- opinion survey;sounding

Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Customer Opinion Survey
The company measures its performance in internal communications through the company-wide annual employee opinion survey as well as targeted surveys around specific communications activities .
The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman .
The poll of 1,000 adults was conducted by telephone Dec. 12 to 14 by Ipsos , an international public opinion research company .
This report contains results of the latest opinion poll .
Opinion surveys bear some of this out .
According to a new survey .
For this purpose the class coordinator will conduct a number of informal polls at several times during the semester .
An Investigation of the Business English Majors ' Feedback on Their Instructors ' Code-switching in EFL Classroom in Higher Vocational Institutes
Making regular question research from the customers and managing to knowing well the tenants'requirements and needs , so as to improve the property management ;
In1997 , a national opinion poll revealed that in the uk , one person in six was either vegetarian or currently considering becoming vegetarian .
The public opinion survey revealed that the implementation of the environmental protection recovery measures in the construction of Xiaoxi hydropower station was basically approved by the public .
Customers often respond much better to personal requests rather than generic letters . Thus , there 's a much better chance that they will take your survey .
The results showed that the feedback group performed significantly better than the orientation group in some domains of their teaching evaluations such as expression clarity and teaching outcomes ;
Improved analytic hierarchy proeess ( AHP ) method has been used to establish the weight of the evaluation index system to the industrial security of Chinese pharmaceutical industry .
Ideally , congressional casework puts the legislator in the role of an " ombudsman " checking up on the quality of administration and helping citizens to obtain fair treatment from the agencies .
Implements evaluation systems to monitor and evaluates the effectiveness of the training and development activities such as comparison of statistics , mystery caller , and survey testing to make sure that standards have been achieved .
This study is to describe and compare the teaching standards and teaching materials between Malaysia and China , do the statistical analysis of the Chinese characters in the teaching materials , make use of teachers ' opinions collected through survey in the research .
About the effect of the transition education , there are active impact from the children ability development of the two tests , the attitude , concept of the teacher to the children , the mind of the parents and teachers , the relation between general and special children .
UPOn his analyses and investigation results , the author points out that the condition of P . > Ps + ( 0.05 ~ 0 . 10 ) MPa should still be kept in design .
The Suggestions of the Deaf and Teachers on Modification of Chinese Sign Language
Modern Information Technique of Transducer Allocation and Development of Information Resources in the Modern IT Environment
Investigation and analysis to opinions of management from football players of A-class teams in our country
Yet without investigation and study of the experience and opinions of the masses , no leader , however talented , can provide correct leadership .
And when National Journal polled political " insiders " this month , it found a majority of Democratic politicos , lobbyists and strategists in favour of making gay marriage legal .
With expert opinion and surveys based on interviews with industry extracting elements , combined with the characteristics of commercial chain enterprises , the author made a brief amendment to the BE models and proposed a series of hypotheses .
" Provide technology information , expertise and market research . "
There is52 symptom related.55 specialist participate in diagnose opinion questionnaire survey , involving the vast majority of T.
The other hand , combined with the views from the policy target groups with field survey to verify the implementation results from " Bottom-up " .
Then according to try to fill a result , the feedback opinion of investigator and drive investigator of demand , through topic set argument assurance its possibility after , again form formal devotion usage .