
  • 网络Comic;comic strip
  1. 亚当斯认为《呆伯特》有潜力可以成为连载漫画,因此一九八八年,他以这个新角色创作了连载漫画,并寄给几家主要的卡通公司。

    Adams thought Dilbert might have potential as a comic strip . In 1988 , he made up a few strips with his new charater and mailed them out to some of the major cartoon companies .

  2. 《花生》喜剧连载漫画初次露面是在多少年以前?

    How many years ago did the comic strip Peanuts debut ?

  3. 我看到各种各样的新漫画、新观念得到了大量读者的全力支持,与漫威(Marvel)和DC的长篇连载漫画相比也不遑多让。

    I am seeing across the board new comics , new concepts being supported wholeheartedly by the readership in droves , pretty much at equal levels with long-running marvel and DC titles .

  4. 您画的第一个连载漫画是那一部呢?

    ST : What was the very first manga series that you drew ?

  5. 期刊连载漫画一旦形成固定读者群,策划出版单行本图书就势在必行。

    Once a fixed journal comic strip readers , books on planning published booklet is imperative .

  6. 在这部全球最畅销的连载漫画中,作者岸本齐史为我们描绘了一个神秘莫测的忍者世界,每个人都性格迥异,深不可测。。

    In this global best-selling manga series , Masashi Kishimoto draws out a mysterious world of ninjas with unprecedented abilities and unique personalities .

  7. 生日宴会播放了根据这部长篇连载漫画改编的电视剧,有多位好莱坞明星捧场。

    Its birthday party here featured the cast of the television show based on the long-running series as well as other Hollywood celebrities .

  8. 电影开拍之前,质疑声不断,如何使得这些已在超过500期连载漫画中活跃了半个世纪的英雄们不令观众产生厌烦之感?更重要的是,还要让他们并肩作战。

    Before the film was made , the question was how could those characters , who have been around for more than half a century in about 500 comic book issues , not bore the audience , and more importantly , fit together .

  9. 于1969年开始连载的漫画《哆啦A梦》,如今依然很受孩子们欢迎。

    Having started as a manga in 1969 , Doraemon still appeals to kids today .

  10. 《那兔》是从2011年开始连载的漫画,它聚焦于中国现代史上的大事件和军事科技上的大成就。

    Focusing on a major event in China 's modern history and the development of military technology , That Bunny is an online comic that began serialization back in 2011 .

  11. 到2002年,连载这部漫画的期刊共有2570家,这使得他在全球收获了约2.63亿名观众,而且这部漫画还获得了吉尼斯世界纪录——全球刊载期刊最多的连环漫画。

    By 2002 , the total was 2570 , giving him an approximate audience of 263m readers worldwide and a Guinness World Record for the world 's most widely syndicated comic strip .