
  1. 世界影坛的意识流电影

    Stream - of - Consciousness Films in the Movie World

  2. 通过研究,希望了解把握意识流电影的一些独特规律。

    It aims at grasping unique rules of stream of consciousness movies .

  3. 世界意识流电影浅析

    A Brief Analysis of Stream-of-Consciousness World Film

  4. 意识流电影是世界影坛上一种新颖样式的电影。

    Stream - of - consciousness films are one of the most original style films in the world .

  5. 但由意识流小说改编的电影并没有取得戏剧作品和经典小说改编成电影的双赢效果。

    But the stream of consciousness novel has not made the film and the classic novel of the dramatic win after the results .

  6. 与意识流小说不同,意识流电影并没有形成固定的、统一的流派,甚至理论界关于意识流电影也没有正式的,明确的提出。

    With different stream of consciousness novel , the film has not formed a fixed stream of consciousness , unified genre , or even theoretical formulation of the film industry on the stream of consciousness is no formal and clear proposed .