introduced .