
yì jìng
  • artistic conception;prospect
意境 [yì jìng]
  • [artistic conception] 文艺作品借助形象传达出的意蕴和境界

意境[yì jìng]
  1. 意境是中国书法高层次的审美内容。

    Artistic conception is a high-grade aesthetic essential of Chinese calligraphy .

  2. 营造意境&中国地域文化在当代酒店设计中的运用

    Creating Artistic Conception & Application of Regional Culture in Hotel Design

  3. 意境(Image)在精读教学中的研究

    The research of image in intensive reading

  4. 电视的精品节目要有意境。

    The good program of TV should have the artistic conception .

  5. 歌唱训练过程中的层次性心理意境

    On the Serpentine Music Mind-world in the Process of Singing Training

  6. 旅游意境地图与旅游建设研究

    A study of conceptual map of tourism in the tourist development

  7. 中国古典园林对于意境的追求与创造

    Discussion on the Formation of Chinese Classical Gardening and Landscape Conception

  8. 意境论很早就渗透到蒙古族文学艺术领域中。

    It filtered very early into the Mongolian literature and art .

  9. 范畴论认为现代派诗歌的审美特质是古典意境与现代意识的统一,现代派诗美范畴是病态美与朦胧美;

    Modern poetry rang includes the morbid aesthetics and obscurity aesthetics .

  10. 意境在中国古典园林中的表现

    The Expression of Artistic Conception in the Chinese Classic Garden

  11. 引导学生体味古典诗歌的意境美

    Guiding the Students to Appreciating the Artistic Conception Beauty of Classic Poems

  12. 广告意象美与意境美初探

    A Study of the Beauty of Images and Artistic Conceptions in Advertisements

  13. 王维山水诗意境探微

    A Probe into Mood of Wang Wei 's Landscape Poem

  14. 易安词英译之意境再现

    On the Transference of Artistic Ideorealm in the Translations of Yi'an Ci

  15. 他把传统意境发展为现代生命美学。

    He developed the traditional conception of modern life aesthetics .

  16. 园林植物景观的形式美与意境美浅析

    Form Beauty and Poetic Imagery Beauty in Landscaping with Plants

  17. 中国古诗英译意境传递的探索

    The Transference of Artistic Conception in Translating Classical Chinese Poetry

  18. 试析蒙古族长调民歌的意境美

    On the Beauty of Artistic Conception of the Mongolian Long-tune Folk Songs

  19. 音乐审美的至高追求:意境美

    The Highest Pursuit in Music Appreciation : the Beauty of Artistic Conception

  20. 诗味意象的选择与诗美意境的创造

    On the Choice of Imagery and Conception of Beauty in Poetry Creation

  21. 把雕塑做品的意境达到一种更深的层次。

    The artistic the sculpture do product to achieve a deeper level .

  22. 文人园林意境美在现代景观设计中的价值

    The Value of Literati Landscape Garden Mood Esthetics in Modern Landscape Design

  23. 静谧的空间,诗一般的意境&维米尔的绘画艺术

    Silent Space and Poetic Atmosphere & Johannes Vermeer 's Art

  24. 心灵美、自然美与意境

    The Relationship of the Beauty between the Mind , Nature and Images

  25. 佛教现观论对诗歌意境理论的影响

    Buddhism talks about the impact on artistic conception theory of the poem

  26. 平面设计的意境创构研究

    Study on Artistic Conception 's Creativity and Structure in the Graphic Design

  27. 中国山水画与西方风景画意境比较两宋花鸟册页的赏析与临摹

    The Artistic Conception Compare Between Chinese Landscape Paintings And Western Scenery Paintings

  28. 论公益招贴的意象美和意境美

    On the Imagery Beauty and Artistic Conception of Public Posters

  29. 意境是中国山水画的灵魂

    The ideal condition is the Chinese landscape painting soul

  30. 意境与道家思想之关系初探

    A Tentative Exploration of the Relationship between Artistic Conception and Taoist School Thought