
yuǎn yáng yùn shū
  • ocean shipping;ocean transportation;ocean carriage
远洋运输[yuǎn yáng yùn shū]
  1. 针对此问题,文章结合操作风险管理(ORM)技术,对远洋运输系统进行人因可靠性定量分析。

    In this paper , in order to analyze this problem , quantitative analysis of human reliability is to be carried out in ocean shipping .

  2. 远洋运输中可能发生的灾害性事故,如船舶碰撞、搁浅、腐蚀疲劳破坏、火灾、爆炸等,大多与人为失误和组织失误(HOE)有关。

    During ocean shipping , most accidents , for example , collision and grounding , corrosion and fatigue failure , fire and explosion , are caused by Human and Organization Errors ( HOE ) .

  3. 基于RFID的冷藏集装箱远洋运输远程监控研究

    Study on Remote Monitor of Ocean Going Reefer Containers Based on RFID

  4. 大量的天然气需液化后变成液化天然气,然后通过LNG船来实现远洋运输。

    Lots of natural gas need liquefying , and turn into LNG , then being transported by LNG carriers .

  5. 远洋运输的西班牙总负责人AlbertOnate表示他们正在协商在西班牙建立一个更大的商业网络。

    Spain Director General of COSCO Shipping , Albert Onate says negotiations around building a larger business network in Spain are underway .

  6. 包括华为在内的科技企业和包括中国远洋运输集团(COSCO)在内的物流企业都在西班牙成立了运营中心。

    Technology companies , including Huawei , are among those to have a center in Spain , along with logistic companies such as COSCO .

  7. 在六月里,中国最大的国有运输公司中国远洋运输公司(Cosco)中投标成功了,他们会在希腊比里亚斯港建造和营动一个新的货柜/集装箱码头。

    In June Cosco , the biggest Chinese state-owned shipping company , won a tender to build and operate a new container terminal at the port of Piraeus .

  8. 中国远洋运输集团(cosco)昨日警告称,预期将宣布今年上半年亏损,这一消息突显集装箱航运集团所面临的糟糕市场状况。

    China COSCO warned yesterday that it expected to announce a loss for the first half of the year , highlighting the dreadful market conditions facing container shipping groups .

  9. 面临CFCs和HCFCs被限制使用和被替代的严峻形势,分析了其对我国航运界的影响,特别是远洋运输业的影响。

    Facing the serious situation of restricting the use of CFCs and HCFCs recently , this paper analyses the affection on China 's shipping , especially ocean transportation .

  10. 看看世界最大的干散货船舶运营商中国远洋运输集团(Cosco)吧。该公司的航海业根基如此深厚,以至于它把首席执行官首先称为船长。

    Consider China 's Cosco , the world 's largest operator of dry bulk ships , and a company so steeped in seafaring lore that it identifies its chief executive first as captain .

  11. 操作风险的定量分析及其在远洋运输中的应用

    Quantitative Analysis on Operation Risk and Its Application to Ocean Shipping

  12. 远洋运输船舶外文报费的控制

    Control of Cost of Foreign Language Telegram of Ocean Ship

  13. 远洋运输最困难的一段路程现在已经过去了。

    Worst part of the ocean transit was now over .

  14. 远洋运输企业转机建制的探索

    Exploration of mechanism and system of ocean shipping enterprise

  15. 远洋运输企业在承运航次任务时的决策通常依赖于航次预估。

    The decision of voyage tasks undertaking usually rely on the voyage estimates .

  16. 远洋运输系统人因可靠性定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Human Reliability in Ocean Shipping System

  17. 中国的远洋运输船队是世界最大的船队之一。

    China ocean-going fleet now is one of the biggest fleets in the world .

  18. 计算机网络在远洋运输管理系统中的实现

    Implementation of computer network in ocean shipping management

  19. 图为中国远洋运输(集团)总公司外派的海员。

    The picture shows overseas Chinese seamen China Ocean Shipping ( Group ) Company .

  20. 远洋运输业务模拟教学的设计

    Simulating - teaching Planning of Ocean Shipping Business

  21. 一艘货船朝着海洋方向驶去。中国远洋运输总公司租船部

    A freighter slipped by , heading seaward . China Ocean Shipping Company Chartering Department

  22. 浅析气象定线在远洋运输中的应用

    The Application of Weather Routeing in Ocean Transportation

  23. 中国远洋运输有限公司(中远)

    China Ocean Shipping Co ( COSCO )

  24. 作为一个广州远洋运输公司的员工,我们应该对我们的工作保持热情。

    As a clerk of COSCO Guangzhou , we should keep enthusiastic to our work .

  25. 我担心这种纸箱,用于远洋运输,不够结实。

    I 'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for transport by sea .

  26. 中国远洋运输总公司租船部

    China Ocean Shipping Company Chartering Department

  27. 因此,进行远洋运输系统人因可靠性定量分析,对于运输系统的安全非常重要。

    So it is important to carry out researches on the human reliability of ocean shipping system .

  28. 主要应用于造船厂家、远洋运输、国防军工及石油勘探等领域。

    Mainly used in shipyard home , ocean transportation , defense industry and oil exploration and other fields .

  29. 其中,中国远洋运输集团就在希腊最大的港口拥有部分特许权。

    One of them , COSCO , has a concession to run part of Greece 's biggest port .

  30. 产品用途:国防军工、特殊船舶、海上石油、远洋运输等领域。

    Application : national defence and military project , special vessel , marine oil , ocean transportation , etc.